
2016-11-30 15:31:13 | Event 全般


開催日時   12月22日(木) 第1回 午後3時00分~4時20分
                 第2回 午後4時30分~5時50分
参加費    1回につき 350円 (ケーキ・ドリンク代含む)
定 員    各回15名(実施参加人数 5名以上)
申し込み締切 12月15日(木) 定員に達した時点で受付終了します。




2016年度 12月22日のクリスマスパーティーに

参加します         不参加です


What happened in my dream

2016-11-29 20:47:25 | English Notes
I am upset. There are lots of things that make me upset. Today is my last day to write an English diary this month. I haven't finished lots of things yet.

The night before yesterday, I had a dream. It would have been terrifying if it were real. In the dream, I was talking on the phone with my daughter. I was staying at a hotel in Nagoya. My hometown is in Nagoya in reality. I haven't visited my parents since last March and I haven't taken a long vacation for years. I think that's why I had such a dream. In the dream, I decided to take a two day holiday. It happened on the first day of the holiday, a Monday evening. My daughter was talking to me in a loud voice. She was nearly screaming. At first I didn't understand why she was so upset. I was talking to her very calmly lying on the bed with a glass of wine. She said customers had visited me and they were waiting for me. She was utterly confused about the situation, and I couldn't believe what I heard. Of course, it never happened in fact. I started to panic. At the same time, I woke up and felt relieved. Then I hurried to the kitchen to make breakfast and lunch boxes for my family.

At lunch time, an itinerant medicine salesman visited me. He comes every two months. He remembers well what I said the last time. So I am happy when I talk with him. He says I look healthier than before. I think he makes me healthier. I don't need to buy any medicine. Sorry for that.

12 MONTHS! (song for kids about 12 months in a year)

2016-11-16 14:41:12 | レッスンの様子
12 MONTHS! (song for kids about 12 months in a year)

January   1月
February  2月
March    3月
April    4月
May     5月
June    6月
July     7月
August    8月
September  9月
October  10月
November 11月
December 12月

Months Of The Year Song