歴史どうたらいじぐって おばさん達ふざけんじゃねーって
A nation that eats loosely on the issue of money
History isn't messing around with aunts
自分は借金する立場にないんだ いつまでも返済してこない人喰い朝鮮ゴキブリと公務員集団にブちぎれてる
I'm not in a position to borrow money. I'm torn apart by a group of civil servants and a human-eating Korean cockroach who never pays back.
これ 言語の悪用あるから
Meaning of matsuru Because this is a language abuse
んじゃ まつった宮司が偉い事にされる
その権限欲しいって エリザベス一家ミンチになってまつってもらえ
The priest who worshiped is made a great thing Atmospherically the same in the world, right? I want that authority, please become a minced meat of the Elizabeth family There will be some worshipers
イギリス国民 この人権無視のひどさ 味わってみたらいい
まつると言って宮司が歴代で権限を持ち 拝金やるだけだぜ?
まったく 死んだ側にしたら赤の他人だぜ?
British people, this terrible ignorance of human rights should be tasted The priest has the authority to say that it's a festival, and he just pays money, right? If you're on the dead side, you're a red stranger, right?
本来なら その権限は子にあるだろ 違う?
Others are priests, so exaggerate the authority of the 1st and 2nd generations The natives are cut off Originally, that authority belongs to the child, isn't it?
それ 祖はもともと源氏だから いや 北畠系だから いや村上系だから
いや伏見としても ぜひ祈願に分配してもらいたい
ああ それじゃ分けてあげるよ
It's because the ancestor was originally Genji, no, because it's Kitahata, no, it's Murakami. No, even Fushimi wants you to distribute it to your prayers. Oh, then I'll divide it
なんだ かんだ
Various other things
Used as a tool to attach the authority of the administrative brutes of other people in red Money collection is compulsory
アカツキの知財管理は俺がやる いや んじゃあの知財わけて
ああいいよ 売るから
I will manage Akatsuki's intellectual property. Oh good, I'll sell it Like
これ 大昔からやってんだ!!!!!!!!!!!!って
何度騒げばわかるんだ 宮内庁や米英のバカは
I've been doing this since ancient times! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! What How many times do you make a noise? The Imperial Household Agency and the American and British idiots
ほんで行政側についたヤツが 一人で「いや それはダメだ!!」と
思っても集団だと 「いや 売りましょ だって俺らも飯食わないと
こういう感じでさ 集団になるとこうなの
んで見てのとおり 行政の責任とったやり直しや是正って少ないんだよ
責任とらされて あとでイジメにあうから
責任とって 自分が損したくない
The guy who was on the administration side said, "No, that's no good !!" Even if you think about it as a group, "No, let's sell it, we have to eat too." I can't do it It ’s like this. It ’s like this when it comes to a group. As you can see, there are few redoing and corrections that are the responsibility of the administration. I'm taken responsibility for it because I'll be bullied later Take responsibility and don't want to lose I got this job
しょせん こんなパターンだ
Shosen: This is the pattern
白の死神だって 他人が知ったかぶりで稼ぎまくっていたら
Even if it's a white reaper, if you're earning money with something that others know The real family feels like a sword.
この微妙な境界線は 細い線のようなもので、さらに こっからはダメだ
そして それは大勢だ
This delicate border is like a thin line, and it's no good from here There must be something like And that's a lot
自分は人口差から あちこちの反応性を見てる
I see the reactivity here and there from the difference in population It's also a sense of value
あまりに かぶせ工作やりすぎたんだ この国
そして それは、小物代官が実行部隊で 上に献上し、さらに上へ献上し
上にいったら そいつらの品評会展開で あとは広告宣伝と売名
その権威はすごかったと宣伝し まずいい学校入る突破口にしたり
I did too much cover work in this country And it is presented by the accessory daikan in the execution unit, and then presented further. If you go to the top, they will develop their fairs, and the rest will be advertising and publicity stunts. Advertised that the authority was amazing, and made it a breakthrough to enter a good school Engaging in a good industry elite
だから 苗字で気が付いたんだ
That's why I noticed with my last name
松平徳川時代においても 相当都合悪いものは焚書 滅失にされ
Even in the Matsudaira Tokugawa era, the book burning was destroyed if it was inconvenient. The masturbation biography of the accessory daikan remains on the stone monument
松平徳川時代で うちの金がおかしくなってた事や 相馬がなぜか
In the Matsudaira Tokugawa era, my money went wrong and why Soma From the feeling of being treated as a lord, the administration of the beggar-eating criminal It means that he had a good administration for a long time.
うちは武家でなく公家官からきてるんで ほぼ武家になりえないわけ
We are not a samurai but a public official, so we can hardly be a samurai The guy who contributed it to Aomori is Aomori from Osaka via the Soma clan.
We are not a samurai but a public official, so we can hardly be a samurai The guy who contributed it to Aomori is Aomori from Osaka via the Soma clan.
福井は流民経由だろうし 新潟も流民経由だろう
森喜朗が反応してたら まさしくってヤツ
Fukui will be via migrants, and Niigata will also be via migrants If Yoshiro Mori reacts, it's just that guy Furthermore, Satomi from Chiba
5ちゃんで 小野寺らしきヤツの書き込み見たぞ スクショとったから
何が南朝正統だよ 三種の神器 本物を持ってるとか
あんなもん 意味ねーの
馬鹿畜生宮内庁と糞教育のおかげで 神社都合で それが定着したようだけど
I saw the writing of a guy who seems to be Onodera with 5chan because I took a screenshot Can be put out at any time
What is the orthodox Southern Court? That's what it means
Thanks to the idiot Imperial Household Agency and feces education, it seems that it has taken root due to the convenience of the shrine.
己らの立場 わかってるのか
何なんだその態度 胸糞悪い
自分 返済されて、どっかに金使うにしても、この長い歴史捏造の被害者と
Even if I repay myself and spend some money, with the victim of this long history fabrication Do not cooperate with the concessionaire
あたしのブログ ぱくって糞乞食の議員や大学関係者 記者らが
似たような事を取り決めやった 実績だとか出していても
しょせんは あたしからだぜ?
My blog: Pakutte feces beggar lawmakers and university reporters Even if it is a track record of making similar arrangements Isn't it from me?
世間様が両方見てれば ああこいつパクリ ってばれっぞ?
政策でこういう事やった ああいう事やった
If the world sees both, oh this guy's pakuri? I did something like this in my policy
いいや 糞精子ボンクラカス そもそも あたしが道の駅やら物販促進
とかさ もういろんな事とっかかりで出してんの
あたしが行政仕切ってる!!と出してたから 安倍傘下は
責任とらなくてもいいんだ!?というノリで あたしの指摘した分を
やれただけなんだぞ? バカなのか この糞国家の政策語るヤツ
さらに金未払いだから やらない!!って騒いでる間に
勝手にできる事を押し切ってるだけだ 行政ゴキブリが
I am in charge of the administration! !! Because it was issued, Abe's umbrella You don't have to take responsibility! ?? The part I pointed out You just did it, right? Is it stupid? The guy who talks about the policy of this dung nation Furthermore, I will not do it because I have not paid the money! !! While making a noise I'm just pushing through what I can do without permission.
まさしく そこのテリトリーの不良債権すげーんだ
The bureaucrats and government officials blame the lawmakers It ’s just that the territory ’s bad debts are amazing.
それ 糞精子の徳仁と外野は まつってる 神さまがやってくれる
ああ期待してたのに まつってる間の俺の権力!!って
思い込むかもしれないよな? ガンでしかない
Naruhito and the outfield are festive, God will do it for you I was expecting it, but my power during the festival! !! What You might think, right? Only cancer
とにかく 背乗りすぐやるんだ
さらに 松平徳川エリアで囲っておけ 財産管理する!!っていう
思い込みじゃ困るんで 住所変えないといけない
Anyway, I'll do it right away I'm nervous about this measure In addition, enclose it in the Matsudaira Tokugawa area and manage your property! !! That I have to change my address because I don't think it's a good idea
引っ越しどうの ドコモメールでくるのも偶然ではないな
いいや 返済しろ!!!!!!!!
No, pay the money! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!
It is necessary to draw a line with Korea
畜生宗教脳は 「供物を出して鎮ませろ!!」と思っている所も
金の問題に機嫌取りで済む訳がなく 自分が決済した分で膨大な件数だ
Some places where the brute religious brain thinks, "Put out offerings and calm down!" Discrepancies There is no reason to be in a good mood due to the problem of money.
重症でない人は 耳が痛い話だ でも、見渡してみろ
If you give an offering, it will calm down! !! Is a big mistake If you switch on immediately, it will fly over hundreds of millions If you're not seriously ill, it's a story that hurts your ears, but look around. Severe Shinto brain terrible
あれらには これ以上言わないと、そもそも 感じる所が壊れてるんじゃ
If you don't tell them any more, the place you feel is broken in the first place. I wonder if there is
すぐ あああの〇〇家はこうでああで やたら日本史語るけど
武家のどうたら どうでもいいんだ
その調子で 軍事どうたら 聞いてらんねーって
Immediately, the XX family is like this, and I'm talking about Japanese history. Full of corruption in the samurai government I don't care about the samurai Fight with the samurai in the near future! !! I can't do it In that condition, how about the military?
さらに国有化で考えられても 金の清算しないで
畜生人喰い国家の国有化なんぞ 貴様ら松平徳川か?って話
ああ だからイギリス王室がへばりついてるんだ
その宮司らと自分 関係ねーんだ
まつられても 困る 他所もそう
Furthermore, even if it is considered to be nationalized, do not settle the money Nationalization of a brute-eating nation, are you guys Matsudaira Tokugawa? Talk Oh, that's why the British royal family is clinging I have no relationship with the priests I'm in trouble even if I'm enthusiastic
いなかった事になるほど 背乗り寄生虫糞っぷり
Plenty of parasite droppings on the back I killed a lot like that
知財管理者は自分だ あんたらじゃない その資格がある?
大日本帝国自体が 徳川・伏見の軍人昇格制度だ
The IP manager is myself, not you, are you qualified? Is that the class of the shrine that is decided by the Empire of Japan? The Empire of Japan itself is a military promotion system for Tokugawa and Fushimi.
そして そういう事を勝手に決めてる雰囲気はな
そしたら あんたらが管理者みたくなるだけで
んじゃ物はここに 全部宝物扱いで 役立たず
And there is no atmosphere that decides such things without permission Settlement is a nerd Then you just want to be an administrator. All the things here are treated as treasures and are useless
返せと提示しても返ってこない そこらのヤツと一緒なんだよ
この結果こんなに苦労して それおたくら
Even if I show it back, it doesn't come back. It's the same as the guys there. As a result, I had such a hard time. What is amazing Japanese Holhol?
持ってますが 自分らの階級づけになって、さらに子供できたら
継がせて 2代目3代目って おのれらの昇格道具じゃねーぞ?
I have it, but if I can rank myself and have more children Let me take over, the 2nd and 3rd generations are our promotion tools, aren't they?
これ翻訳して外出すか? いかに畜生じみてるか
この人喰い国家 犯罪者行政と朝鮮貴族
神道はうちでやってたんだ 貴様ら移民多勢が いいように物だけ
家宝みたいにして売名に利用し おたく誰?ってやってたのが
Shinto was done at home. Only things so that many immigrants can do it. Who is the nerd who uses it as a publicity stunt like a heirloom? I was doing This human-eating nation
ほんで 大分は献上品を昭仁一家に出してるので ムシはじめてんだ
昭仁人喰いゴキブリと山口組とホモペニスのオバマだろ そこ
いや 高市バックアメリカCIA
河野バック イギリス王室CIA
ああ やっぱオバマ見えそうだわ
中華神奈川のオナニー 高市でやってるのか
中華ゴキブリ 賭け事で精子ぶっぱなすキチガイだからな
本当に嫌い 上海
細田博之 | 塩谷立 | 下村博文 馳浩 高木毅 松野博一 吉野正芳 中川雅治 山本順三 | 山谷えり子 | 世耕弘成 | 松野博一 (副会長兼任) | 高木毅 (副会長兼任) | 鈴木淳司 | 衛藤征士郎 山崎正昭 |
衛藤征士郎 (12回・参1回、大分2区) | 細田博之 (10回、島根1区) | 安倍晋三 (9回、山口4区) | 塩谷立 (9回、静岡8区) | 下村博文 (8回、東京11区) |
馳浩 (7回・参1回、石川1区) | 高木毅 (7回、福井2区) | 松野博一 (7回、千葉3区) | 吉野正芳 (7回、福島5区) | 柴山昌彦 (6回、埼玉8区) |
谷川弥一 (6回、長崎3区) | 西村康稔 (6回、兵庫9区) | 松島みどり (6回、東京14区) | 稲田朋美 (5回、福井1区) | 奥野信亮 (5回、比例近畿) |
鈴木淳司 (5回、比例東海) | 中山泰秀 (5回、大阪4区) | 西村明宏 (5回、宮城3区) | 萩生田光一 (5回、東京24区) | 宮下一郎 (5回、長野5区) |
越智隆雄 (4回、比例東京) | 大塚拓 (4回、埼玉9区) | 亀岡偉民 (4回、比例東北) | 関芳弘 (4回、兵庫3区) | 高鳥修一 (4回、新潟6区) |
土井亨 (4回、宮城1区) | 中根一幸 (4回、比例北関東) | 松本文明 (4回、比例東京) | 岸信夫 (3回・参2回、山口2区) | 義家弘介 (3回・参1回、神奈川16区) |
青山周平 (3回、比例東海) | 穴見陽一 (3回、大分1区) | 池田佳隆 (3回、比例東海) | 大西英男 (3回、東京16区) | 小田原潔 (3回、比例東京) |
加藤寛治 (3回、長崎2区) | 菅家一郎 (3回、福島4区) | 神田憲次 (3回、比例東海) | 佐々木紀 (3回、石川2区) | 田畑裕明 (3回、富山1区) |
長尾敬 (3回、大阪14区) | 根本幸典 (3回、愛知15区) | 藤原崇 (3回、比例東北) | 福田達夫 (3回、群馬4区) | 細田健一 (3回、比例北陸信越) |
堀井学 (3回、北海道9区) | 三ッ林裕巳 (3回、埼玉14区) | 宮沢博行 (3回、静岡3区) | 簗和生 (3回、栃木3区) | 山田美樹 (3回、比例東京) |
上野宏史 (2回・参1回、比例南関東) | 尾身朝子 (2回、群馬1区) | 谷川とむ (2回、比例近畿) | 杉田水脈 (2回、比例中国) | 古田圭一 (2回、比例中国) |
宗清皇一 (2回、大阪13区) | 和田義明 (2回、北海道5区) | 安藤高夫 (1回、比例東京) | 上杉謙太郎 (1回、比例東北) | 木村次郎 (1回、青森3区) |
高木啓 (1回、比例東京) |
山崎正昭 (5回、福井県) | 世耕弘成 (5回、和歌山県) | 岡田直樹 (3回、石川県) | 末松信介 (3回、兵庫県) | 中川雅治 (3回、東京都) |
野上浩太郎 (3回、富山県) | 山谷えり子 (3回・衆1回、比例区) | 山本順三 (3回、愛媛県) | 西田昌司 (3回、京都府) | 森まさこ (3回、福島県) |
丸川珠代 (3回、東京都) | 赤池誠章 (2回・衆1回、比例区) | 髙階恵美子 (2回、比例区) | 長谷川岳 (2回、北海道) | 古川俊治 (3回、埼玉県) |
江島潔 (2回、山口県) | 石田昌宏 (2回、比例区) | 石井正弘 (2回、岡山県) | 上野通子 (2回、栃木県) | 太田房江 (2回、大阪府) |
大野泰正 (2回、岐阜県) | 北村経夫 (2回、比例区) | 酒井庸行 (2回、愛知県) | 滝波宏文 (2回、福井県) | 長峯誠 (2回、宮崎県) |
羽生田俊 (2回、比例区) | 堀井巌 (2回、奈良県) | 宮本周司 (2回、比例区) | 山田修路 (2回、石川県) | 吉川有美 (2回、三重県) |
加田裕之 (1回、兵庫県) | 佐藤啓 (1回、奈良県) | 高橋はるみ (1回、北海道) | 松川るい (1回、大阪府) | 宮島喜文 (1回、比例区) |
工作で金をもらってるのは 見てわかる
自分らが国を変えたとかいう 未払いストーカー糞婆
I'm out! !! For the country Or remark
After all, you guys use stalker products, piggyback ride Set up the Korean Tokujin family for the cockroach elite mens Unpaid stalker poop that they said they changed the country
The brute is murderous to the kid there
It's also rooted, so don't forget to come out often in the future
531神2021/09/29(水) 00:18:07.05ID:ajTsZGbp0
531 God 2021/09/29 (Wed) 00: 18: 07.05 ID: ajTsZGbp0 The 100th Prime Minister should be relieved from Sanae Takaichi.
Yamaguchi-gumi's cocky smell
司 忍は日本のヤクザ。特定抗争指定暴力団・六代目山口組組長。本名は篠田 建市。渡世名の由来は「耐え忍んで司る」から。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 1942年1月25日 (年齢 79歳)
出生地: 大分県 大分市
Kenichi Shinoda is a Japanese yakuza. Specified Conflict Designated Boryokudan, 6th Yamaguchi-gumi leader. His real name is Kenichi Shinoda. The origin of the name of the migrant is "to endure and control". Wikipedia Date of Birth: January 25, 1942 (age 79) Place of birth: Oita City, Oita Prefecture
京都 会津小鉄会
The head of the Nagoya Yamaguchi-gumi is from Oita
Oita Shrine and Kyoto? Kyoto Aizu Kotetsukai
It's a pretty attitude Both under the umbrella of Mitsubishi
Kyoto Matsudaira Tokugawa and Yamaguchi-gumi line for earthwork
Oh, it ’s Daikaku Chodoin. That contact
未払いの上で 己らの利権作りしてるだけだろ
人殺し集団ストーカーソニーと清和会で組んで そのまったく関係ない神社の供物にすんの
Return the administration to Matsudaira! !! I was making a noise Speaking of which
Matsudaira stalker Murderer Matsudaira back riding With the hijacking faction Because Abe of Takaichi backyard teamed up National interest can be made! !! If you're thinking, a human-eating livestock nation You're just making your own interests on the unpaid
That ’s why it ’s bullish. Teamed up with the murderer group stalker Sony at the Seiwakai to make offerings at a shrine that has nothing to do with it.
The point of contact between Nagoya and Oita is the 6th Yamaguchi-gumi series. Plenty of Nagoya feces
Atsumi is also Yamaguchi-gumi It would be nice to play with the Hamaoka nuclear power plant! !! Chubu Electric Power with money
支払いできないでいるストーカー議員出てるエリアで供物提供なんて こっちが金ないと買えないんで、やってる事は
その金まわりがおかしいって騒いでた でしょ
Suga is more decent than Shinzo Abe
Is this still under Abe? !! I wasted a lot of money
I can't buy offerings in the area where the stalker who can't pay is out, so I can't buy it unless I have money. I just pretended to do it Abe
So even if it is said to be a national interest It just drops the budget for your criminal administration It was noisy that the money was strange, right?
Mr. Lee Korea The blog is stolen and erased, and what I did as I like America becomes a boomerang Yahoo is an American company Sony is also an American company There is Chinese food under both umbrellas
The money was spent on the former bureaucrats and the brute of the Empire of Japan, and then worked under it. Was just flowing
It was Abe
And make offerings! !! It's strange, and the essence is to respond to the indications of correction and apology. It's a big mistake if you think you can do it with a smile Boil over and over
大分 六代目山口組都合なら、全部名古屋に集約され、また名古屋徳川最強!!って松平が背乗りしてくるわ
The Korean Chinese who run around it are Japanese, so Japanese hunting is caused in Japan Even if there is a range of Shinto that I can think of, I will avoid the shrines there. Oita 6th Yamaguchi-gumi If it's convenient, everything will be concentrated in Nagoya, and Nagoya Tokugawa is the strongest! !! Matsudaira is riding on his back If Kyoto comes out in the back riding plan, it is Matsudaira's right, and it matches Fushimi The connection is Chodoin CIA It was said that only this guy could mediate between Sumiyoshi and Yamaguchi-gumi. Chodoin In the first place, it's Hirakata in the Hyakusai Shrine area! !! It is Goto and Chodoin that are said to have received a degree from the Tendai sect. I think the Tendai sect is also involved Also, Doshisha University Aizu Matsudaira clan

人殺し未払い麻生太郎のラインでいけば またこいつらに集権がいく
犯罪者麻生太郎の娘 貴族?
NHKの受信料問題何も出来てない半端仕事やっただけで、総務大臣すら糞仕事だったその女の糞便乗バカが原発だ?核だ? 何無知さらして
Takaichi NHK reception fee problem I couldn't do anything I just did a half-hearted job, and even the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications was a shit job. Is that woman's shit riding idiot the nuclear power plant? Is it a nucleus? What ignorance is exposed How does the incompetence of the NHK problem relate to housewives?
It ’s just like a lowly housewife who made money at work.
Really incompetent Osaka
That's why Kansai is like the capital, and Tohoku people are so lowly Kansai guts.
I can't do a good job
んで総務大臣とか官僚と大手企業の傀儡やるだけの議員なんぞ、税金の無駄だ 糞婆
So, the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, bureaucrats, and lawmakers who just puppet big companies are wasteful of taxes.
あたしがNHK受信料裁判あった事件でぶち切れしたんだろ!!!それ お前が総務大臣だから受信料の件言い出しただけで あたしの指摘やってるフリの自演で高市は大臣なんて終わってんだぜ?
受信料裁判が多発してNHKが発狂してたのを、あたしが発狂して大騒ぎしてたのを 糞婆てめーは何やってたって?
I was cut off in the case of the NHK reception fee trial! !! !! Because you are the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, you just mentioned the reception fee.
What did you do when NHK went mad due to frequent reception fee trials and I went mad and made a fuss?
The NHK reception fee is 300 yen! !! I was making a noise What on earth did you do in the face of Kansai Osaka lawmakers?
The Yamaguchi-gumi and Matsudaira officials who are pushing Takaichi are united with Mitsubishi Corporation's cockroach sperm and are barking at Takaichi Takaichi.
The result is a bureaucratic and big waste arranging budget.
NHK's reception fee problem and scramble problem that I have not done a good job in front of 47 prefectures facing stupid habits
Is Kansai like the capital and can be used in 47 prefectures? Is it the Japanese economy that is convenient for bureaucrats and companies to make money for that job? Unpaid Cockroach Stalker
高市が総務大臣についたら やるべき事はあたしが騒いでた事だ
あたしはもらうべき金がある 返せ朝鮮の関西と福岡
The misunderstood cockroach low brain that this one in Kansai was laughing at as the capital
When Takaichi became Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, all I had to do was make a noise.
It seems that there was an NHK representative who seems to be seconded from Mitsubishi, but NHK itself is not doing a job that makes money
Nevertheless, he collected the money and refused to scramble. NHK has been bullish and has tried more than 3 times It is a scam that the incompetence that can not even do anything, including the problem of collecting the license fee, was paid for that period
I have money to get back, Kansai and Fukuoka in Korea
It's like an abuse of the name that you can piggyback on like a stalker Takaichi is an incompetent person who doesn't even get rid of entertainers
I'm a housewife! !! Where are you stupid That word
I was stupid and incompetent and thru
I hate you Why can't I work So Kansai people? Is Kansai a public house? Isn't it the Chung area?
It ’s a parasite that the Japanese Kuge is like a Japanese holhol. cockroach
あの裁判時裁判所に大騒ぎで書いてやったあげく 後半は
Takaichi doesn't even remember the presiding judge's view in that case, which happened about three times at the time of the reception fee trial.
I wrote it in a fuss at the court at the time of the trial. In the second half Even the court changed views
The NHK reception fee problem is like an administrative fraud.
Why was Sanae Takaichi not stabbed at the time of the trial? Why isn't the idiot who doesn't do a good job stabbed by the loser in the trial?
You're not cheeky
三菱商事や東京大学の糞バカ都合の金使い込みは もう見てても明らか
高市早苗 脅しじゃねえ刺殺されてもおかしくねえ
Mitsubishi Corporation and the University of Tokyo's shit idiot spending money is clear even if you look at it already
Sanae Takaichi: It's not a threat, it's not strange to be stabbed
Even Shinzo Abe has been attacked