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英語を学びたい人が取り組むべきはじめの英語学習 ~ 5.英語をたくさん話そう(英語編)

2014-04-22 07:13:52 | 英語学習のポイント&アドバイス
Good morning and I really appreciate your visit to English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to write about some English learning tips.
*Some other tips I've previously written are here...
1. "Vocabulary" - http://blog.goo.ne.jp/artismart/e/3dbddcacbe68033bab25f8b4953707ed
2. "Grammar" - http://blog.goo.ne.jp/artismart/e/ee6828f63e25200b2bf73bbbdffda28e
3. "Listening" - http://blog.goo.ne.jp/artismart/e/dfb4c516f9f24789816b855a4998d8f3
4. "Reading" - http://blog.goo.ne.jp/artismart/e/9e33b7bf1deefc4fa5b7cd6aefb1d65f
There are some English learning tips I've mentioned previously in this blog, and today's tip is the last one.
Today's tip is about "speaking."
When I first went to Canada, I couldn't communicate well in English.
There were several reasons why I couldn't communicate well, for example, my vocabulary and grammar knowledge were poor, my listening skill wasn't good enough to follow natural English and so on.
In addition to these, the biggest problem was I didn't have enough confidence to speak English.
Speaking English was really hard since I had to make sentences in my brain and output them orally.
Also, I was worried if the sentences sounded strange or what I said didn't make sense.
To overcome thisr, what I needed to to is to practice speaking English.
So, I can say in order to get used to English communication, you need to practice speaking English!
(At the same time, you also need to learn vocabulary & grammar and practice listening & reading English!)
As a famous proverb says, "Practice makes perfect!"
Let's speak English a lot and get used to English communication!
Here at English Plus, you can practice speaking English a lot in our lessons!
For more information about English Plus' lessons, please visit our official website: http://e-plusweb.com

それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's improve English skills!"

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