東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師arataのブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

英語初級者のための1から学ぶ基礎英語トレーニング ~ mindで聞かれる疑問文に答えられるようになろう!(英語編)

2019-11-07 08:31:44 | 英語初級者のための英語学習&トレーニング
Good morning and thank you very much for taking time to read English Plus blog!
English Plus is a small school located in Tamachi, Tokyo.
We're providing fun, student-centered, practical English lessons.

< English Plus 体験レッスンのお知らせ >
毎週火曜日~土曜日、English Plusの通常レッスン(大人90分、キッズ60分)にお入りいただける体験レッスンを随時実施しております。
レッスン実施日時等の詳細はEnglish Plusのお問合せページよりお気軽にお問合せください。

Today, let's learn and practice basic English.
There are a wide variety of lessons available at English Plus, and one of them is "Skill-Up Conversation".
This Skill-Up Conversation has 6 different levels, and students can learn and practice basic English vocabulary, grammar, expressions, and pronunciation for English communication.
The main aim of Skill-Up Conversation course is that students master some basic English skills, and gain confidence to communicate in English.
In order for students to do so, through the lessons, they learn fundamental vocabulary, grammar points, and so on, and after that they have enough time to practice using what they learn during lessons.
It might take some time to master basic English skills; however, we try to support our students by offering lessons and self-study support.
If they take lessons regularly and do self-study in their free time, they can improve English skills a lot faster than we expect.
Through this Skill-Up Conversation course, our students learn a lot of basic English, and one of the most important tips is "to make questions and answer questions."
We understand that beginner English learners have difficulty making and answering questions.
Today, let's practice how to make "mind" questions.
Now, let's read the Japanese sentences below and make questions.
1. このペン使ってもいいですか?(mindを使って)
2. もちろんいいですよ(YesかNoで答えてみましょう)
If you can make questions smoothly, great!
The answers are below, and if you need please check them out.
Questions with "mind" are a little complicated, so let's practice a lot!
Let's study English every day, and gain confidence!
If you have any questions about English Plus, please don't hesitate to ask us fromEnglish Plus' Official Website.

<関連記事> このブログの中の「ペン」に関する記事一覧

今日の答え:"1. Do you mind if I use this pen? / 2. No, I don't."

東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus


詳細はEnglish Plusの公式ホームページ(キッズレッスンについて)をご覧ください。ご質問等は、お気軽にお問合せください。

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