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最近の話題を英語で言ってみよう - リオオリンピックに関する英語(英語編)

2016-08-12 08:54:39 | すぐに使える英語 - 英単語
Good morning and thank you very much for checking out English Plus blog!
Today, let’s learn some English related to a currently hot topic in the world.
This year's one of big events is the Olympic Games in Rio.
During the Olympics, we can see a lot of exciting sports!
It's also a good chance to know a lot of sports in English, so today let's learn some English related to the Olympics.
Now, let's translate these Japanese words into English.
For example...
1. 陸上競技 =
2. 水泳競技 =
3. 体操 =
4. 格闘技 =
You might have a chance to talk about the Olympics, so let's prepare for it from now on!

今日の答え:"1. track&field / 2. swimming competition / 3. gymnastics / 4. martial arts"

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