

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 欽明天皇 30

『日本書紀』欽明天皇 30




In the sixteenth year, in the spring of the second month, Yosho (余昌), a prince of Baekje (百済), sent his younger brother Kei (恵), another prince, to convey the following message: “Seimei-o (聖明王), the Wise King, was killed by a traitor.” The death had occurred in the fifteenth year at the hands of the Silla (新羅), and now they reported it to the court. Hearing this, the Emperor was deeply saddened and sent an envoy to receive Kei and offer condolences at Naniwadzu (難波津). Kose no Omi (許勢臣) asked Kei, “Would you wish to remain here, or would you prefer to return to your homeland?” Kei responded, “With trust in the Emperor’s benevolence, I desire to avenge my father. If you would show pity upon me and grant me soldiers and arms, I would gladly wash away this shame and fulfill my wish of vengeance.  “Whether I stay or leave, how dare I not simply follow the command.” 

Later, Soga no Omi (蘇我臣) inquired, saying, “The Wise King (聖王) comprehended the paths of Heaven and the geography of Earth, and his name was known in all four directions. We believed he would enjoy peace for all time, governing the lands west of the sea, and for ten thousand years would serve the Emperor. Who would have foreseen that he would suddenly pass away, like water flowing to never return, and find rest in the darkened chamber of the tomb? How deeply painful and profoundly sorrowful this is! Who among those with feelings would not be moved to mourn? Was there some fault that brought forth this calamity? And now, by what means can the nation be pacified?”

Kei replied, “I am by nature simple-minded and know little of great plans, let alone the roots of fortune and misfortune or the fate of a nation.” To this, Soga no Kimi (蘇我卿) said, “In the past, during the era of Emperor Yuryaku (雄略天皇), your country of Baekje (百済) faced great danger from an invasion by Goguryeo (高麗), a peril as fragile as eggs stacked in a pile. At that time, the Emperor ordered the court’s high priest to seek divine guidance. The oracle, speaking the words of the gods, declared, ‘Invoke the deity who founded the nation to go forth and aid the ruler in peril, and surely peace and stability will be restored to the nation, and the people will find tranquility.’

Thus, the gods were called upon and dispatched, and Baekje was saved. In this way, peace was restored. The founding deity of the nation descended from Heaven in the ancient times when Heaven and Earth were divided and plants spoke; it is said that this god established your country. I have recently heard that your country has ceased to worship this ancestral deity. Now is the time to repent for past oversights, repair the shrine, and honor the divine spirits, and in doing so, your nation will surely flourish. You must not forget this.”





すると、恵は「私は天性愚鈍であり、大きな計略を知ることができません。まして、禍福の由来や国家の存亡についてなどは分かりません」と答えた。これに対し、蘇我卿(そがのきみ)は言った。「昔、雄略天皇の御代に、百済は高句麗(こま)に攻められ、累卵(卵が積まれるように)の危うい状況にありました。そのとき、天皇は朝廷の神祇伯(じんぎはく)に命じて、神々に策を尋ねられました。神託を受けた祝者(はふり 神憑りをする者)が、神の言葉を告げ、『初めに国を建てられた神を呼び寄せ、滅びそうな国主を助ければ、必ずや国が安らぎ、人々もまた安穏となるであろう』と言いました。こうして神を招き、百済を救うために派遣されました。それゆえ国は安らかになったのです。


令和6年11月3日(日) 2024

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