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<6月23日および30日限定> English Plus Cafeでのランチについてのお知らせ(英語編)

2017-06-19 09:05:20 | 英語環境カフェについて(*2017年7月31日でカフェの営業を終了しました)
Good morning and thank you so much for your time to visit English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to announce lunchtime schedule at English Plus Cafe.
Since the beginning of 2016, we've stopped serving lunch for a long time at English Plus Cafe. (We're very sorry to inform this late for those who are looking forward to our lunch.)
We were thinking about when to restart our lunch again after stopping serving our lunch, and finally we've made up our mind.
This time, we're going to serve lunch only for 2 days - June 23rd (Fri) and June 30th (Fri).
The contents of our lunch is the same as before; however, lunch time is between 12:00 and 13:30.
The number of our lunch we can serve is limited, so we might finish serving lunch earlier.
Anyway, if you would like, you can reserve seats at lunch time.
Also, you can check out the lunch menu on English Plus Facebook page & English Plus Official Website.
Thank you for waiting and we're looking forward to seeing you during lunch time at English Plus Cafe.

今日の英語での一言:"You can reserve seats at lunch time at English Plus cafe!"

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