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気軽に毎日できるTOEIC試験対策 ~ ウェブサイトを使っての英語学習のすすめ

2013-07-13 09:30:11 | TOEICテスト対策
Good morning and I appreciate your visit to English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to introduce some useful websites for preparing for the TOEIC test.
The next official TOEIC test is scheduled on July 21st, which is almost in a week!
If you are planning to take the TOEIC test this time or in the near future, you should prepare for the test little by little!
There are some ways to prepare for the TOEIC test, and one of the preparation is using websites!
There are a lot of websites, but as an English instructor, I think these websites are easy to try.
1.Yahoo TOEIC daily mini test (http://stepup.yahoo.co.jp/english/toeictest/index.html?ttype=r&diff=0)
You can get used to the questions of the TOEIC test
2. Eigotown daily 5 minute lesson (http://www.eigotown.com/eigocollege/nav.php3?c=2)
With this 5-minute daily training, you can improve your basic English ability to get a higher score in TOEIC
3. Yahoo! Canada (http://ca.yahoo.com/)
Read what you're interested in in this website
As you know, if you want to improve your TOEIC score, set aside some time every day for learning English!

おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。

本日は“気軽に毎日できるTOEIC試験対策 ~ ウェブサイトを使っての英語学習のすすめ”です。





1.Yahoo TOEIC daily mini test (http://stepup.yahoo.co.jp/english/toeictest/index.html?ttype=r&diff=0)

2. Eigotown daily 5 minute lesson (http://www.eigotown.com/eigocollege/nav.php3?c=2)

3. Yahoo! Canada (http://ca.yahoo.com/)



それでは今日の英語での一言:“Try from today!”

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