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English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】


2015-03-11 08:19:18 | TOEICテスト対策
Good morning and I really appreciate your visit to English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to recommend one of English training methods for those who are thinking about taking the TOEIC test.
Does this person sound familiar to you?
"I take the TOEIC test, but my score is almost always the same...about between 500 and 700. I really want to get over 730."
If you are one of them, I suggest you make "Reading a lot" your daily habit.
Especially, I recommend reading books on the train or bus if you commute by them.
However, if your daily habit on the train or bus is like "I want to sleep..." or "Reading English books is not for me...", I should say "let's read just for 5 minutes."
For instance, "Read as soon as you get on the train", "Read until the next stop" and so on.
Personally, I think "Reading skill" is a key to improve your fundamental English skills & your TOEIC score.
Choosing books is not as easy as it sounds, so I should say "choose an easy book for yourself."
The key to choose books is "I can read this book!"
The book series I recommend are these...
“Penguin Readers” (Longman)
“Oxford Bookworms” (Oxford)
“Ladder series (IBC Publishing)”
“English Readers (Cambridge)”
There are some different levels with these book series, and a lot of varieties of books to choose from.
Just keep in mind that you should choose easy-to-read book for yourself!
Go to a book store and choose a good one!

今日の英語での一言: "Let's read a lot!"

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