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TOEIC Part1(写真描写問題)にも出てくる道路に関連する英語

2012-12-03 08:25:52 | TOEICテスト対策
Good morning and thank you very much for visiting English Plus blog!
Today, let's learn some English that can often be seen in the TOEIC test.
The next official TOEIC test is scheduled on December 9th, which is about a week to go!How's your preparation going?
As you probably know that there are 7 parts in the TOEIC test and in the Part 1 of the TOEIC test, there are 10 questions about picture description.
In the Part 1, I often see road photos.
So, today let's learn English related to roads for the next TOEIC test.
For example...
・sidewalk / pavement
・road sign
・traffic jam
Please do your best and get the best score!!

おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。

本日は“TOEIC Part1(写真描写問題)にも出てくる道路に関連する英語”です。






・intersection (交差点)

・sidewalk / pavement(歩道)

・pedestrian (歩行者)

・curb (縁石)

・curve (カーブ)

・road sign (標識)

・traffic jam (交通渋滞)

・overpass (陸橋)

・lane (車線)


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