Good morning and I really appreciate your visit to English Plus blog!
English Plus is a small school located in Tamachi, Tokyo.
We're providing fun, student-centered, practical English lessons.
Today, let's learn some English expressions from recent news topics of Coronavirus.
From this past March, we hear or see a lot of news reports about Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on TV, the radio, and websites.
They say more and more people are still infected with the Coronavirus all around the world.
In some countries, the second wave of COVID-19 is hitting and the situation is getting worse.
Also in Tokyo, the situation of COVID-19 is not good according to the news.
This is surely bad news for everyone of us, and I hope the spread of Coronavirus infections will settle down soon and things will get back to normal.
Under this circumstance, some of us might need to send or might have a chance to send messages to someone in English.
Today, let's learn some expressions to report about the current situation in Tokyo, for instance:
・According to some news reports, most patients with COVID-19 are in their 20's and 30's in Tokyo.
・The number of patients infected with Coronavirus is increasing in Tokyo, especially in their 20's and 30's.
If you feel these expressions are helpful, please use one of them above when necessary.
At English Plus, we provide some English lessons that help you improve basic English skills to make sentences more freely.
English Plus is a small English school, and provides private lessons too.
For more information about English Plus' lessons, please check our website and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask us from English Plusのお問合せページ.
<関連記事> このブログの中の「COVID-19」に関する記事一覧
(Today's photo from English Plus)
Please wash hands, and use hand sanitizer soon after you visit English Plus. Thanks in advance
English Plusにご来校の際は、手洗い、手指消毒液のご利用をお願い申し上げます
今日の英語でのひとこと:"Let's wash hands frequently every day!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
・初級者も基礎から学べる「基礎英会話コース(Skill-Up Conversation Course)」
・英語でもっとコミュニケーションを図りたい方へ「応用英会話コース(Power-Up Conversation Course)」
・TOEICのスコアアップをお考えの方は「TOEICテスト対策コース(TOEIC Exam Preparation Course)」
・小学3年生からのフォニックスおよび基礎英語力を身につけていく「小学生向けキッズ基礎英語コース(Kids English)」
・コツコツ・しっかり・楽しく・実践的な英語力を身につけていく「中学生向け基礎英語コース(STEP-UP English)」
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コメントやお問合せはEnglish Plus公式ホームページよりe-mailでお送りいただくかFacebookでお受け致します
English Plus is a small school located in Tamachi, Tokyo.
We're providing fun, student-centered, practical English lessons.
< English Plus 体験レッスンのお知らせ >
毎週火曜日~土曜日、English Plusの通常レッスン(大人90分、キッズ60分)にお入りいただける体験レッスンを随時実施しております。
レッスン実施日時等の詳細はEnglish Plusのお問合せページよりお気軽にお問合せください。最高な英語教育サービスを提供します。
毎週火曜日~土曜日、English Plusの通常レッスン(大人90分、キッズ60分)にお入りいただける体験レッスンを随時実施しております。
レッスン実施日時等の詳細はEnglish Plusのお問合せページよりお気軽にお問合せください。最高な英語教育サービスを提供します。
Today, let's learn some English expressions from recent news topics of Coronavirus.
From this past March, we hear or see a lot of news reports about Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on TV, the radio, and websites.
They say more and more people are still infected with the Coronavirus all around the world.
In some countries, the second wave of COVID-19 is hitting and the situation is getting worse.
Also in Tokyo, the situation of COVID-19 is not good according to the news.
This is surely bad news for everyone of us, and I hope the spread of Coronavirus infections will settle down soon and things will get back to normal.
Under this circumstance, some of us might need to send or might have a chance to send messages to someone in English.
Today, let's learn some expressions to report about the current situation in Tokyo, for instance:
・According to some news reports, most patients with COVID-19 are in their 20's and 30's in Tokyo.
・The number of patients infected with Coronavirus is increasing in Tokyo, especially in their 20's and 30's.
If you feel these expressions are helpful, please use one of them above when necessary.
At English Plus, we provide some English lessons that help you improve basic English skills to make sentences more freely.
English Plus is a small English school, and provides private lessons too.
For more information about English Plus' lessons, please check our website and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask us from English Plusのお問合せページ.
<関連記事> このブログの中の「COVID-19」に関する記事一覧
(Today's photo from English Plus)
Please wash hands, and use hand sanitizer soon after you visit English Plus. Thanks in advance
English Plusにご来校の際は、手洗い、手指消毒液のご利用をお願い申し上げます
今日の英語でのひとこと:"Let's wash hands frequently every day!"
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus
・初級者も基礎から学べる「基礎英会話コース(Skill-Up Conversation Course)」
・英語でもっとコミュニケーションを図りたい方へ「応用英会話コース(Power-Up Conversation Course)」
・TOEICのスコアアップをお考えの方は「TOEICテスト対策コース(TOEIC Exam Preparation Course)」
・小学3年生からのフォニックスおよび基礎英語力を身につけていく「小学生向けキッズ基礎英語コース(Kids English)」
・コツコツ・しっかり・楽しく・実践的な英語力を身につけていく「中学生向け基礎英語コース(STEP-UP English)」
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus - Copyright:© 2020 English Plus All Rights Reserved. |
コメントやお問合せはEnglish Plus公式ホームページよりe-mailでお送りいただくかFacebookでお受け致します