Cats Lover , Animal Rights , Jazz Singer , Yuko Tsukazaki ♪

塚崎優子(Yuko Fairy♪)
(Jazz Singer)(猫愛好家)
(ECC ジュニア英語講師)

Dear my mentor , Elisabeth ♪

2007年12月29日 | JazzVocal & DJ(音楽・趣味)
(Photo by N)

Dear my mentor , Elisabeth ♪

Hi , How have you been ?
Are you busy ?

I apologize for not writing sooner
as I have been very busy with teaching , singing
and of course with my radio show .
There is not enough time in the day .
I'm thinking about cutting down
on my teaching schedule
next year or the year after next . ( less money ! )
So I must sing more .

The first , the socond and the third
of three parts of your interviews have been aired .
My listeners enjoyed it -
some of them loved your CD "The only way out is up"
which was a gift .
In December , I had an "Elisabeth Lohninger Special ".
I will give away four CD sets to some lucky listeners .

Best regards to your husband , Walter .

Your student ,
Yuko Tsukazaki ♪

Pink fairy , Yuko Tsukazaki (Vo) Website URL :

Ms. Elisabeth Lohninger (Vo)(Interview Part 3)

2007年12月29日 | JazzVocal & DJ(音楽・趣味)
FM MOOV 76.1MHz KOBE JAPAN " Smooth Time"

DJ (personality): Yuko Tsukazaki (Vo)(interviewer)
Special Guest : Ms. Elisabeth Lohninger (Vo)(interviewee)

Theme is "Music around the globe ".

★The3rd Saturday ,
November 17 & December 15 , 2007 on the air
My Corner 「Heart to Heart !」
( My heart to Listener 's heart individually
with Ms . Elisabeth Lohninger )

【My professional development】

Q 1
・Have I changed since we met ?
Because I felt I have changed .
I think I'm more inspired and more confident .

☆Yeah , I think that's true actually .
I remember the first time you came to me
and said that you had very limited plans ,
you were going to stop singing after a while .
And I never really understood why you would put
such limitations on yourself .
And so now I think that is really not a question .
It seems like this is something that you do
and you just do it and you don't limit yourself
to expectations you just enjoy ,
I think you enjoy the music more , too
more confident definitely .

Q 2
・What point of my singing has improved the most
since we first met ?

☆I think technically you have more range .
And it is more rich ,
your voice is definitely richer ,
but I also think
because you have a very big repertoire .
You have a pretty wide range of songs
that you can pull out of a hat and sing .
That is a very big improvement .
I think the first time you came to me
your repertoire was fairy small ,
and that has definitely improved quite a bit .

Q 3
・What do you dislike about our lessons ?

☆I think the biggest drawback that
we have is that you're here for only 2 weeks
in the summer .
It is a short time .
And although it is good to do
such intensive classes for a little bit ,
it would be beneficial to do this more regularly ,
like for you to have a lesson with me
once a week for instance .
But that's what we have to deal with .

・Well , what do you like about our lessons ?

☆They are very intense .
Yes , I think our lessons are very intense
also because you always book double lessons
so it's 2 hours .
We really have a nice good chunk of time
where we can very deeply go into vocal technique
as well as into singing songs and improvisation .
And I like your curiosity .
I like the fact that you really want to learn .
I think your eagerness to learn .

Q 4
・What would you like me to improve ?

☆That's a hard question to answer .
Because there's always room for improvement ,
for everybody , like for myself for whoever
and there's always various different things
that we can improve on .
I think you can definitely improve on
your improvising skills .
But we are working on that anyway .
And then technique , just continue working on .
Liberating your voice ,
but that is something that we do as singers anyway .
We consistently and continuously do it .
That's part of what we do .

Q 5
・Where is the hottest jazz club in New York now ?

☆Now , the hottest , there's a few hottest I think .
As I mentioned before "Kitano" is very good ,
"Jazz Standard" , I love the "Jazz Standard" ,
it has a great , great vibe .(=vibration)
And of course the "55Bar" .
You can also go to "Fat Cat" .
"Fat Cat" is in the village .
They don't do a lot of vocalists ,
they have mostly instrumentals ,
but the club is nice ,
it has a lot of arm chairs like squishy chairs
that you can sit down in and listen to good music .
They have a grand piano ,
it's not big , definitely bigger than the "55 Bar" .

Q 6
・Do you have any special plans this Christmas ?
No , I don't think that far ahead ,
I have so much to do between now and Christmas .
Since both me and my husband are both Austrian .
We celebrate it a little bit differently .
Well , we don't eat turkey .
Part of that is because I'm vegetarian ,
so we don't eat turkey .
But it was never a tradition back
when I was eating meat .
In Austria , we did not have turkey .
It was very different .
a lot of sausage , white sausage
with sour krout and potatoes .
Very traditional meal in Austria and
I do eat fish , so I'm not 100% vegetarian ,
so what I usually do is I cook fish ,
and we have a tree , a Christmas tree ,
a small tree .

Thank you so much for joining our program !
I'm looking forward to seeing you next time ...

Pink fairy ,
Yuko Tsukazaki ♪

Ms. Elisabeth Lohninger (Vo)(Interview Part 2)

2007年12月29日 | JazzVocal & DJ(音楽・趣味)
FM MOOV 76.1MHz KOBE JAPAN " Smooth Time"

DJ (personality): Yuko Tsukazaki (Vo)(interviewer)
Special Guest : Ms. Elisabeth Lohninger (Vo)(interviewee)

Theme is "Music around the globe ".

★The3rd Saturday ,
October 20 & December 15 , 2007 on the air
2007 on the air
「Ms. Elisabeth Lohninger down deep !」
( Today 's special guest interview Part 2)

【Professional life】

Q 10
・How would you describe your sound ?

☆Dark , Alto Sound .
My voice is lower , husky ,
it has an airiness to it .
Chocolate .

Q 11
・What genre do you fit into ?

☆Jazz , Modern Jazz .

Q 12
・What would you like to accomplish musically ?

☆Total freedom .
Jazz has the potential for a very very free expression .
That is my desire as a vocalist
to really have a free voice to do
whatever I want to do at any given time .

Q 13
・What hurdles did you have to overcome
to become a singer ?

☆Same with everybody .
My family wasn't excited about me ,
becoming a singer .
My mother didn't believe I would become a singer .
She believed I would become a high school teacher .
It is also personal as a person you need to know
what you really need to do
and have the courage to go for it ,
to identify this as your dream ,
it doesn't matter if you are a vocalist
or painter or an architect or whatever .
Identify your dream and go for it .
A big leap of faith .

Q 14
・What do you love about your life ?

☆I love the fact that I live in New York .
I think it's the greatest city in the world .
I love being a musician .
I love the fact that developing
as a musician is endless ,
I'll be busy for the rest of my life .
Working on my technique , writing ,
being creative .
Also , in New York ,
there is such a vast diversity of music ,
different styles of music
different kinds of art
and soak in it and embody it in your work .

・What would you like to change about your life ?

☆Have more money .
I would like to tour more ,
I would like to be performing more .

Q 15
I have all your CDs ,
most of the songs you wrote the music and lyrics ,
as well as performed ,
produced and recorded by yourself .
It 's amazing to me !
・What was the most difficult about the process ?

☆Every single aspect of making a CD is difficult .
And it is a different kind of difficulty each time .
The most difficult one is when I'm starting out
trying to find a concept for a CD ,
having the patience for the idea to come up
or writing the songs .
Writing the songs can be really great and easy ,
And so you must make sure you have enough songs
and that the songs fit together ,
that they have a nice sound together mood .
Recording process really
I think what is the hardest for me is recording
and editing my own vocals .

・How long does it take to make your CDs ?

☆Depends on the project .
Last one "The only way out is up"
we worked on that one , on and off ,
for about 2 months .

Q 16
・Please introduce a few songs ,
which are my favorites ,
「The only way out is up」,
「Both sides now」 and
「Journey of forgotten tears」.

"The only way out is up"
That song , the idea and chorus
actually came to me as I was walking down the street .
That happens quite a bit .
All of the sudden I have this thing in my head .
It's really like about how you have to get up
and start again .
Like , say you've been disheartened or disappointed ,
or suffered a huge blow ,
you thought your life was going to go this way ,
everything chanced , and you thought , oh , my god !
But the only way out of the situation is get up
and start again .
That is why , it is called the only way out is up .

"Both sides now"
That is actually a song that I didn't write ,
a song by Joni Mitchell ,
and I heard this song for the first time on her CD ,
I cannot remember the title ,
where she did all jazz songs
with orchestra arrangements ,
like a huge orchestra ,
and the last song on that CD is "Both sides now".
And I heard it and just fell in love with it .
So then I made a little arrangement for it ,
I changed the harmonies and I love it ,
it's one of my all time favorite songs .
It's also one of my favorite songs .

"Journey of forgotten tears"
That is a song that deals with grief ,
and it has to deal with when you basically think
you are done with something ,
Like in my case ,
my father died when I was a young child
and I moved that away from myself .
Because it was like , OK .
This was when I was a child , 15 , 20 years ago ,
whatever , so I'm done with graving ,
about this so you build your life around that lie
because if you do not deal with grief
it will not go away .
It will stay with you ,
it will stay in your soul
and so eventually I started looking at it ,
I started looking at the grief and I realized .
I had to go through it ,
that I couldn't go around it ,
I couldn't avoid it ,
and so that's where the title comes from ,
it's a journey of revisiting those feelings ,
of revisiting or actually acknowledging
those feelings and these tears need to be shed ,
you might have forgotten about them ,
you might have forgotten you still have them ,
but they will come out ,
That's what that sing is about .

・Please introduce a few songs
which are your favorites .

☆They have to be from my CDs .
OK , from the new one I really like "Mirage"actually ,
which is the first song .
Because it is very moody , very sensual ,
and it creates a certain mood ,
and we take it to a different place
when we play it live ,
that's always exciting when you're recording a song
and then you're playing it lives and it develops
into something a little bit different ,
into something a little bit more ,
we're taking it more into an Arabian knight
kind of thing , it's very cool .

And then another song from there that
I really like mostly for it's contents ,
but also it's a song that excites me
and I know probably a lot of people don't like it ,
but I like it and it's the last song ,
and that's called "Free to fall"
and it is not a typical jazz song
it is the groove is a drum and bass groove ,
in seven four and for me ,
when I do this song I usually call
it my ode to freedom .
Because it is the more you allow yourself
to be free to make mistakes for instance ,
free to fall . (fall=fail)
Free to get desperate and get angry
and do what you have to do .
And the more you can express your authentic self
And that is really what , to me ,
what that song is about and it also signifies
a very long journey in my life
and I think in most artists life that ,
and especially female artists , I think ,
where we feel that we need to censor ourselves
that we shouldn't really just lay it all out there ,
And I think that's exactly what we need to do .
To be completely authentic and confident
that even if we fail , we fail gloriously .

And I also really like "As the tides turn"
which is also , it's a balled on the new CD .
It's I essentially wrote it for a friend
who went through a very difficult break up
and I wrote it while I was vacuuming the house ,
actually or I came up with the idea
and I had to stop vacuuming and write the song .

Q 17
・Do you have any plans to come to Japan ?

☆I would love to come to Japan .
But I don't have any immediate plans .
I'm still trying to see how I would be able to do this .
But I would be very excited about doing it .

・What about future singing engagements ?

☆You mean in Japan , oh I would love to .
Not yet , it's basically I need an agent .
Yes . Hello , is there an agent out there .

(I hope you can get a chance to have Japanese agency .
I'd love to support you ,
if you come to Kobe , or Osaka , Japan .

Q 18
・Do you have any advice for our listeners
who are budding singers ?

☆Practice , practice , practice .
Yes , practice , work on your craft .

Thank you very much for your wonderful comments !
We have more interview right after this ...

Pink fairy ,
Yuko Tsukazaki ♪

Ms. Elisabeth Lohninger (Vo)(Interview Part 1)

2007年12月29日 | JazzVocal & DJ(音楽・趣味)
FM MOOV 76.1MHz KOBE JAPAN " Smooth Time"

DJ (personality): Yuko Tsukazaki (Vo)(interviewer)
Special Guest : Ms. Elisabeth Lohninger (Vo)(interviewee)

Theme is "Music around the globe ".

Good evening , Elisabeth !
Today , Smooth Time goes global from New York City .
I have the distinct pleasure to chat
with Ms. Elisabeth Lohninger ,
educator , performer and my mentor .

★The3rd Saturday ,
September 15 & December 15 , 2007 on the air
「Ms. Elisabeth Lohninger on the surface !」
( Today 's special guest interview Part 1)

【Development of professional life】

Q 1
・You are a New School University faculty member
as well as a performer and recording artist .
Which is the most important for you ?

☆Performing and writing my own material
go hand and hand .

・Why ?

☆Because they are a direct expression of me
and both have energy .
When you make music is for yourself ,
but also for the people .
Music , in the room . (Listening)
It is a great and way to express yourself
and your humanity .
It's fun .

Q 2
・When did you know you wanted to be a singer ?

☆Always . Since I was a child .

・What about a teacher ?
・Which was first ?

☆Singing was first .
Teaching came later .
It evolved . (=developed)
The more I studied ,
the more I learned and
the more I was interested and
wanted to share it with someone else .
Passing it on .
(It means musical knowledge .)

Q 3
・Does being a performer affect your teaching ?

☆Yes .

・And does being a teacher affect your performing ?


・Why ?

☆My students want to be performers not teachers .
As I am a performer ,
I know what it takes .
When I learns something new ,
I try it in a gig .
If it works , I pass it on to my students .

Q 4
・Who influenced your singing ?

☆Many .
Jazz ,
Sara Vaughn ,
Ella Fitzgerald ,
Bobby McFerrin
Voice , Pop ,
Any singers who is truthful and moves me .
(Touches my heart .)

・How about teaching ?

☆All teachers . (Singing teachers)
Especially in New York ,
Jeanie Lobetry ,
Wendy Par ,
Now ,
Jill Edluards .
what they teach me ,
I try on myself and if it works ,
I pass it on to my students .

Q 5
Please tell us about your background ?

☆Austrian .
Started performing at 6 years old .
Austrian folk music ,
next classical piano and singing .
Grew up on a farm in a small town
with only 25 people .

Q 6
・What was it like moving from Austria to America ?

☆New York was a shock .
Salzburg has 200.000 people .
New York is a big city .
And language was different than I learned
also it is difficult to speak a foreign language all day ,
every day .
Food was bad .

Q 7
・What 's the difference between the Austrian
or European music scene and New York or America ?

☆13 years in New York .
Jazz came from New York . (Traditional)
It is in society ,
so it is organic and natural .
In Europe ,
Jazz is an acquired taste .
People get into Jazz older . (Not so Traditional)
Not in society .
They create their own Jazz .

Q 8
・Where have you been doing gigs this year ?
・How about the future ?

☆This year , I have toured in Europe ,
Austria , Germany and the Czech Republic .
Touring is fun ,
it's crazy but it's fun .
I go twice a year .
Next one is in October .
That will be Germany , Austria , Luxembourg
and maybe the Czech Republic .
Also performing here in the city .
「55 Bar」regularly ,
「Brooklyn library」nice performing space ,
「Kitano」Japanese Hotel with a beautiful club
in Spring (maybe).

Q 9
・Do you have a favorite venue ?

☆The「55 Bar」is one of my favorites .
It's very intimate and very direct
and early shows are free .
It feels like old New York .

Thank you so much for your nice comments !
We have more interview right after this ...

Pink fairy ,
Yuko Tsukazaki ♪

FM MOOV KOBE"SmoothTime"第7回目放送プレゼント

2007年12月29日 | JazzVocal & DJ(音楽・趣味)
 「”Smooth Time” 
    with the Pink fairy ,
     Yuko Tsukazaki♪」

 ジャズヴォーカリスト Ms.Elisabeth Lohninger

「the only way out is up」,
「beneath your surface」,
「alien lovers」&「austrian」
御希望の方は、番組名『Smooth Time』、


☆☆☆応募締め切り 12月28日(金)!!!
抽選発表は 12月30日(日)予定です。☆☆☆

 Pink fairy ,