

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 欽明天皇 38

『日本書紀』欽明天皇 38






In the summer, on the second day of the fourth month, His Majesty traveled to the Palace of Hatsuse no Shibakaki (泊瀬柴籬宮). A man from Koshi (越) named Omoshiro of the Enu clan (江淳臣裾代) came to the capital and reported, saying, “The envoys from Koguryo (高麗) encountered violent storms, lost their bearings, and, after drifting, finally reached the coast. However, the local officials (郡司) have concealed this without informing Your Majesty. Therefore, I have come to report it.”

His Majesty issued a decree, saying, “Many years have passed since I ascended to the throne, and now it is reported that envoys from Koguryo have lost their way and arrived on the shores of Koshi (越). Though they suffered hardship on the waves, they have survived. Does this not illustrate that my governance is extensive, my virtue flourishes, benevolent teachings are widespread, and that my great grace reaches everywhere? The officials should construct a lodging (館) at Sagara (相楽) in Yamashiro Province (山城国) and provide ample assistance and care for them.”

Later that month, His Majesty returned from the Palace of Hatsuse no Shibakaki and dispatched Yamato no Aya no uji no Atai Arahiko (東漢氏直 糠児) and Katsuragi no Atai Naniwa (葛城直 難波) to call forth and welcome the envoys from Koguryo(高麗).

In the fifth month, Kashiwade no Omi Katabuko (膳臣 傾子) was dispatched to entertain the Koguryo envoys. The chief envoy understood that Kashiwade no Omi (膳臣) was an emissary from the capital. He then said to the local chieftain, “It is as I suspected. You are not the Emperor. You prostrated yourself before Kashiwade no Omi, revealing that you are not an official representative. Yet you deceived me and took the tribute as your own. Return it at once, and do not trouble me with further deceptions.” Hearing this, Kashiwade no Omi sought out the tribute and returned it, then reported back to the capital.

In autumn, on the first day of the seventh month, the envoys from Koguryo arrived in Omi Province (近江).

Later that month, His Majesty commanded Kose no Omi Saru (許勢臣 猿) and Kishi no Akahato (吉士赤鳩) to set out from Naniwa Port (難波津). They were instructed to haul their ships up to Mount Sasanami (佐々波山), decorate the vessels, and receive the envoys on the northern shores of Omi (琵琶湖北岸). Ultimately, they escorted the envoys to the Koma Residence (高麗館) in Yamashiro (山城), where they assigned Yamato no Aya no Sakanoue no Komaro (東漢坂上直 子麻呂) and Nishikori no Obito Oishi (錦部首 大石) to protect them. Furthermore, the envoys from Koguryo were graciously entertained at the Sagara Residence (相楽館).

In the thirty-second year, on the fifth day of the third month of spring, His Majesty sent Sakata no Mimiko Iratsukimi (坂田耳子 郎君) as an envoy to Silla (新羅) to inquire about the reduction of land in Mimana (任那).

During this same month, the tributes and letters from Koguryo were still not yet presented. They were delayed for many days, awaiting an auspicious time (possibly due to His Majesty’s indisposition).




その後、天皇は泊瀬柴籬宮より帰京され、東漢氏直 糠児(やまとのあやのうじのあたい あらこ)と葛城直 難波(かずらきのあたい なにわ)を派遣して、高麗の使者を呼び迎えさせました。

五月、膳臣 傾子(かしわでのおみ かたぶこ)が派遣され、高麗の使者をもてなしました。高麗の大使は、膳臣(かしわでのおみ)が都から来た使者であることを知りました。そして地方豪族(道君)に向かって言いました。「そなたが天皇ではないと疑っていたが、やはりその通りであった。そなたは膳臣に平伏し、役人ではないことを露わにした。なのに私を騙して貢物を取り上げ、自らの物とした。速やかに返還せよ。余計な虚飾は述べるな」と言いました。膳臣はこれを聞き、貢物を探し出して返還し、都に復命しました。


その月、天皇は許勢臣 猿(こせのおみ さる)と吉士 赤鳩(きしのあかはと)に命じ、難波津(なにわのつ)から出発させました。彼らは船を佐々波山(さざなみやま)まで曳き上げ、船飾りを付け、使者を近江の北岸(びわ湖の北岸)で出迎えるよう命じられました。最後に山城(やましろ)の高麗館(こまのやかた)に案内し、東漢坂上直 子麻呂(やまとのあやのさかのうえのあたい こまろ)と錦部首 大石(にしこりのおびと おおいし)を派遣して護衛をさせました。また、高麗の使者は相楽(さがらか)の館で饗応を受けました。



*不与(ふよ)   天子、また貴人・長上の病気。不例 〔コトバンク〕

令和6年11月11日(月) 2024

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