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English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】

英語力を身につけるために必要なこと ~ 実行可能な目標を立てて行動しよう(英語編)

2015-07-13 08:56:13 | 英語学習のポイント&アドバイス
Good morning, and I appreciate your visit to English Plus blog!!
Today, I'd like to give English learners a tip about "English goals."
"What's your purpose or goal of studying English?"
There might be a lot of answers, such as...
"I'd like to score at least 730 on the TOEIC exam."
"I'd like to get promoted."
"I'd like to watch English movies without subtitle."
"I'd like to communicate with foreigners."
In fact, these answers depend on each individual person and I think setting goals is very important.
Without a goal, a person usually can't take the first step forward.
However, the problem with these goals is it's pretty difficult to achieve.
So, we need to set a goal which is achievable.
For instance, if your final goal is "to score 730 on the TOEIC exam", you can set your daily goal like this...
"I'll try to answer 10 TOEIC Part5 questions every day."
"I'll listen to listening part and do dictation training every day."
and so on.
One of the most important tips is to set an achievable goal that you can try every day!
Needless to say, after setting a goal, doing it is important!
Let's set a goal and do it every day.

今日の英語での一言: "Let's set achievable goals!"

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