もう一回書くけど 古代エジプトで 左目は月sin 右目はAllah
アッカド王だと言って 他にも仮面が作ってあるとしても
I'll write it again, but in ancient Egypt, the left eye is the moon sin and the right eye is Allah He says he's the king of Akkad
Even if there are other masks made, I don't think there is anything that has been gouged out like that.
Even if there are other masks made, I don't think there is anything that has been gouged out like that.
Я напишу еще раз, но в древнем Египте левый глаз - лунный грех, а правый глаз - Аллах Он говорит, что он царь Аккада
Даже если есть другие маски, я не думаю, что есть что-то, что было бы выдолблено таким образом.
Даже если есть другие маски, я не думаю, что есть что-то, что было бы выдолблено таким образом.
Nitaiandika tena, lakini katika Misri ya kale, jicho la kushoto ni dhambi ya mwezi na jicho la kulia ni Mwenyezi Mungu Anasema yeye ni mfalme wa Akkad
Hata kama kuna barakoa zingine zimetengenezwa, sidhani kama kuna kitu ambacho kimetolewa kama hicho.
Hata kama kuna barakoa zingine zimetengenezwa, sidhani kama kuna kitu ambacho kimetolewa kama hicho.
دوباره خواهم نوشت، اما در مصر باستان، چشم چپ گناه ماه و چشم راست خداست او می گوید که او پادشاه اکد است
حتی اگر ماسک های دیگری ساخته شده باشد، فکر نمی کنم چیزی وجود داشته باشد که
حتی اگر ماسک های دیگری ساخته شده باشد، فکر نمی کنم چیزی وجود داشته باشد که
اینطور کنده شده باشد.

①アッカド王のサルゴンより 孫のナラム・シンのほうが「自分は神」と言い
これは血が繋がっていないか 別な脳内に置き換えられたか
普通王家を語るなら アッカド国を作った爺さんへの侮辱や物に対する棄損
はあり得ない 王家なら尚更 これはあたしが言う3代の法則で乗っ取られてる事で、別人が継いでるような環境にされてた事を推測する
①From Sargon of Akkad, his grandson Naram-Sin says "I am a god", and his son Shari says "All gods"
Is this not related by blood or was it replaced in another brain?
If we were talking about the royal family, it would be impossible to insult the grandfather who created the Akkadian nation or damage things.
Even more so for the royal family
I presume that this was hijacked by what I call the law of three generations, and that it was in an environment where someone else took over.
Is this not related by blood or was it replaced in another brain?
If we were talking about the royal family, it would be impossible to insult the grandfather who created the Akkadian nation or damage things.
Even more so for the royal family
I presume that this was hijacked by what I call the law of three generations, and that it was in an environment where someone else took over.
②しかも意図的に左目だったとして アッカドから月を奪うという行為は
② Moreover, even if it was the left eye intentionally, the act of stealing the moon from Akkad also has the meaning of separating the moon.
あたしは その左目が サルゴンの左目で、ハザール帝国側が戦利品とし
③ The eyeball image often used by the Illuminati is unified with the left eye
I believe that left eye was Sargon's left eye, and that the Khazar empire used it as a booty and as a talisman against evil.
I believe that left eye was Sargon's left eye, and that the Khazar empire used it as a booty and as a talisman against evil.
➃ Why is the eye of providence the left eye?
Sargon's left eye is gouged out
A sorcerer priest who is quite similar to Taoism in the ancient times of the Egyptian power and the British, American and German powers? was involved
Sargon's left eye is gouged out
A sorcerer priest who is quite similar to Taoism in the ancient times of the Egyptian power and the British, American and German powers? was involved
◎自分はね サルゴンの左目を返せと言いたい もしそうならば
あたしが目ん玉の絵が嫌いって言ってた意味 自分でなんとなく繋がる
◎ As for me
I want to say give back Sargon's left eye, if that's the case
The meaning of saying that I don't like eyeball paintings is somehow connected by myself
I want to say give back Sargon's left eye, if that's the case
The meaning of saying that I don't like eyeball paintings is somehow connected by myself
➄King of Akkad is equal to King of Sumer and King of Babylon
The forces that took over the Babylonian king gouged out Sargon's eyes
Here's a copy of what's on the wiki
The forces that took over the Babylonian king gouged out Sargon's eyes
Here's a copy of what's on the wiki

パキスタンで公用語はウルドゥー語 筆頭 他の言語もあり
イラクでなく なぜパキスタンでウルを語るのか
バビロニアがあったイラクでアラブ語を使い なぜパキスタンでウルなのか
⑥Why is Ur spoken in Pakistan?
Urdu is the official language in Pakistan
there are other languages Why talk about Ur in Pakistan and not in Iraq?
Why use Arabic in Iraq where Babylonia was, and why Ur in Pakistan
Urdu is the official language in Pakistan
there are other languages Why talk about Ur in Pakistan and not in Iraq?
Why use Arabic in Iraq where Babylonia was, and why Ur in Pakistan
➆パキスタンにUruを自称する貴族がいたという こういう事だよな?
➆There was a nobleman in Pakistan who called himself Uru.This is what it means, right?
But that force is the hijacking nobles claiming to be descendants of Sargon.
They became mayors of London
But that force is the hijacking nobles claiming to be descendants of Sargon.
They became mayors of London
⑧本当のUruの身分だった人達は下級へ 自分達の監視下で教育できるなら教育を施し懐柔し 手なづけてる間の情報搾取やゆすりネタを沢山確保し
使い物にならなければ殺すか 自分達の都合でその対象を独身にしたり結婚させたり借金を背負わせたり アフガンにやってなかったか?
あたしがなぜ アフガンと名指しするか
乗っ取り貴族が多いため やられた昔の王族は平民家庭だったりするものだ
⑧ People who were real Uru will be promoted to lower ranks
If we can educate them under our own supervision, we will educate them and conciliate them, and secure a lot of information exploitation and extortion material while we are taming them.
If it's useless, kill them, or make them single, marry them, put them in debt, or send them to Afghanistan?
Why do I name Afghanistan
Sargon's mask looks like Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden was killed as the mastermind behind 911.
The reason the world misunderstands this is because there are many hijacking aristocrats who knock down the royal family to lower ranks and just sip.
The old royal family that was beaten is a commoner family
If we can educate them under our own supervision, we will educate them and conciliate them, and secure a lot of information exploitation and extortion material while we are taming them.
If it's useless, kill them, or make them single, marry them, put them in debt, or send them to Afghanistan?
Why do I name Afghanistan
Sargon's mask looks like Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden was killed as the mastermind behind 911.
The reason the world misunderstands this is because there are many hijacking aristocrats who knock down the royal family to lower ranks and just sip.
The old royal family that was beaten is a commoner family
アフガンは美形が多いと言われ 男子が買われ性産業にずいぶん取り込まれてた 自分達はUruと自称するパキスタンの傍らでアフガンのエリアが壮絶すぎた これはサルゴンの目をえぐった連中が何千年もサルゴンの子孫を演じて
➈Afghanistan was made into a field of medicinal herbs and was trained so that there was only drug income
Afghanistan is said to have a lot of good looks. Boys were bought and taken into the sex industry.
The Afghan area was too fierce beside Pakistan, who called themselves Uru
Isn't this the people who gouged out Sargon's eyes for thousands of years, pretending to be Sargon's descendants and torturing the real Uru like a slave?
Afghanistan is said to have a lot of good looks. Boys were bought and taken into the sex industry.
The Afghan area was too fierce beside Pakistan, who called themselves Uru
Isn't this the people who gouged out Sargon's eyes for thousands of years, pretending to be Sargon's descendants and torturing the real Uru like a slave?
ラピスラズリの産地に移動し ずっと守っていたかもしれない
あたしはそのラピスラズリが 青色の顔料として貴重な鉱石だったと
知ってた ダビンチ時代に その青顔料はあった事も意味する
⑩If Afghanistan was the royal people of Akkad in the past, they might have moved to the production area of lapis lazuli to protect the treasure of those days and protected it all the time.
I knew that lapis lazuli was a precious ore used as a blue pigment.
It also means that the blue pigment existed in the Da Vinci era.
In addition to Afghanistan, lapis lazuli is produced in Turkestan, Russia. Uyghur region of China
I knew that lapis lazuli was a precious ore used as a blue pigment.
It also means that the blue pigment existed in the Da Vinci era.
In addition to Afghanistan, lapis lazuli is produced in Turkestan, Russia. Uyghur region of China
⑪イギリス王室ではアフガン戦争 イラク戦争をわかってると思うが
バビロンに関係してるからで、イラク戦争の時なのか イラクからバビロンに
あった遺品 遺産など 相当持ち帰り イギリスで保管をしてた
あたしが出てこなきゃ 返す事だってなかった
都合上だよね? パキスタンをバビロンの後継者扱いしたのは
ずいぶん昔だろう 自分が調べてみても
パキスタンが不都合になりだす事を危惧し アキヒトを秦氏と設定して
何年か前に バビロン遺跡の古文と称し一般公表したのは
解読できる人がいるならタダでやってもらって 自分達の記録を変えようと
あたしがわかるなら タダで教えてもらって金の元を作ろうと?
⑪The British royal family knows about the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, but it has to do with Babylon.
Is it the time of the Iraq War, from Iraq to Babylon? I brought back a considerable amount of belongings and heritage that I had and stored them in England.
If I didn't come out, I wouldn't have returned
The reason you kept them in England is because you left London to Pakistan, right?
Treating Pakistan as Babylon's successor It must have been a long time ago
even if i try to find out
Worried that Pakistan would become inconvenient, set Akihito as Mr. Hata and manipulated Pakistani elites to hide?
A few years ago, it was publicized to the public under the guise of ancient texts from the ruins of Babylon.
Four or five years have passed since the Babylonian inheritance was returned to Iraq.
Is it the time of the Iraq War, from Iraq to Babylon? I brought back a considerable amount of belongings and heritage that I had and stored them in England.
If I didn't come out, I wouldn't have returned
The reason you kept them in England is because you left London to Pakistan, right?
Treating Pakistan as Babylon's successor It must have been a long time ago
even if i try to find out
Worried that Pakistan would become inconvenient, set Akihito as Mr. Hata and manipulated Pakistani elites to hide?
A few years ago, it was publicized to the public under the guise of ancient texts from the ruins of Babylon.
Four or five years have passed since the Babylonian inheritance was returned to Iraq.
アフラマズダはゾロアスター教の教祖と変えられたのは そこから
① There are times when Persia's head is switched to Ahura Mazda
It was from there that Ahura Mazda was changed to the founder of Zoroastrianism
It was from there that Ahura Mazda was changed to the founder of Zoroastrianism
そのうち重要なのは「善と悪」で これは世俗社会の裁判をする上で必要な事
それをアフラマズダが教祖となって王者になった?そのアフラマズダが教祖とされたペルシャから すでにペルシャではない
バビロン帝国の拷問処刑が 他所より伝説少なかったのは、秩序と法が機能し
エンリル フラワシが彫刻に残され、それらはイラク バビロニアを中心に
② Zoroastrian doctrines were “good and evil,” “fire worship,” and “bird burial” in the past.
The most important of these is "good and evil," which is necessary for judging secular society.
It was Enlil, Hurawasi, who made this standard
Did Ahura Mazda become the guru and become the king?
From Persia, where Ahura Mazda was the founder, it is no longer Persia
The Babylonian empire was legendary for having fewer torture executions than elsewhere because order and law worked, I speculate that torture and corporal punishment were not excessive and were governed by death, expulsion, imprisonment, and fines.
Enlil Hurawasi is left in the sculpture, they are mainly in Iraq Babylonia spread to the neighborhood
The most important of these is "good and evil," which is necessary for judging secular society.
It was Enlil, Hurawasi, who made this standard
Did Ahura Mazda become the guru and become the king?
From Persia, where Ahura Mazda was the founder, it is no longer Persia
The Babylonian empire was legendary for having fewer torture executions than elsewhere because order and law worked, I speculate that torture and corporal punishment were not excessive and were governed by death, expulsion, imprisonment, and fines.
Enlil Hurawasi is left in the sculpture, they are mainly in Iraq Babylonia spread to the neighborhood
サルゴンの子孫とか言う者が 神と言ったり全部の神と言うのか?
爺さんの目がえぐられてるのに 神だと王家だと言えるのは成りすましだけ
③Isn't Ahura Mazda also of Pakistani origin? I think
Do those who say they are descendants of Sargon call them gods or all gods?
Even though the old man's eyes are gouged out, only impersonation can say that he's a god or a royal family
Do those who say they are descendants of Sargon call them gods or all gods?
Even though the old man's eyes are gouged out, only impersonation can say that he's a god or a royal family

アフラマズダと使う事で 日本車のマツダを味方に引き入れてるよな?
これもだいぶ前調べた時 直感でこれは違うと書いてたはずだ
捏造だろうと 相当前に書いているわ
①In addition, there was an academic record of Parthia to India
When I looked into this a long time ago, I should have written that this was wrong by intuition
Ahura Mazda is similar to the painting that was produced as the king of Parthia, but I wrote a long time ago that it was probably a fabrication.
これがペルシャだと拡散元は インドがペルシャだと拡散してる
(2) India and Pakistan are common to these
Ahura Mazda is similar to the subject of India's Parthian king
If this is Persia, the source of the spread is India, and Persia is spreading
Moreover, the guru is in the form of Ahura Mazda
Ahura Mazda is similar to the subject of India's Parthian king
If this is Persia, the source of the spread is India, and Persia is spreading
Moreover, the guru is in the form of Ahura Mazda

乗っ取り畜生 人殺しと合体させて祈れば金になる 宗教になるっていう
合致する ロンドン パキスタン
アラビア語使ってこういう事やるのは どこかなと思ったけど直感だ

ロンドン フリーメイソン語ってあたしが産まれる前から この畜生国家で捏造やっていたんだ
今更 調子よく私達が守る役目あるのよって どこのPTAだよ
寄生虫の成金貴族は乗っ取りで上級国民を特定で決め それを海外で指定してる
それでエリートだと思ってるか? バレると困る相手を監視教育し懐柔して
そこの畜生どもの人質で当て馬になるから あたしは見捨てる
一人 ロンドン国籍のヤツと結婚したヤツがいるようで こんなの表に出さないだろう 普通
それだけ用意周到に 相当前から組まれてんだ
他所で水面下でやってる そこまで調べてないヤツは そいつらの掴んでる切り札がたくさんあることに気づかない
ロンドンで余裕ぶっこいてるから 何なら戸籍出してやろうか
ロンドンでギリシャ人も奴隷扱いだよな アフガンだけでなく
ギリシャ難民と言って よくトルコが受け入れしたり難民船が沈んでた
ロンドンでサウジアラムコの投資 ビジョンファンド孫正義のヤツ
2回目投資の件 あたしがやめろって書いてサウジがぽしゃった
孫正義のビジョンファンドってロンドンで設立なのさ そう言えば
ちょうど 安藤 工藤
大阪 山形 福島にロックフェラー
シオン修道会じゃないとダメだって言えば ハプスブルク家がスイス
守ってるんじゃなく 監視盗聴盗撮で年とるのを待ってるだけ
2025年に大阪万博なんて どの口で言ってるんだ バッハ
自分 画像持ってるから
皇宮警察だの皇宮護衛官だのって盗聴盗撮常習犯で パキスタン関東連合
自分がここにいて 寄ってくるのはそこの金まいたエリアの人間だ
その金 どこから作ってるって?
ロンドン 金融街が閑古鳥になりつつあるって本当か?
京都 財政赤字がすさまじいって本当か?
そんで あたしの言ってる事は この国 福島県は何もせずに福島県の
渡邉恒雄が 笹川良一の後継者で付きまとってか?
直近の加害者は逃げ その昔の加害者側が寄ってくる
同じとこ ループさせて このやり口は昔もやってたよな
たぶん 外国であたしみたいな人 いると思うわ
投資します? いや あたしが働いた分の金を返せって言ってんだ
さんざん踏み倒しは上級国民の特権みたいに 伯爵語った畜生達が
朝鮮人中国人の取り立ては良くて あたしの取り立ては無視?
それが上級国民とやら 中朝人らのやってきた事だ
ペルシャをさんざん首狩りやっておいて そのペルシャはインドやパキスタンだとすり替えし ほんとのイランイラクへは顔向けできない
今度 イランイラクに寄っていけるヤツが大月氏だ 千葉氏だと言って
影では 「秦」を頂点に作り上げ 秦は天皇家(アキヒト一家)だと言って
あげくには、ペルシャもシリアも もともと大秦というローマ帝国だとか
拡散して これってあたしを大月氏とか秦氏設定で闇に利用し
表向きは天皇家だとか 垂れ流すんだ
ロンドンで未来都市語って 情報や先進技術の都市作るとか言ってたらしいけど、これだって あたしに便乗だ
ロンドンは 神奈川と大阪と福岡に繋がってる
エジプトはエリザベスの親族になった嫁さんと そういえばアフリカにも
何千年もの特権で 同じ事やれてるって この糞国はエリザベスの一部
みたいなものだ 大英帝国の中枢はこの国の工作員団体
その下にアメリカがあって 大英帝国はドイツ
ギリシャは大昔 ローマ帝国の植民地扱いされ そのままギリシャは
殺されても利用され アフラマズダなどゾロアスター教の教祖ではないわ!!
この派生なんだ 九曜紋の相馬って
派生とされてきたんだ 相馬常胤と言ったか? 始祖
これが相馬一族の始祖とされて 九曜紋のそれだ
麻生やアキヒトや天皇家って組織は 秦という民族にされて
月家紋を使ってる千葉の枝として 神扱いされる側にまわるんだ
徳川忍者でイラクを従えたなんて 流布されたらダメだって
この畜生国家の教科書産業や神道仏閣関係者 こういう工作ばっかりやってきた乗っ取り畜生どもだって
大阪にモスク? 千葉にモスク? キムに騙されてんじゃねーか
キムと韓 中華もか?
天皇家って単語は詐欺単語だし あたしの仇一族が揃ってるあたしと
関係ねーの 島津だの伏見だの
忘れてたわ 千葉の派生が相馬一族だって
千葉には家紋に月がある 伊達はカブトに月がある
大月氏の派生か?と言われた時 そう見えるよね?と言われるだろう
その千葉の派生だ 桓武平氏とか言って九曜紋使ってる連中
伊達みきお CMによく出てる伊達政宗の子孫扱いされてるか?
伊達みきお 金正恩の親戚なんだと いつだったか5ちゃんにリークあった
金正恩の祖母にあたるのか?横田さきえ 旧皇族扱いされてる李氏の子