

what has all souls come to earth全ての魂が地球に何をしに来たのか(英語)

2021年01月17日 10時39分43秒 | 日記



What do you mean, a message from the sky?

the universe is a world of hundreds of millions of years

and the essence of life continues to reincarnate

and learn and support each other

the law of the universe is to serve as a role

humans live with forgetting it

To remind me of that

heaven keeps the information on it


but people can get that information for themselves

replace it with your own greed

The pile of human desires collapsed in a balance of life and death

We can't stop the increase of endangered species

the earth is screaming

The moon supports the weary

That's why

Keeping the heavenly messages

it's absolutely vital.

The only one hundred percent of the world's trust is that it's a role.

the one that keeps playing.

it was the last reincarnation in this world

Hasutomo Cocoro is here

He risks his life and will play the last part of this world


Babagan lampus自殺について(ジャワ語)

2021年01月17日 07時40分14秒 | 日記



Apa tegese pesen saka langit? Ing sejarah atusan yuta taun, alam semesta terus reinkarnasi, lan minangka hukum alam semesta sing manungsa lali lan urip kanthi ngelingi, sinau lan ndhukung siji lan sijine. Amarga alasan iki, alam semesta terus ngeculake informasi , nanging sanajan ana wong sing nampa informasi kasebut, dheweke bakal ngganti kanthi kepenak dhewe lan nggunakake kanggo keserak dhewe. Kanthi nambah rasa srakah manungsa, keseimbangan antara urip lan pati bakal ilang lan jumlah spesies sing kaancam bakal nambah. Bumi njerit ora bisa ditahan. Bulan sing nyengkuyung wis kesel, mula pancen penting banget kanggo terus ngirim pesen swarga amarga mung siji-sijine peran ing jagad sing 100% dipercaya swarga Terusake minangka reinkarnasi pungkasan ing jagad iki <Hasutomo Cocoro> Bakal diputer peran pungkasan ing jagad iki kanthi resiko urip.