『日本書紀』用明天皇 4
Prince Anahobe (穴穂部皇子) secretly harbored ambitions to rule the land and devised a pretext to kill Sakau-no-Kimi (逆君). Together with Mononobe no Moriya, the Grand Minister (物部守屋大連), he led troops to surround the area around the Pond of Iware (磐余池).
Sakau-no-Kimi (逆君), realizing this, fled to Mount Mimoro (三諸之岳). Later that night, he secretly descended from the mountain and hid in the rear palace of the Empress Kashikiya-hime (炊屋姫皇 consort of Emperor Bidatsu). This palace was known as the Palace of Tsubakichi (海石榴市宮).
However, two members of Sakau’s own clan, Shiratsutsumi (白堤) and Yokoyama (横山), revealed his hiding place. Upon learning this, Prince Anahobe (穴穂部皇子) dispatched Mononobe no Moriya (物部守屋大連) with orders. (In some accounts, it is said that this decision was made jointly by Prince Anahobe and Prince Hatsusebe(泊瀬部皇子).
Prince Anahobe commanded, “Go and slay Sakau-no-Kimi (逆君) along with his two sons.” Thus, Moriya the Grand Minister (大連) set out, leading his forces.
逆君(さかうのきみ)はこれを察し、本拠地である三諸岳(みもろのたけ)へ逃れた。その後、その夜中に密かに山を下り、炊屋姫皇后(かしきやひめこうごう 敏達天皇の皇后)の後宮に身を隠された。この後宮は海石榴市宮(つばきちのみや)として知られる場所である。
しかし、逆君の一族である白堤(しらつつみ)と横山(よこやま)が、逆君の隠れ場所を漏らした。これを聞いた穴穂部皇子は、物部守屋大連を派遣することを決めた。(一部の記録には、穴穂部皇子と泊瀬部皇子 はつせべのみこ)が相談して決定したと記されている。)
令和6年12月6日(金) 2024