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東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】

自分の英語の間違いに気づける英語力をつけていこう ~ 2015年4月のレッスンの復習(英語編)

2015-05-13 08:45:59 | English Plus英語レッスン受講生のためのレッスン復習トレーニング
Good morning and I appreciate your visit to English Plus blog!
Today, let's practice English.
At English Plus, we encourage our students to try to speak English especially during lessons.
Once in a while, they make some mistakes, but they really try hard and express what they want to say in their own words. (Great Job!)
Through lessons at English Plus, I realized there are some mistakes our students often make, so today let's review and try not to make the same mistakes again.
Now, let's find errors below.
1. I was so exciting that I couldn't sleep.
2. Two people were there. One is young, and other is tall.
3. The meeting held last month.
4. My friend and I like swim in summer.
5. Do you ate a lunch at 4 o'clock today?

Now, let's check the answers.
1. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep.
2. Two people were there. One is young, and the other is tall.
3. The meeting was held last month.
4. My friend and I like swimming in summer.
5. Did you eat lunch at 4 o'clock today?
Let's improve English skills little by little!
At English Plus, you can improve English skills little by little!
For more information about English Plus, click here: http://e-plusweb.com

それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's learn English a lot!"

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