Beware of two major fake Japanese religious factions: "Happy Science" vs "Soka Gakkai
今 トルコのモスクの話題スレ見てて見つけた
I just found it on a Turkish mosque discussion thread.
use one's intuition
use one's intuition
見てたスレ これだけど こっちは後回し
【トルコ】世界遺産アヤソフィアはモスク 「共存の象徴」めぐり司法判断 [爆笑ゴリラ★]
This is the one I was looking at, but we'll get to that later.
Hagia Sophia is a mosque, a symbol of coexistence [laughing gorilla].
Hagia Sophia is a mosque, a symbol of coexistence [laughing gorilla].
大川隆法 - › wiki › 大川隆法
大川 隆法(おおかわ りゅうほう、1956年(昭和31年)7月7日 - )は、日本の宗教家。幸福の科学グループ創始者 兼 総裁。 1986年に「幸福の科学」を設立。信者は世界100カ国以上に広がっており、全世界に宗教施設を建立している。説法回数は3000回を超え、 ...
宗教: 幸福の科学
出身校: 東京大学法学部第3類
就任日: 1986年10月6日
国籍: 日本
来歴 · 生い立ち · 人物 · 著作
池田大作 - › wiki › 池田大作
池田 大作(いけだ だいさく、1928年1月2日 - )は、日本の宗教家、作家。宗教法人・創価学会の名誉会長、SGI(創価学会インタナショナル)会長。 山本 伸一(やまもと しんいち)、法悟空のペンネームで作家活動もしている。
親族: 長男・池田博正; 二男・(一般人、故人); 三...
配偶者: 妻・池田香峯子
生年月日: 1928年1月2日(92歳)
出生地: 日本東京都大田区
池田大作サリン襲撃未遂事件 · 池田尊弘 · 創価学会 · 戸田城聖
大川隆法 - › wiki › 大川隆法
大川 隆法(おおかわ りゅうほう、1956年(昭和31年)7月7日 - )は、日本の宗教家。幸福の科学グループ創始者 兼 総裁。 1986年に「幸福の科学」を設立。信者は世界100カ国以上に広がっており、全世界に宗教施設を建立している。説法回数は3000回を超え、 ...
宗教: 幸福の科学
出身校: 東京大学法学部第3類
就任日: 1986年10月6日
国籍: 日本
来歴 · 生い立ち · 人物 · 著作
池田大作 - › wiki › 池田大作
池田 大作(いけだ だいさく、1928年1月2日 - )は、日本の宗教家、作家。宗教法人・創価学会の名誉会長、SGI(創価学会インタナショナル)会長。 山本 伸一(やまもと しんいち)、法悟空のペンネームで作家活動もしている。
親族: 長男・池田博正; 二男・(一般人、故人); 三...
配偶者: 妻・池田香峯子
生年月日: 1928年1月2日(92歳)
出生地: 日本東京都大田区
池田大作サリン襲撃未遂事件 · 池田尊弘 · 創価学会 · 戸田城聖
Takashi Okawa - ' wiki ' Takashi Okawa
Ryuho Okawa (July 7, 1956) was a Japanese religious figure. He was the founder and president of the Happy Science Group. He founded the Happy Science Group in 1986. His followers are spread in more than 100 countries and he has built religious institutions all over the world. He has preached more than 3,000 times and ...
Religion: Happy Science
School: University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, Class 3
Inauguration date: October 6, 1986
Nationality: Japanese
Biography - Biography - People - Writings
Daisaku Ikeda - ' wiki ' Daisaku Ikeda
Daisaku Ikeda (January 2, 1928 - ) was a Japanese religious leader and writer. He is the honorary president of the Soka Gakkai (Soka Gakkai), a religious organization, and president of SGI (Soka Gakkai International). He is also a writer under the pseudonym Shinichi Yamamoto and Hōgoku.
Relatives: first son, Hiromasa Ikeda; second son, (civilian, deceased); third...
Spouse: wife, Kamiko Ikeda
Date of Birth: 2 January 1928 (92 years old)
Place of birth: Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Ikeda Daisaku's sarin gas attack attempt - IKEDA Takahiro - Soka Gakkai - TODA Jo Sei
自分のような迫害を受けない家庭で、かつ出資されるのは日本人じゃないのね 大半が。
Because Daisaku Ikeda is a Korean. Takashi Okawa, from the University of Tokyo's School of Law and from Tokushima, is probably not Japanese.
Most of them are not Japanese from families that don't suffer persecution like yours and are also funded by you.
And Ryuho Okawa is a genre of inspirational business practices.
He says that the spirit of a dead man came down and told him this
It's similar to the so-called "oracle came down" business model.
その時、もう宗教学校いらない!!!!とブログで提示したのよ、その後 「幸福の科学」学校は申請却下されてる。
東京大学法学部出た人間 何人目だ
これも駄目 あれも駄目おかしな事たくさん。
Takashi Okawa - ' wiki ' Takashi Okawa
Ryuho Okawa (July 7, 1956) was a Japanese religious figure. He was the founder and president of the Happy Science Group. He founded the Happy Science Group in 1986. His followers are spread in more than 100 countries and he has built religious institutions all over the world. He has preached more than 3,000 times and ...
Religion: Happy Science
School: University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, Class 3
Inauguration date: October 6, 1986
Nationality: Japanese
Biography - Biography - People - Writings
Daisaku Ikeda - ' wiki ' Daisaku Ikeda
Daisaku Ikeda (January 2, 1928 - ) was a Japanese religious leader and writer. He is the honorary president of the Soka Gakkai (Soka Gakkai), a religious organization, and president of SGI (Soka Gakkai International). He is also a writer under the pseudonym Shinichi Yamamoto and Hōgoku.
Relatives: first son, Hiromasa Ikeda; second son, (civilian, deceased); third...
Spouse: wife, Kamiko Ikeda
Date of Birth: 2 January 1928 (92 years old)
Place of birth: Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Ikeda Daisaku's sarin gas attack attempt - IKEDA Takahiro - Soka Gakkai - TODA Jo Sei
自分のような迫害を受けない家庭で、かつ出資されるのは日本人じゃないのね 大半が。
Because Daisaku Ikeda is a Korean. Takashi Okawa, from the University of Tokyo's School of Law and from Tokushima, is probably not Japanese.
Most of them are not Japanese from families that don't suffer persecution like yours and are also funded by you.
And Ryuho Okawa is a genre of inspirational business practices.
He says that the spirit of a dead man came down and told him this
It's similar to the so-called "oracle came down" business model.
その時、もう宗教学校いらない!!!!とブログで提示したのよ、その後 「幸福の科学」学校は申請却下されてる。
東京大学法学部出た人間 何人目だ
これも駄目 あれも駄目おかしな事たくさん。
Okawa Ryuho is a commercial law that I want to pacify.
His knowledge is less than mine, no skills, just inspirational stories of the deceased saying this, mainly.
I've been ignoring the fact that his name was mentioned for a long time, but there was a time a long time ago when this "happy science" wanted to build a school.
At that time, I didn't want a religious school anymore! I presented it on my blog, and then the "happy science" school was denied the application.
How many people have graduated from Tokyo University Law School?
No this, no that, no that. A lot of strange things.
They are people who fall into a variety of categories and are not locals.
大川隆法のストーカー 私のパクリ、自演行為
こっちは大乗仏陀と言ってる 大乗仏陀の大日如来と自称
His knowledge is less than mine, no skills, just inspirational stories of the deceased saying this, mainly.
I've been ignoring the fact that his name was mentioned for a long time, but there was a time a long time ago when this "happy science" wanted to build a school.
At that time, I didn't want a religious school anymore! I presented it on my blog, and then the "happy science" school was denied the application.
How many people have graduated from Tokyo University Law School?
No this, no that, no that. A lot of strange things.
They are people who fall into a variety of categories and are not locals.
大川隆法のストーカー 私のパクリ、自演行為
こっちは大乗仏陀と言ってる 大乗仏陀の大日如来と自称
If I copy Wikipedia, it's too long. It's a quick choice. Takashi Okawa calls himself "El Cantare", which means "The Land of the Loud Light, Earth" or "The Light of the Earth". The word is used to describe God of the earth, which means "the god of the earth," and to describe his mission to descend to earth to preach the Dharma, to save all mankind, and to give the world a better future. Proclaiming the mission of the Mahayana Buddha to build a new civilization, etc. 83%AB%E3%83%BB%E3%82%AB%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BF%E 3%83%BC%E3%83%AC
Stalking Ryuho Okawa, my pacifier, my act of acting out
This one says Mahayana Buddha. He calls himself Mahayana Buddha, Mahayana Buddha, Mahavairocana Buddha, Mahavairocana Buddha.
Then, Daisaku Ikeda of Soka
In terms of doctrine, it defines Nichiren as the true Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law, recognizes and raises the Gohonzon of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, the essence of the Lotus Sutra, practices the chanting of "Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo," declares the propagation of the "Lotus Sutra" philosophy (widespread proclamation), and aims to realize a peaceful world.
The Lotus Sutra
The Complete Works of Nichiren Daishonin Gosho, New Edition (Soka Gakkai edition)
It is based on Tendai Chishappa's theory of the Five Hours and Eight Teachings of Tendai Chishappa, who took the Lotus Sutra as the supreme scripture, and Nichiren's philosophy, which he inherited. BE%A1%E5%AD%A6%E4%BC%9A
This is the Main Buddha of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism's Grand Mandala.
It's like writing 10 worlds, 10 gods.
便乗してた宗教家 荒稼ぎとか許せないね。
格式が違うのに、この連中 何で勢力つけてるの? 83%AB%E3%83%BB%E3%82%AB%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BF%E 3%83%BC%E3%83%AC
Stalking Ryuho Okawa, my pacifier, my act of acting out
This one says Mahayana Buddha. He calls himself Mahayana Buddha, Mahayana Buddha, Mahavairocana Buddha, Mahavairocana Buddha.
Then, Daisaku Ikeda of Soka
In terms of doctrine, it defines Nichiren as the true Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law, recognizes and raises the Gohonzon of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, the essence of the Lotus Sutra, practices the chanting of "Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo," declares the propagation of the "Lotus Sutra" philosophy (widespread proclamation), and aims to realize a peaceful world.
The Lotus Sutra
The Complete Works of Nichiren Daishonin Gosho, New Edition (Soka Gakkai edition)
It is based on Tendai Chishappa's theory of the Five Hours and Eight Teachings of Tendai Chishappa, who took the Lotus Sutra as the supreme scripture, and Nichiren's philosophy, which he inherited. BE%A1%E5%AD%A6%E4%BC%9A
This is the Main Buddha of Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism's Grand Mandala.
It's like writing 10 worlds, 10 gods.
便乗してた宗教家 荒稼ぎとか許せないね。
格式が違うのに、この連中 何で勢力つけてるの?
Religious war against the Pope after 2013? I was offering it to him, from myself.
I can't forgive the religious people who took advantage of the flight. I can't forgive them for trolling.
Why are these people gaining power when they're not of the same order?
そいつら 背乗りしてくるインチキだよ。
I can't forgive the religious people who took advantage of the flight. I can't forgive them for trolling.
Why are these people gaining power when they're not of the same order?
そいつら 背乗りしてくるインチキだよ。
You're a phony and an imposter, so you've been using certain things, existing things, right?
You're using the data that's out there. That bogus religion.
It's not like I'm looking for something that isn't there.
You know what they did to me when they destroyed the rituals like my house.
It's not at all prestigious with the house that was made unrecognizable.
Those guys are phonies who ride on their backs.
いや 刺されるか撃たれるよ 冗談抜きで。
Okawa Ryuho is so creepy and annoying.
He's talking and preaching like he's the god of the earth.
If I get stabbed by another religion, I'll have a good laugh.
No, they'll stab me or shoot me, no kidding.
I'm not a person to be dealt with by the head of a great nation, so Ryuho Okawa. You're competing with this, the Soka Gakkai.
No, it's extremely annoying.
いや 刺されるか撃たれるよ 冗談抜きで。
Okawa Ryuho is so creepy and annoying.
He's talking and preaching like he's the god of the earth.
If I get stabbed by another religion, I'll have a good laugh.
No, they'll stab me or shoot me, no kidding.
I'm not a person to be dealt with by the head of a great nation, so Ryuho Okawa. You're competing with this, the Soka Gakkai.
No, it's extremely annoying.
It's not like he's wiping his past clean.
They haven't been brainwashed or cheated out of things for generations. They haven't been set on fire or robbed by firemen. I haven't had my headstone engraved.
They weren't carved out of gravestones. It was in the family, Ryuho Okawa. I don't want him to be lumped in with a family that was also killed by the Empire of Japan.
かぶさってこないで 他所との調整が狂う。
英訳ストレート海外に一斉流出 大川隆法ペテンで流れるから。
And if you're obsessed with the Nara mandala, this one's not as cocky.
Don't get hung up on it. It'll screw up your coordination with the rest of the world.
The English translation is leaked to foreign countries all at once.
大川隆法達がやってるのは海外進出で、いかに成功するか 商法なの。わかる?商法
Okawa Ryuho and his team are working on the commercial law of how to succeed in overseas markets. You know what I mean? business
This one is not a business practice.
It's the difference between heaven and earth.
And what Ryuho Okawa and others are doing is swallowing up the land with religion.
I'm respectful of the locals, so it's different.
It's not like he's wiping his past clean.
They haven't been brainwashed or cheated out of things for generations. They haven't been set on fire or robbed by firemen. I haven't had my headstone engraved.
They weren't carved out of gravestones. It was in the family, Ryuho Okawa. I don't want him to be lumped in with a family that was also killed by the Empire of Japan.
かぶさってこないで 他所との調整が狂う。
英訳ストレート海外に一斉流出 大川隆法ペテンで流れるから。
And if you're obsessed with the Nara mandala, this one's not as cocky.
Don't get hung up on it. It'll screw up your coordination with the rest of the world.
The English translation is leaked to foreign countries all at once.
大川隆法達がやってるのは海外進出で、いかに成功するか 商法なの。わかる?商法
Okawa Ryuho and his team are working on the commercial law of how to succeed in overseas markets. You know what I mean? business
This one is not a business practice.
It's the difference between heaven and earth.
And what Ryuho Okawa and others are doing is swallowing up the land with religion.
I'm respectful of the locals, so it's different.
気持ち悪い 「金出してあげるから勉強しに来て」
お前の宗教論 胡散臭い!
と言える人 世界には、かなりいるよ。
If you go to Russia or China, you're in custody.
loud laughter
Missionary to where?
That's disgusting. "I'll give you money to come study.
Even if you are told to go to a school to study Japanese, the only way to do so is to go to a school to study Japanese.
They're not interested in it overseas.
Your religious theory stinks!
There are quite a few people in the world who can say.
'The deceased came down and told me this.
or something like that
With the content of mediumship, mediums are not just the pope in the world.
There will be.
Muslims are even less willing to listen.
If you're a missionary in China, have them detain you.
This is where Ryuho Okawa stands.
気持ち悪い 「金出してあげるから勉強しに来て」
お前の宗教論 胡散臭い!
と言える人 世界には、かなりいるよ。
If you go to Russia or China, you're in custody.
loud laughter
Missionary to where?
That's disgusting. "I'll give you money to come study.
Even if you are told to go to a school to study Japanese, the only way to do so is to go to a school to study Japanese.
They're not interested in it overseas.
Your religious theory stinks!
There are quite a few people in the world who can say.
'The deceased came down and told me this.
or something like that
With the content of mediumship, mediums are not just the pope in the world.
There will be.
Muslims are even less willing to listen.
If you're a missionary in China, have them detain you.
This is where Ryuho Okawa stands.
大川隆法の言い分が通用するのは日本だけ? 私は無視