東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師arataのブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

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英語初級者のための1から学ぶ基礎英語トレーニング ~ Whatの疑問文を作るトレーニング(英語編)

2018-07-29 09:32:32 | 英語初級者のための英語学習&トレーニング
Good morning and thank you very much for taking time to read English Plus blog!

< 英語学校アクティビティ >
17時30分~18時30分 「Pronunciation Clinic(発音矯正)」
18時30分~20時00分 「Summer English Game Night(英語でゲームを楽しもう!)」

Today, let's learn and practice some basic English.
There are a wide variety of lessons available at English Plus, and one of them is "Skill-Up Conversation".
This Skill-Up Conversation has 6 different levels, and students can learn and practice basic English vocabulary, grammar, expressions, and pronunciation for English communication.
The aim of Skill-Up Conv course is that students master some basic English skills, and gain confidence to communicate in English.
In order to do so, through the lessons, students learn fundamental vocabulary, grammar points, and so on, and after that they have enough time to practice using what they learn during lessons.
It might take some time to master basic English skills; however, we try to support our students by offering lessons and self-study support.
If they take lessons regularly and do self-study in their free time, they can improve English skills a lot faster than we expect.
Through this Skill-Up Conversation course, our students learn a lot of basic English, and one of the most important grammar points is "Questions."
There are a lot of kinds of questions in English, and today let's focus on "What Questions."
Please read the following sentence.
"It's my new bag."
When we make a question to answer the sentence above, we can make a question like "What's that?"
Now, let's read the sentences below and try to make "What questions" to match the questions and answers.
1. I'm going to watch soccer on TV tonight.
2. We're talking about the world cup.
3. It's cloudy in New York.
If you can make questions smoothly, wonderful!
If you want to know the answers, please check below.
Let's study English every day, and gain confidence!
For more information about English Plus' lessons, please check English Plus' Official Website, and ask us directly.

今日の答え:"1. What are you going to do tonight? / 2. What are you talking about? / 3. What's the weather like in New York?"

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