古事記』應神天皇 9
*「邊鏡」とは、古代日本において航海の安全を祈るために用いられた鏡のことです。読み方:へつかがみ。航海の安全を祈るために用いられた対になる鏡:奥鏡(おきつかがみ) 英訳: mirror for praying for the safety of navigation
There was a man named Ame no Hihoko (also known as Amanohiboko), the son of the king of Silla. This person came to Japan. The reason for his arrival was that in the country of Silla, there was a swamp called Agunuma(アグ沼). At the edge of this swamp, a lowly woman was taking a nap during the day. The sunlight shone upon her like a rainbow, and a lowly man, finding this sight suspicious, approached her to inquire about her condition. It turned out that she had become pregnant during her nap and had given birth to a red jewel.
The man who had inquired about the jewel took it and always wore it around his waist. Since he was cultivating fields in the mountains and valleys and had the oxen carry the food and drink of the farmers into the valleys, he encountered Ame no Hiho, the son of the king, there. The man asked him, ‘Why are you having the oxen carry food and drink into the valleys on their backs? You must be planning to kill the oxen and eat them.’ Attempting to capture the man and put him in a prison, Ame no Hihoko said, ‘You must be planning to kill these oxen. I will not allow it.’ Despite the man’s explanation that he was delivering food for the farmers, he was not pardoned.
Therefore, the man untied the jewel from around his waist and presented it to the king’s son. As a result, the man was pardoned. He placed the ball by the side of the bed. It became a beautiful maiden. Eventually, they got married, and she became his lawful wife. The maiden always made various delicacies and presented them to her husband. However, because the king’s son became arrogant and insulted his wife, she said, ‘I am not the kind of woman who should be your wife. I will return to my mother’s country.’ She secretly fled on a small boat to Naniwa. She was the goddess called Akaru Hime, who resided in the Himegoso Shrine in Naniwa.
Upon hearing about his wife’s escape, Ame no Hihoko pursued her to Naniwa, but he was unable to cross the sea as the sea god blocked his way. He returned to the country of Tajima, anchored his ship and stayed there and married a woman named Maetsumi, and had a son named Tadzimamorosuku. Tadzimamorosuku had a son named Tadzimahine, who had a son named Tadzimahinaraki.
The descendants continue through Tadzimamori, Tadzimahitaka, and Kiyohiko. Kiyohiko married Tagima no Mehi and had two children, Suganomorowo and Sugakamayuradomi. Among them, Tadzimahitaka, whom I mentioned earlier, married his cousin Yuradomi and had a daughter, Takanukahime of Katsuragi. She was the mother of Okinagatarashi Hime (Empress Jingū).
The treasures that Ame no Hihoko brought when he came to Japan were two jade strings called Tamatsuhō, as well as eight items: Neckcloth that calms the waves, Neckcloth that cuts the waves, Neckcloth that shakes the wind, Neckcloth that cuts the wind, Inner mirror, and Side mirror. All of these are enshrined in the Izushi Shrine.
*Note: “Side mirror” or “邊鏡(へつかがみ)” refers to a mirror used in ancient Japan to pray for safe navigation during voyages.
令和5年8月25日(金) 2023