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Today, let’s see some expressions that you can use when apologizing and forgiving.
Before I went to Canada, I had a stereotypical image of people speaking English that is they don’t apologize.
However, it turned out that Canadians apologize. (not as much as Japanese do though.)
Also, I realized that there are several expressions to apologize & forgive.
For instance, when we apologize, we can say…
・Excuse me.
・I’m sorry.
・I’m really sorry.
・I’m terribly sorry.
・I really feel bad.
When we forgive, we can say…
・No problem.
・That’s ok.
・That’s all right.
・Don’t worry about it.
When we need to apologize or forgive, use variety of expressions!
・Excuse me.(すみません)
・I’m sorry.(ごめんなさい)
・I’m really sorry.(本当に申し訳ありません)
・I’m terribly sorry.(本当に申し訳ありません)
・I really feel bad.(本当に申し訳ありません)
・No problem.(問題ないです)
・That’s ok.(大丈夫です)
・That’s all right.(大丈夫です)
・Don’t worry about it.(気になさらないでください)
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

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Thank you for your time to visit English Plus blog!
Today, let’s see some expressions that you can use when apologizing and forgiving.
Before I went to Canada, I had a stereotypical image of people speaking English that is they don’t apologize.
However, it turned out that Canadians apologize. (not as much as Japanese do though.)
Also, I realized that there are several expressions to apologize & forgive.
For instance, when we apologize, we can say…
・Excuse me.
・I’m sorry.
・I’m really sorry.
・I’m terribly sorry.
・I really feel bad.
When we forgive, we can say…
・No problem.
・That’s ok.
・That’s all right.
・Don’t worry about it.
When we need to apologize or forgive, use variety of expressions!
・Excuse me.(すみません)
・I’m sorry.(ごめんなさい)
・I’m really sorry.(本当に申し訳ありません)
・I’m terribly sorry.(本当に申し訳ありません)
・I really feel bad.(本当に申し訳ありません)
・No problem.(問題ないです)
・That’s ok.(大丈夫です)
・That’s all right.(大丈夫です)
・Don’t worry about it.(気になさらないでください)
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

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