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最近の話題でTOEICテストのリーディング対策 ~ MLB / Toronto Blue Jaysに関する話題

2013-05-29 07:59:00 | TOEICテスト対策
Good morning and thank you for your time to visit English Plus blog!
Today, let's practice reading for the next TOEIC test, which is scheduled on June 23rd.
I heard from some of our students, who took the previous TOEIC test last Sunday, say that they couldn't finish answering all of the questions.
To finish the TOEIC test, we need to read quickly and improve reading skills!
So, today let's practice skimming & scanning skills, which are necessary for the TOEIC Part 7.
Basically, "skimming" means "to read quickly to get the point" and "scanning" means "to pick up some necessary information."
Now, let's take a couple of minutes to get used to these two skills with a recent topic of "Munenori Kawasaki is the happiest Toronto Blue Jays player ever after walkoff hit" from Yahoo Canada.
1. Click the link here and read the article (*skimming): Munenori Kawasaki is the happiest Toronto Blue Jays player ever after walkoff hit
2. Now, let's try a couple of TOEIC Part 7 style questions. (*scanning)
Q1. Which team did Toronto Blue Jays play a game with on Sunday?
Q2. According to this writer, what is the common language?
Did you try "skimming" and "scanning"?
Now, let's check the answers...
Q1. Baltimore Orioles
Q2. Baseball
It takes sometime to get used to skimming and scanning, so let's read English every day!!

おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。

本日は“最近の話題でTOEICテストのリーディング対策 ~ MLB / Toronto Blue Jaysに関する話題”です。






それでは野球(メジャーリーグ)からの最近の話題、"Munenori Kawasaki is the happiest Toronto Blue Jays player ever after walkoff hit" を使ってトレーニングをしていきたいと思います。

1.リンク先をクリックして、記事を読んでみましょう(速読&ポイントをつかんでみましょう):Munenori Kawasaki is the happiest Toronto Blue Jays player ever after walkoff hit

2.読み終えましたら、TOEIC Part7形式の問題に挑戦してみましょう(解答に必要な情報を記事から素早く読み取るようにしてみましょう)

Q1. Which team did Toronto Blue Jays play a game with on Sunday?

Q2. According to this writer, what is the common language?





それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's try to read a lot!"

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