
【古舘 興の墨絵世界 Sumi-e world of Kou Furutachi 】

The falls can not support each other
【展示会出品の御案内: Guidance of exhibition exhibition 】
*「現代水墨作家」展 8月8日~17日 国立新美術館
招待出展・・・縦176cm×横352cm タイトル「阿蘇噴煙の結晶」

* National Museum - 17 the 8th "Contemporary Ink writer" Exhibition in August
"Crystal plume of Aso" invitation exhibitors ... length 176cm × 352cm side title
There is a landscape of today result of overlap of the caldera, past history of the world Aso.
I have expressed here the figure of fantasy, illusion.
=SUMIE 淡墨(たんぼく)物語=日貿出版社より発刊・書店にて取り扱い中

Black light SUMIE (Tan me) story
The handling of in-published book store than Nichibou publisher

“戯れる墨の流れ” 本の中の一ページより
Than one page in the book "flow of ink frolicking"