Hello and thank you for your visit to this English Plus' blog!
Today, let's learn one of Japanese customs in English.
The other day, when I went to a supermarket, I found some unique vegetables.
Then I realized that it's January 7th today, and traditionally in Japan we eat "Nanakusagayu."
"Nanakusagayu" is rice porridge with the vegetables - seven spring herbs.
The seven spring herbs are such as...
・Water dropwort (Japanese: seri)
・Shepherd's Purse (Japanese: nazuna)
・Cudweed (Japanese: gogyō)
・Chickweed (Japanese: hakobera)
・Nipplewort (Japanese: hotokenoza)
・Turnip (Japanese: suzuna)
・Radish (Japanese: suzushiro)
If you have a chance to eat rice porridge with seven spring herbs today, please check each out in English!
こんにちは。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
本日は“日本の伝統的な習慣 - 七草を英語で言ってみよう”です。
ちなみに英語では七草粥を"rice porridge with seven spring herbs"と言います。
お粥は英語でrice porridgeです。
・Water dropwort (芹 : せり)
・Shepherd's Purse (薺 : なずな)
・Cudweed (御形 : ごぎょう)
・Chickweed (繁縷 : はこべら)
・Nipplewort (仏の座 : ほとけのざ)
・Turnip (菘 : すずな)
・Radish (蘿蔔 : すずしろ)
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's try to use English anywhere, anytime!!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
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Today, let's learn one of Japanese customs in English.
The other day, when I went to a supermarket, I found some unique vegetables.
Then I realized that it's January 7th today, and traditionally in Japan we eat "Nanakusagayu."
"Nanakusagayu" is rice porridge with the vegetables - seven spring herbs.
The seven spring herbs are such as...
・Water dropwort (Japanese: seri)
・Shepherd's Purse (Japanese: nazuna)
・Cudweed (Japanese: gogyō)
・Chickweed (Japanese: hakobera)
・Nipplewort (Japanese: hotokenoza)
・Turnip (Japanese: suzuna)
・Radish (Japanese: suzushiro)
If you have a chance to eat rice porridge with seven spring herbs today, please check each out in English!
こんにちは。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
本日は“日本の伝統的な習慣 - 七草を英語で言ってみよう”です。
ちなみに英語では七草粥を"rice porridge with seven spring herbs"と言います。
お粥は英語でrice porridgeです。
・Water dropwort (芹 : せり)
・Shepherd's Purse (薺 : なずな)
・Cudweed (御形 : ごぎょう)
・Chickweed (繁縷 : はこべら)
・Nipplewort (仏の座 : ほとけのざ)
・Turnip (菘 : すずな)
・Radish (蘿蔔 : すずしろ)
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's try to use English anywhere, anytime!!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!