Good morning and I really appreciate your visit to English Plus blog!
Today, let’learn some daily English!
Now, it's already December! (Time flies!)
The other day, I asked my students "Are you busy these days?" and they said, "Yes, it's because there are a lot of events this month."
It's at the end of 2012 and everyone is busy!
So, today let's learn some end-of-year events in English!
For instance...
・end-of-year party
・second party
・girls' night out
・bar hopping
・street stall
・spring cleaning at the end of year
These English vocabulary words could be useful when you talk about some events this time!
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
今年もすでに12月に入りました!(Time flies!“光陰矢の如し”です)
先日、生徒の方々に"Are you busy these days?(最近はお忙しいですか?)"という質問をしたところ、"Yes, it's because there are a lot of events this month.(この時期は色々とイベントがあって、忙しい)"という返答が返ってきました。
・end-of-year party (忘年会)
・second party (二次会)
・girls' night out (女子会)
・bar hopping (はしご酒)
・street stall (屋台)
・hangover (二日酔い)
・spring cleaning at the end of year (大掃除)
ちなみに上記のイベントを文章で作ると、例えば“Next week, I'm going to join my company's end-of-year party."(来週、会社の忘年会に参加する予定です)のように作れます。
それでは今日の英語での一言:“Let's try!”
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

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Today, let’learn some daily English!
Now, it's already December! (Time flies!)
The other day, I asked my students "Are you busy these days?" and they said, "Yes, it's because there are a lot of events this month."
It's at the end of 2012 and everyone is busy!
So, today let's learn some end-of-year events in English!
For instance...
・end-of-year party
・second party
・girls' night out
・bar hopping
・street stall
・spring cleaning at the end of year
These English vocabulary words could be useful when you talk about some events this time!
おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。
今年もすでに12月に入りました!(Time flies!“光陰矢の如し”です)
先日、生徒の方々に"Are you busy these days?(最近はお忙しいですか?)"という質問をしたところ、"Yes, it's because there are a lot of events this month.(この時期は色々とイベントがあって、忙しい)"という返答が返ってきました。
・end-of-year party (忘年会)
・second party (二次会)
・girls' night out (女子会)
・bar hopping (はしご酒)
・street stall (屋台)
・hangover (二日酔い)
・spring cleaning at the end of year (大掃除)
ちなみに上記のイベントを文章で作ると、例えば“Next week, I'm going to join my company's end-of-year party."(来週、会社の忘年会に参加する予定です)のように作れます。
それでは今日の英語での一言:“Let's try!”
東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します

If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!