

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 継体天皇 21

『日本書紀』継体天皇 21






In the summer, on the seventh day of the fourth month, King Konamata of Mimana (任那) came to the court. Konamata likely refers to a person named Arishito (阿利斯等). He informed Ōtomo no Ōmuraji Kanamura (大伴大連 金村), saying, “Since Emperor Ōjin (応神天皇) established the Miyake (官家 みやけroyal estates) in the lands across the sea, the local kings have been allowed to rule these lands as their own. This was a wise decision. However, now Silla (新羅) has disregarded the original borders that were granted and has repeatedly crossed them to invade our land. Please appeal to the Emperor for help to save my country.” Ōtomo no Ōmuraji, as requested, reported this to the Emperor.

In that same month, an envoy was sent to return Konamata to Mimana. Additionally, a decree was issued to Ōmi no Kenanomi (近江毛野臣) stationed in Mimana, stating, “Investigate what King Mimana has reported, and reconcile the conflict between Mimana and Silla.” Kenanoomi then stayed in Kumakawa and summoned the kings of Silla and Baekje (百済). Silla’s King Sariji (佐利遅) sent an emissary named Kujifure (久遅布礼), while Baekje sent Onsotsu Midori (恩率弥騰利). However, neither of the kings came personally.

Kenamochi was furious and rebuked the emissaries from both kingdoms, saying, “It is the natural order for small countries to serve greater ones. Why didn’t your kings come in person to receive the Emperor’s command, and instead sent mere emissaries? Even if your kings now wish to come and hear the Emperor’s decree, I will refuse to give it and will drive them away.”

In fear, Kujifure and Onsotsu Midori returned to their countries and informed their kings. As a result, Silla sent its high-ranking official, Ishibure Chikanki (伊叱夫禮智干岐), who held the title of “Upper Minister” (上臣), along with a force of three thousand soldiers, asking to hear the Emperor’s command.

Kenamochi, from a distance, saw the large armed force of thousands approaching, and entered the castle of Koshi-kori in Mimana. Ishibure Chikanki set up camp in Tatarahara and remained there for three months, repeatedly asking to hear the Emperor’s command. However, Kenamochi refused to convey it.


夏四月七日、任那の王である己能末多干岐(このまたかんき)が朝廷に来た。己能末多とはおそらく阿利斯等(ありしと)のことであろう。彼は大伴大連金村(おおとものおおむらじかなむら)に伝えて言った。「応神天皇が海の向こうの地に官家(みやけ 直轄領)を設置されて以来、現地の王たちはその土地を自らのものとして統治することを許されてきた。これは賢明な決定であった。しかし、今や新羅(しらぎ)は最初に与えられた境界を無視し、何度も越えて我々の領土に侵入している。どうか天皇に申し上げ、我が国を救ってほしい」と。大伴大連はその求めに応じて天皇に報告した。





令和6年9月17日(火) 2024

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