
2015-07-28 23:38:54 | English Notes
I overslept this morning, and my daughter woke me up. I changed clothes quickly and sent her to the station. Usually, I wake my daughter up, so I felt a little weird.
Actually, she hardly slept last night because she had to prepare for her examination. She looked really sleepy, so I was worried if she could do well on the examination.

When she came back home, she seemed to be a little tired but almost all right. I told her to take a shower first, and then to have dinner. I was concerned she might fall asleep before having dinner. In fact, she enjoyed watching TV after dinner. There was no need to be worried.

Tomorrow, I won't be as busy as today, but I will get up early. I couldn't do as much as I expected today. That's why I'll get up early and do many things. Time flies. When I began to write this diary, I had a lot of time to write. But now,it is about to be midnight. I am getting sleepy. No idea comes to mind. I might fall asleep at the desk. To tell you the truth, I dozed off for a few seconds on my chair. I think I should go to bed now.
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