Ice cubes

2016-09-27 23:31:51 | English Notes
I am writing today's diary while eating dinner and listening to music. I don't have any interesting topics to write about, but I do have something that made me upset. Maybe you will not understand why I am so upset. It is about my daughter, who is a college student.

Today, she came home around 6p.m, and I came home at 9p.m. That means, she spent three hours alone and had dinner by herself. When I came back home, she had had dinner and was watching TV in the living room. I went to the kitchen to get the meal that I made before going to work, and it was pretty hot outside so I really wanted something cold to drink. I got a glass from the cabinet and took out a canned cocktail from my bag. I bought it on the way home, therefore, it had had gotten tepid. To get some ice cubes, I walked to the refrigerator and opened the freezer. I found that there were no ice cubes there. I was terribly shocked. I thought for a while why this had happened. The cause of this occurrence was that my daughter had used all the ice cubes for herself! I often tell her not to use all of the ice cubes at once. But she does not care what people say. So I scolded her and made her go to a convenience store to get some ice cubes.


2016-09-14 08:57:12 | Event 全般
10月28日金曜日に、ECCジュニア川辺教室 にて


開催日: 10月28日 金曜日
時 間: 入場受付開始  午後4時25分~4時40分
     イベント時間  午後4時45分~5時45分予定(トリック・オア・トリート・仮装コンテスト)
     ECC生発表会 幼児部     午後4時45分~4時55分 PT・PBクラス
     トリック・オア・トリート      午後4時55分~5時20分
     仮装コンテスト及びスピーチ  午後5時25分~5時45分
     ECC生発表会 小学生部    午後5時50分~6時30分 PF/PI/PAクラス
               中学生部     午後6時40分~7時00分

場 所: ECCジュニア川辺教室及びその周辺
参加料: 700円 (早期予約 本日~10月17日迄 350円

     ECCジュニア 川辺教室 岩井 (℡ 53-6107 留守電対応) 
     Emailでのお問い合わせは、お問い合わせ者のご氏名・参加者のご氏名・通学先・学年・ご連絡先を明記の上 までご送信ください。