『日本書紀』推古天皇 3
Year 2, Spring, 2nd Month, Day of Hinoe-Tora (First Day):
An imperial decree was issued to the Crown Prince and the Great Minister (Ōomi, Soga no Umako 蘇我馬子), instructing them to promote the flourishing of the Three Treasures (Buddhism). At that time, many court officials (Omi [臣]) and local chieftains (Muraji [連]) constructed Buddhist halls in competition to repay the benevolence of their lord and parents. These halls came to be called temples.
Year 3, Summer, 4th Month:
A piece of aloeswood (jinkō 沈香, a type of fragrant wood) drifted ashore on Awaji Island (淡路嶋). Its girth was about three feet. The islanders, unaware that it was aloeswood, burned it together with ordinary firewood in their hearths. Its smoke emitted a wonderful fragrance that spread far, which they deemed unusual and thus offered it as a tribute.
5th Month, 10th Day:
A monk from Goguryeo (Koma no sō [高麗僧]) named Eji (慧慈) immigrated and became a naturalized citizen. The Crown Prince accepted him as a teacher.
That same year, a monk from Baekje (Kudara no sō [百済僧]) named Esō (慧聡) also arrived. These two monks spread the teachings of Buddhism and became pillars supporting the Three Treasures.
Autumn, 7th Month:
The generals returned from Tsukushi (筑紫 northern Kyushu).
Year 4, Winter, 11th Month:
The construction of Hōkōji Temple (法興寺) was completed. The eldest son of the Great Minister (Ōomi), Zentoku no Omi (善徳臣), was appointed as the temple overseer (Teranotsukasa 寺司). On the same day, the two monks, Eji (慧慈) and Esō (慧聡), began residing at Hōkōji Temple.
Year 5, Summer, 4th Month, 1st Day:
The King of Baekje (Kudara no Ō [百済王]) sent his prince, Asa (阿佐), to present tribute to the court.
Winter, 11th Month, 22nd Day:
Kishi no Iwakane (吉士磐金) was dispatched to Silla (新羅).
Year 6, Summer, 4th Month:
Kishi no Iwakane of Naniwa (難波吉士磐金) returned from Silla, bringing two magpies (kasasagi [鵲]) as tribute. These birds were released to be cared for at Naniwa Shrine (Naniwa no Mori 難波杜, present-day Ikutama Shrine). They nested on the branches there and produced offspring.
Autumn, 8th Month, 1st Day:
Silla offered a peacock (kujaku 孔雀) as tribute.
Winter, 10th Month, 10th Day:
The land of Koshi (越國, modern Hokuriku region) presented a white deer (shiroshika 白鹿) as tribute.
Year 7, Summer, 4th Month, 27th Day:
An earthquake occurred, causing all the buildings to collapse. A decree was issued across the land to conduct rituals for the Earthquake Deity (Jishin no Kami 地震神).
Autumn, 9th Month, 1st Day:
Baekje sent a camel (駱駝), a donkey (驢), two sheep (羊), and a white pheasant (白雉) as tribute.
秋七月、将軍たちが筑紫(つくし 九州北部)から帰還した。
六年夏四月、難波吉士磐金(なにわのきしのいわかね)が新羅から帰国し、鵲(かささぎ)二羽を献上した。それは難波杜(なにわのもり 生魂[いくたま]神社)で放し飼いにされ、木の枝に巣を作り、雛を孵した。
冬十月十日、越の国(こしのくに 北陸地方)が白鹿一頭を献上した。
秋九月一日、百済が駱駝(らくだ)一匹、驢馬(ろば)一匹、羊二匹、白雉(しろきぎす きじ)一羽を献上した。
令和6年12月22日(日) 2024