
同人誌 動画 プログラム 情報処理 アート グラフィックス 有償 2018年創業

スピリチュアクリーチャー一覧 魔法免許 マジシャン マジシャン規格 ゼロのクリーチャー 無限 スクワイア、ギルド、マスター

2022-05-29 07:23:42 | 日記

81 Apostles Disipels
Cala's Number's 13Number's 7th Rank Isabelle'r=Isabelle Rue Erayna = Greece Brunch Chief Talot0 Numbers18 Saint 36eScuire 36Scuire

Entered Apprentice Paige 入った見習い階級のPaige
Follow Craft 追跡工作物階級のGuild及びScuire

(Scuire1)Order24 & Occupater HP1 Mana1 Attack Critical Range15 FreeInstallMagic FreeInstallCreature Magic Spiliture Creature Loop count&Max Addition occtupation Loop count&Max ZeroMate Accept shield Double ProofDamage Line Cost0
(Scuire2)Neutral13 & Magican0 HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Critical SpecialTarget Range15 Free1 Free2 Free3 Free4 Free5 Free6 Free7 Free8 Free9 Free10 Shield Double PrrofDamage Line Magic Vampire0+Identify Elf Sorcerer0+Identify
(Scuire3)Police1 Age HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot ReadAge & count ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire4)Prlice2 BirthDay HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot ReadDay count & count ReadMonth count&count ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire5)Police3 Author HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot Birth Year count & count ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire6)Police4 Medical HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot Blood count & count ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire7)Police5 Engage HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot Child count & Parent count ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire8)Police6 Sex HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot SexMale count & Sex Lady count ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire9)Poilce7 NameArrest HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot Record Name & Read Name Target All ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire10)Poilce8 RegistArrest HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot Record Job Location Name Age count&count Compiance count&count & Blood count&count & country Name ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire11)Police9 Name HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot Record Job Location Name Age Compiance ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire12)Police10 Time HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic That Name count or その名前count & Target That Name Talot Record OnWard Month Onward Day OnWard Hour count&count Onward Minute count & count OnWard Second count & count Shield country Identify Double ProofDamge ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire13)NumberExchanger HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic 1兆Trillion 10億Billion 100万Million 千Thousand 百Handret 十ten 一one ProofDamage Shield Double Cost0
(Scuire14)Theive's Guild HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range15 Fire Bolt Magic FreeDom Zero Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire15)Wizard's'Guild HP1 Mana1 Special Attack HP-Count+Critical Range15 Sense Magic Magic Sense Magic Shield Double Proof Damage Tleport Cost0
(Scuire16)Wizard0 HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range15 Fire Bolt Magic LightningBolt Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire17)MagicalJewelCart0 HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range15 Fire Bolt Magic MagicalJewelCart Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire18)Witeness HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range15 Fire Bolt Magic Record Friendly Talo0&Talot&TalotLevel2&TalotLevel3&TalotLevel4&TalotLevel5&TalotLevel6 Loop count & count Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire19)Master Pieace HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range15 Fire Bolt Magic Peace Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire20)Master Return HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range15 Fire Bolt Magic Return Target Friendly Loop count & 1 Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire21)Master Church HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range15 Dead Church Magic Free Heal Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire22)Master Sacrifice HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range15 FreeSacrifice Magic Zero Sacrifice Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire23)Lower Palmist HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic Identify+PlanerEnginnerDesignCreateor count & SunPlantFramForestArtGuraden count & StoreShopMarketSecurity count & PlantManufactureIndustrial count & Commit count & Administretor count & Academy count & Happy count & Inteligence count & Alone count & Lawyer count & Judicial Scrivener count & Social Security Attorney count & Attorney count & Clark count & Servant count & Senior count& Executive count & Sale count & Make count & Support count & Promote count & Author count & Life count & Dead count & Chaos count & Order count & Legal count & Justice count & Honner count Shield Double ProofDamage Cost 0
(Scuire24)Paige Sword HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range15 Fire Bolt Magic AutoMate3 FreeHea,FireBlot Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire25)Paige Pike & Paige Pique HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range15 Free Heal Magic Lightning Bolt Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire26)Paige Knife HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range15 Fire Bolt Magic Peak Target Chain Friendly Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire27)Paige Police HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range15 AutoMate2 UnWakeUP Target ChainEnemy,Freedom Zero Magic That Name count & Name Read Target That Name & その名前 Loop count & Max Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire28)Paige Magican HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic Speak Barricade Target ChainEnemy Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire29)Paige Priest HP1 Mana1 SpecialTarget HP-count Range 15 Free Heal Magic SplitShield0(HP&HP+HPcount) Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
(Scuire30)Bridge Talk0 HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-Count+Destroy Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic その名前count & Target That Name Identify Bridge Talk That Name Shield Double ProofDazmege Cost0
(Scuire31)HomeHelpZero HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count Range 15 FreeSacrifice Magic Not Blood Not BrithDay Not Name Write Parent HomeHelp Identify Shield Double Proof Damage Cost 0
(Scuire32)Engage HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic Not Child And Not Wife count & 1 Addition Engage Addition Wife Not Wife and Not Child count &1 Shield Double ProofDamage Cost 0
(Scuire33)Barrier Security HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic Barrier Shield Double Proof Damage Cost 0
(Scuire34)Rotate Security HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic Rotate Shield Double ProofDamage Cost 0
(Scuire35)Assembler HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count+Critical ZeroSnipe Magic Trough About of CallingScuire0Mate+Identify Assembly+Identify Loop count & countShield Double Proof Damage Cost 0
(Scuire36)MyRegistKeeper HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count+Critical Range15 Fire Bolt Magic Identify+Blood Identify count & count+BrithYear Identify count & count+Read Day Identify & Read Mounth Identify & Name Record Indentify Shield Double ProofDamage Cost0

(ParentScuire1)36ScuireCalling HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count+Critical Range Fire Bolt Magic CallingScuire0MateMagic&Hanter0&CommonWizardGuild+Identify Cost0
(ParentScuire2)Hanter0 HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count+Critical ZeroSnipe Magic Fire Bolt Shield Double Proof Damage Cost 0
(ParentScuire3)Common WizardGuild HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic Sense Magic & Record Common count&count Shield Double Proof Damage Cost 0

81 Apostles Disipels-Arch Scuire Local Brunch Numbers 27 13Numbers Issabeller=Isabell Rue Erayna

Entered Apprentice Paige 入った見習い階級のPaige
Follow Craft 追跡工作物階級のGuild及びScuire

※ArchScuire0MateMagic ArchScuirecount&count
(ArchScuire1)Hanter0 HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count+Critical ZeroSnipe Magic Fire Bolt Shield Double Proof Damage Cost 0
(ArchScuire2)Common Wizard's Guild HP1 Mana1 Special Target HP-count+Critical Range 15 Fire Bolt Magic Talot Sense Magic & Talot Sense Magic Target Number & Talot Sense Magic Target TheName Shield Double Proof Damage Teleport Cost 0
(ArchScuire3)Wizard Police1 & HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic Common147 & Sense ID KEY
(ArchScuire4)Wizard Police2 & EnemyMagic HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic Sense Enemy Magic Common148
(ArchScuire5)Wizard Police3 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic(Sense AttributeBoold/Common149) All ThatNameAndその名前 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic ThatNameRecord Parent ThatName Lady&Malecount&count And ThatNameRecord Parent Parent Name Lady&Male count&count Record Parent Parent Parent Name Lady&Malecount&count And ThatNameRecord Child Name Male count And Loop count&count And ThatNameRecord Child Name Loop count&count Child Name Male count And Loop count&count And ThatNameRecord Child Name Loop count&count Record Child Name Loop count&count Record Child Name Male count And Loop count&count Birth Year&Age&Name Record ThatName Parent count&count&count Parent count&count Parent count Child count&count Child Child count&count Child Child Child count&count
(ArchScuire6) Wizard Police4 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic sense Attack Common152(Attack & Summon Name
(ArchScuire7) Wizard Police5 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic Identify All Enemy RecordLog Record Loop count & count& IdentifyFriendly Record Enemy & Smeller & Identify Friendly Enemy Name Record Loop count & count case Friendly Target Friendly smeller Record Kill & Dead & lie & unBelieve & noallow & noadmit & resistant & a representative & Master & reason & Master & Magc & Auditory & Murder & Homicide
(ArchScuire8) Wizard Police6 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Betrayal NecroMancer or Betrayal Fairy or Revial Religion Evil Deity or Representative Reletion Magic Betrayal NecroMancer or Betrayal Fairy or Revial Religion Evil Deity or Representative Reletion Record Target Friendly Loop count & count
(ArchScuire9) Wizard Police7 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range FreeDom Zero Target Police1-10WizardPolice1-6 Magic Record Police1-10,WizardPolice1-6 Loop count & count
(ArchScuire10) Recovery Wizard's Guild HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic (Sense Healing/Common150) Priest Magic Level count&Conut Loop count&count Priest Magic Level count&Conut Range count&count Magic count&count & TotalCost count&count & Target HP0 count & Target HP Not0 count & Target Not Friendly count Loop count&count Case Heal count&Conut Range count&count Magic count&count & TotalCost count&count & Target HP0 count & Target HP Not0 count & Target Not Friendly count Loop count&count

(ArchScuire11) Summon Wizard's Guild HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic (sense Creature/Common151)HP count&count & Mana count&count And Total Cost count&count And LevelRecord count&count Range count&count And Magic count&count And RangeTargetEnemycount And MagicTargetEnemy And Proof Damage count And Shield count And Destroy count And Critical count & SpecialTarget count Target Common143 & Other110 Creature counter UP Loop count&count
(ArchScuire12) Arch Wizard's Guild HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic 魔法&Magic&コモン&センスマジック Record Target Recovery Wizard's Guild&Summon Wizard's Guild & Common Wizard's'Guild & Wizard Police7 & Wizard's Tower & WarLock Guild & Necromancer Guild & Summoner Guild & Theive's Tower
(ArchScuire13) Expert Theive's Guild HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Betrayal(ビトレール) &裏切り Steal&盗む FreeDom Zero Magic Steal and Betrayal&裏切り&盗む Record Target Chain Friendly
(ArchScuire14) White Wizard0 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Free Heal Magic DeadChuch,Free Heal,Peace
(ArchScuire15) Black Wizard0 HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic Lightning0 or Explode
(ArchScuire16) Expert Thief0 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Trouble&事故&事件 FreeDom Zero Magic TheifMagic CommonCount&Count OtherCount&Count & Summon Count&Count Evil Cont&Count Target chain Enemy
(ArchScuire17) Arch Thief0 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Trouble&事故&事件 FreeDom Zero Taget Cahin Enemy Magic abduction Target ChinEnemy EnemyParent Count&Count EnemyChild Count & Count Loop Count & Count
(ArchScuire18) Ace Thief0 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Evidence&証拠 & Property&財産 FreeDom Zero Magic RecordLogRecord Evidence&証拠 & Property&財産 Friendly Loop count&count

(ArchScuire19) WarLock Guild HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic Fire Bolt or Explode
(ArchScuire20) Necromancer Guild HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range AutoMate2 EvilNecromance & Explode Magic Talot 殺人& 自殺 & 証拠 & 根拠 & 事実 & 真実 & 誤解 & 偽陳述 & 被害 & 死 & 混沌 & Dead & Chaos & True's & lie & Believe & Kill & Murder & homicide & DePosition & Depose & Relation FreeDomZero Target thatname or その名前 or Talot RcoardLogRecord 殺人 or 自殺 or 証拠 or 根拠 or 事実 or 真実 or 誤解 or 偽陳述 or 被害 or 死 or 混沌 or Dead | Chaos | True's| lie | Believe | Kill | Murder | homicide | DePosition | Depose | Relation Target That Name or その名前 or Friendly or Talot StanGram0
(ArchScuire21) Summoner Guild HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range LevelStepZero Magic ArchSpuire0MateMagic CallingScuire0MateMagic ZeroMateSummon
(ArchScuire22) Master's Guild HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Fire Bolt Magic Summon MasterKeyThief GuildMaster0,,ExpertThief0,ArchThie0f,AceThief0,Theive's Guild,Arch Theive's Guild,
(ArchScuire23) Wizard's Tower HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range LevelStepZero Magic Talot 魔術師同盟 & 使徒 & 聖職者 & 魔法使い & 魔術師 & 黒 & 白 & 魔法 & 戦利品 & 悪霊 & 死霊 & 守護霊 & 紛争 & 魔法 & 戦争 & 敵 & 味方 & 幻術 & 召還 & 大魔法 & 英雄 & 騎士 & 鑑定 & 香を炊く & 儀式 & 詠唱 & 妨害 & 悪意 & 搭 & 楽園 & トトカンタ & バビル & エデン & トロフィー & イブ & アダム & ローストメモリー & センスマジック & & ナインコード & パルミスト & ペンタックル & ダイアグラム & ソーサリー RecordLog Record Target ALL or That Name or Friendly or その名前 or Talot 魔術師同盟 & 使徒 & 聖職者 & 魔法使い & 魔術師 & 黒 & 白 & 魔法 & 戦利品 & 悪霊 & 死霊 & 守護霊 & 紛争 & 魔法 & 戦争 & 敵 & 味方 & 幻術 & 召還 & 大魔法 & 英雄 & 騎士 & 鑑定 & 香を炊く & 儀式 & 詠唱 & 妨害 & 悪意 & 搭 & 楽園 & トトカンタ & バビル & エデン & トロフィー & イブ & アダム & ローストメモリー & センスマジック & & ナインコード & パルミスト & ペンタックル & ダイアグラム & ソーサリー FreeDomZero Target That Name or その名前 or Friendly
(ArchScuire24) Theive's Tower HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range Talot 強盗 or 殺人 or 悪意 or 裏付け or 放火 or 供述 or 万引き or 窃盗 or 加害者 or 被害者 or Homicide & Murder & lie or representative & Homicide or Auditory & Murder or reason & Murder or Deny allow or Smell and Smeller or Betrayer or Not allow or Testify & Depose FreeDom Zero Target thatname or Friendly or その名前 Magic Talot RecordLog Record 強盗 or 殺人 or 悪意 or 裏付け or 放火 or 供述 or 万引き or 窃盗 or 加害者 or 被害者 or Homicide & Murder & lie or representative & Homicide or Auditory & Murder or reason & Murder or Deny allow or Smell and Smeller or Betrayer or Not allow or Testify & Depose FreedomZero Target Friendly or thatname or その名前
(ArchScuire25) Master Key Thief HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range FreeDom Zero Magic Record Profile
(ArchScuire26) Arch White Palmist HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range DivinationZero Magic TalotLevel6 Additon WhiteKnightSquadron
(ArchScuire27) Arch Black Palmist HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count+Critical Special Target Tele Port Shield Double Proof Damage Range DivinationZero Magic TalotLevel6 Additon BlackKnightSquadron

81 Apostles Disipels-Numbers18 13Apostles Disipels Numbers7th Issabeller=Isabell Rue Erayna

Entered Apprentice Paige 入った見習い階級のPaige
Follow Craft 追跡工作物階級のGuild及びScuire

③Order23 & Tempest0 HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count Critical Range15 Free Heal Target HP0 ChainFriendly & Talot0 Magic Summon114Otherr107LevelStepZero ZeroMate Case ThanderBolt Loop count&Max Special Target Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
②Order22 & Sheman0 HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-count Destroy Range15FreeHeal Target HP0 ChainFriendly Magic Common137Fire Bolt Proof Damage Shield Double Cost0
⑧Evil28 & Vampire0 HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count Critical SpecialTarget Range15 StanGram0 Magic Free Heal Shield Double Proof Damage Line Cost 0
⑧Elf Sorcerer0 Range15SuperNova0 Magic UltiMate Lightning Lod HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-Count+Critical Special Target Shield Dobule Proof Damane Tele Port Cost 0 大4/21女L
⑮Order15 & heaven'sDragon0 Attack HP-Count+Critical Special Target HP1 Mana 1 Range15 ZeroMateSummon Magic LevelStepZero ZeroMate Case Talot Level 6 Additon LowerDragon+Shine Dragon Loop count & 20+ArchDragon+HighDragon+Hell Dragon+AceSeraphim+Ranger+ArchBishop+ArchSummonor+heaven's'sGateTornade Fly Proof
⑳Evil20 & thief HP1 Mana1 AttackTalot&Enemy Destroy Range15FireBlot Magic TalotStepZero ZeroMate Case TalotLevel6 Additon DeathStep+Identify PhamtomStep+Identify DevilStep+Identify Loop count & count Shield Double Proof Damage Tele Port Cost 0 一体まで 大1.1女L
⑥House HP1 Mana1 Attack Critical Chain Target Enemy Range15FreeDom Zero Taget MagicalJewelCart Lv3 Magic Identify Magic LevelStepZero ZeroMate Case TalotLevel6 Additon Talot BishopStep Loop count & Max ZeroMate Shield Double Proof Damage Line Cost0 一人1体まで 大4.21男M
⑦Sacred6 & Priest0 HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Critical Tartget ChainEnemy Range15FreeRefresh Magic FreeRecovery Shield Double Proof Damage Tele Port Cost0
⑨Nautrul9 & Palmist パルミスト 占い師 HP1 Mana1 SpecialTarget Attack ChainStangram ChainStangramLevel1 ChainStangramLevel2 chainNotLineNotFlyNotTele PortNotTargetCall+Destroy Range15 Palmist Talot 0 Magic PalmistTalot0 Proof Damage Shield Double Line Cost0
⑩Neutral10 & RecoveryTalot0 リカバリータロット0 タロット0回復 HP1 Mana 1 Attack HP-Count+Critircal TargetTalot & ChainEnemy Range15Free Heal Magic DoubleMateMagicalJewelCart,RecoardLog,FreeHeal,SenseMagic,Sense Attack,Sense Healing,Sence Creature,Read Name All,Spiliture Creature,Standerd Set2 Proof Damage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
⑥Chaos6 & DarkPriestLevel0 & DarkBishop0 HP1 Mana1 Attack Chain Destroy Target Chain Enemy Range15 LevelStepZero Magic Talot ChainFree Heal Target HP count and Zero Loop count and Max Talot Talot0Pack Talot Summoner0 Shield Double Proof Damage Tele Port Cost0
⑤GrrffinLevel0 & Griffin0 HP 1 Mana 1 Attack HP-Count Critcal Target Chain Enemy Range15 Free Heal case | Magic Talot Level Talot case | Talot Level6 Additon LightGriffin Loop count & 20 MiddleClassGrrifin*8 Griffin*3 KingdomGrrifin Case | Talot "LightGriffin*20 MidleClassGriffin*8 Griffin*3 Kingdom Griffin"+Local Assembly AutoMate Case | Shield Double Proof Damage Fly Magic Standerd Set2,TalotTalot0Pack,Spiliture Creature Cost 0
⑦Battle0 & Destroyer HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Critical Special Taeget Range15 Destroy Terget Talot Magic ChainExplode Talot Shield Double Proof Damage Line Cost 0
⑭Dragon20 & Dragon0 FireBreath+Attack HP-Count+Critical Special Target HP1 Mana 1 Range15 Spiliture Creature Magic Explode & Fly Proof Damage Shield Double Cost 0 1/1 男 大M
⑪animal11 & Lion0 Attack HP-Count+Critical Special Target Range 15 Griffin0,Scorpion0,Dragon0 Magic Destroy Target Enemy,StangramLv1,StangramLv2,Stangram Shield Double Proof Damage Cost0
①Evil21 & Scorpion0 HP1 Mana 1 Attack Destroy Range15Free Heal Magic Destory Target Stangram StangramLv1 StangramLv2 Talot Enemy Shield Double ProofDamage Cost 0*1
⑨Evil29 & Execution0 HP1 Mana1 Attack Critical SpecialTarget Range15 AutoMate3 Stangram0,Explode Magic abduction Special Target Shield Double Proof Damage Line Cost0
⑨Chaos9 & Guild Master0 HP2 Attack HP-Count+Explode0 Special Target Range15 Fire Bolt Magic TalotZeroPack Men's Talot0 Pack Lady's Talot0 Pack Spiliture Creature Loop count & 1000 AutoMate1 OccutupationLevel6,Explode Shield Double Proof Damage Tele Port Line Cost0


魔法免許 ゼロのクリーチャー ゼロマナの生命 無限 シャドウ ゴースト May.29 2022AD

2022-05-29 07:21:59 | 日記
NecromancerSpilit & NecromancerGhost & NecromancerDisipels
Ghost0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic フリーヒール Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost1 & Rainy0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic アメー Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost2 & Tree0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic ツリー Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost3 & Wing0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic ウイング Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost4 & Cures0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Cures Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost5 & Solow0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic ソロウ Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost6 & Stain0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic ステイン Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost7 & Smller0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic スミアー Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost8 & Mukade0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic むかで Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost9 & SpeakBarricade0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic スピークバリケード Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost10 & Celemony0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic セレモニー Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost11 & Sorry0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic 礼拝 Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost12 & EvilNecromance0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic エビルネクロマンス Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost13 & GateWay0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic ゲートウェイ Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost14 & Sherman People0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic シャーマンピープル Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost15 & EmptyPacckager0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic エンプティパッケージャー Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost16 & Dr.Cell0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic ドクターセル Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost17 & AngelRabbit0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic エンジェルラビット Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost18 & NecromanceFinger0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic フィンガー0 Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost19 & Megalopolis0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic メガロポリス Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost20 & Titan Parthenon0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic タイタンパルテノン Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost21 & FireStorm0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic FireStorm Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost22 & MeteorStrike0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic FlamingOil Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost23 & Barrier0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Barrier Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost24 & BlackJewelCart 0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Black Jewel Cart Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost25 & Soul Baster0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Soul Baster Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost26 & FireStorm0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic FireStorm Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost27 & Freezer0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Freezer Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost26 & Yoga0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Yoga Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost27 & Brust0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Brust Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost26 & FireFlame0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic FireFlame Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost27 & Phamtom Ballistic1 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Ballistic1 Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost28 & Phamtom Ballistic2 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Ballistic2 Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost29 & Phamtom Ballistic3 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Ballistic3 Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost30 & Tunder0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Tunder Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost31 & BladeBox0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic BladeBox Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost32 & FireSword0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic FireSword Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost33 & HitTalot0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic HitTalot Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost34 & Rock0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Rock Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost35 & FireStamp0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic FireStamp Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost36 & Smeller0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Sumeller Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost37 & FreeShake BladeBox0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Shake0 Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost38 & Theif Magic0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Thief Magic Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost39 & Abduction0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Abduction Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost40 & UnWakeUP0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic UnWakeUP Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost41 & Phantom FireBall HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic FireBall0 Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost42 & Phantom FireRing HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic FireRing0 Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost43 & Phantom Nuclear HitTalot0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Nuclear0 Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost44 & Phantom Flat Brast HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Flat Brust0 Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost45 & CrushIce0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic CrushIce Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost46 & Quake0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic Shake0 Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost47 & HitTalot0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic HitTalot Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost48 & Safety Gurad0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic SafetyGurad Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost49 & Safety Escape0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic SafetyEscape Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0
Ghost50 & Ghost Guild0 HP1 Mana1 AttackHP-CountDestroy Special Target Range FireBolt Magic FreedomZero 幻聴|幻声|幻覚|覚醒|死|混沌|争い|殺し合い|魔法|呪術|巫術|降霊術 Shield Double ProofDamege Cost0

(70)Other70 & Free1 フリーワン AngelRabbitエンジェルラビット星野恵巳、GateWayゲ-トウエイ、Dr.Cellドクターセル、FireStormファイヤ-スト-ム福岡桜子、FlamingOilフレ-ミングオイル、Barrierバリア、Megalopolisメガロポリス浅井竜太、 Sherman Peopleシャ-マンピ-プル Magical Jewel Cartマジカルジュエルカ-ト浅野広子、LV1、LV2栗太L、LV3,Lv4、ブラックジュエルカート、デストロイ蒲直毅、Soul Baster ソウルバスター星野雅 Titan Parthenonタイタンパルテノン&雲ー川田敏章、Freezerフリーザー石倉勇志、Yogaヨガ中川清、Burstバースト中村貞弘、FireFlameファイヤーフレイム岩崎陽平、エンプティパッケージャー(EmptyPakager) 芹沢麿由子 Ballistic1(バリステックワン)星野敬輔 Ballistic2 奥山 Ballistic3栃尾 box(BladeBox)ボックス&ブレードボックス西尾かり ファイヤーソード FireSword 村上二三子 ヒットタロット(HitTalot)佐久間千春  百足&ムカデ前田章 Tunderサンダー Smellerスミアー Rockロック近藤利行 Recordレコード星野蛍子 Celemony火葬場&セレモニー 礼拝&Sorry川田敏章 火焔=Burn0 バーンゼロ=石倉勇志 ファイヤースタンプ=FireStamp 蒲直毅 House ハウス=大4、21、Thief シーフ大=1.1、FireBall0、FlameRing0、Nuclear0、FlatBrust0,CrushIce ぱりーん=Dust0 振動=Shake0=ジュリアーノ 、sense=センス=鑑定、ヒストリー+プロフィール=ShowMagic ロック=岩石、親指体操=finger0=FingerPalmist、暫=Boxボックス、消費マナ0、エビルネクロマンス、シーフマジック、ウオースウイズヘイトリスニングマジック、アブダクションabduction(拉致誘拐拘禁)、エビルスピリットマジック、スピークバリケード、アンウウエイクアップ(ノンウエイクアップ)、テールバトルTellBattle、キューズCures、ソロウ、ステイン、右左(ウイング)、ツリー、アメー、

ShadowSpy & NecromancerShadow & SorcererDisipels
Shadow1 & MinimumShadowPriest HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range FreeRecovery Magic FreeRefresh ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow2 & MinimumSocererShadow HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range LightningBolt Magic LightningBolt ProofDamage Cost0
Shadow3 & LevelSetpShadow HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range LevelStepZero Magic TalotLevel6 Addition OcctupationLevel6 ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow4 & MinimumSommonerShadow HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range Summon70AllStep Magic Summon70AllStep ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow5 & Spy1 HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range FreedomZero 裏切り&盗み&略奪&攻撃&標的&目標&使命&命令&違反&反乱&反逆&抵抗&抗議&遺憾&異議&対立&対抗&手段&方法&Betrayal & Stealing & Looting & Attack & Target & Mission & Order & Violation & Rebellion & Religion & Trial Magic FreeHeal ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow6 & Spy2 HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range FreedomZero 魔法作成&魔法使い&魔法使用法&呪術&降霊術&蘇生&復活&君臨&支配&政治&宗教&裁判&Magic Creation & Wizard & Magic Usage & Magic & Necromancy & Resurrection & Reign & Domination & Politics Magic ChainLightning0 ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow7 & Spy3 HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range FreedomZero 教育&説得&交渉&外交&譲歩&許す&許さない&協調&歩み寄り&創造&作成&Education & Persuasion & Negotiations & Diplomacy & Concessions Magic FreeRefresh ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow8 & Spy4 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range FreedomZero&Read Name Target All&Read Birth Target All & Read Age Target All & Read Blood Target All & Read Compliance Target All Magic Read Profile&Profile2 ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow9 & ShadowWizard0 HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range FreeHeal Magic Etchant Magic Target ChainFriendly&NotIdentify ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow10 & ProSecurity HP2 Mana0 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range SaftyGurad & SaftyEscape Magic SaftyGurad & SaftyEscape Target NotIdentify and NotMyShelf and ChainFriendly ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow11 & Instructor0 HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range Magical Jewel Cart,Common318 & InstructedMagicSchool & MagicSchool
Magic Friendly Bridge Talk Identify,Identify Bridge Talk Friendly,Magical Jewel Cart,Read Name Target All,AutoMate8 FreeDomZero 情報&魔法&敵&味方&戦闘&悪霊&攻撃&防御&援軍&支援&憑依&幻聴&霊性|FreeHeal ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow12 & Necromancer Chapel HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range FreeHeal Magic Unlock charge Identify Parent Sex Male Count&count,Identify Parent Sex Lady Count & Count,Name The Name & Shadow12,Identify Chaild Identify Count & 1,Sex Count&Count,Blood Count & Count,BirthYearCount&Count,Birthday Count&Count,Compliance 18Zu Loop Count&Count Addition Talot Shadow sacrifice,Talot Necromancer Shadow‐SorcererDisipels,KnightSummoner,DevilSummoner,Suumon58-Group Dark Elf Loop Count&count Shield Double ProofDamage TelePort Cost 0
Shadow13 & Shadow Sacrifice Refresher HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range Explode Magic FreeHeal Target Shadow Sacrifice Loop Count&Max&Friendly ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow14 & BlackDragon0 HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range FreeHeal Target BlackDragon0&Friendly Loop Count&Max Magic Explode ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow15 & TalotComminucation HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range Freedom Talot0,TalotLevelCount&Cont,Hadesu Level Count&Count,DarkSide Level Count&Count,LightSide Level Count&Count,Shadow Sacrifice,Ladys0,Men's0,Ledys Count&Count,Men's Count & Count Magic Magical Jewel Cart,Record Log,Read Freedom Talot0,TalotLevelCount&Cont,Hadesu Level Count&Count,DarkSide Level Count&Count,LightSide Level Count&Count,Shadow Sacrifice,Ladys0,Men's0,Ledys Count&Count,Men's Count & Count ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow16 & Shadow Creature HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range LevelStepZero Magic Unlock Not Talot0 and Not Shadow Sacrifice and Not Men's0 and Not Ladys0 and Not LightSide Level1 and Not DarkSideLevel1 and Not HadesuLevel1 and Not Spiliture Creature and Not NecromancerGhost and Not SocererDispels Addition Standerd Set2,MasterWarLock,MasterSummoner,MasterNecromancer,Identify Count & 1 Loop Count 100 MiniMate ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow17 & Shadow Arch Gate HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range LevelStepZero Magic Talot0 Chapter count & 0 or Talot Level1 Chapter count & 0 Unlock Addition Talot0 & Chapter1 Aregement1 & Number1 Identify Loop Count & Count ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow18 & Magic Charger HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range LevelStepZero Magic Common Count & 0 and Other Count & 0 and Summon Count & 0 and Not Creture Counter UP Count & 0 Unlock Additon Identify Count & 1 Unlock Additon Etchant Magic Target Identify Count & 1 ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow19 & AllStepZeroCharger HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range LevelStepZero Magic AllStepZero ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0
Shadow20 & Shadow Guild HP1 Mana1 Attack HP-Count+Destroy SpacialTarget Range FreedomZero NecromancerShadow Count&Count,NecromancerGhost Count&Count,ArchSuquire Count&Count,Suquire Count&Cont,SpilitureCreature Magic Record Log,Read NecromancerShadow Count&Count,NecromancerGhost Count&Count,ArchSuquire Count&Count,Suquire Count&Cont,SpilitureCreature ProofDamage Shield Double TelePort Cost 0


E-Lang 英語 日記 外国語会話 学校英語学実践 曖昧解釈 英表現 英文法

2022-05-29 02:20:04 | 日記
Author Promoter by Dai Fukuoka English Languages

"Mind The Door","扉に注意"
"We Will Leave Company Inheritance Remain Staff","わたし達の決意は、会社の遺産継承を残る業務員に残すだろう"
"Contact Us","わたし達に接触してください"
"I Want Believe","信じて欲しい"
"Hello,Nice To Meet To You","こんにちは、素晴らしいのと出会いをあなたに"
"No,I Did Not","いいえ、違います"
"What It is Really Now?","そのことは今本当"
"Truth and False","真と偽"
"He May Read Note Book at After Time","彼は、午後の時間ノートを読むかもしれない"
"Near Missing That It Now","それは今近くに消息を絶った"
"Regular Meal have a Taste Restaurant Now","定食を味わって食べている今飲食店"
"He is New Standard Business Take Method Advocacy","彼は、新しい標準の仕事を方法を提唱した"
"You,Get It Tea-pod Please","君、茶急須を取ってくれ"
"She Sick Heavy Degree,Now is in The Home Stay","彼女は、症状が重い程度今は家に居る"
"My Model Make Could Complete Yesterday This Work","自分が昨日模型製作を完成させた"
"She Did Death Yesterday,Regret To She This Thing","彼女が昨日死去したこのことを彼女を悔いる"
"Return Go Home","家に帰れ"
"You,You Feeling at Me,Send To You By Impression","あなた、あなたを私に感じる感想によってあなたに伝える"
"You,What Have a Interest Computer?","あなた、パソコンに興味は有りませんか"
"How Much Payed Charge,Get It Price Value Please You","幾らをどの様に請求して払い、価格を得てください。"
"How Do You?","あなたどうしたらいいですか"
"How Arrive Goin Your Hotels,Firstest Soon Location at Approach Guide","あなたの宿泊施設はどの方法で着く、直ぐに最も早い近づく教えて"
"This Hotel Map Paper Information Guide,Let's Go Goal Location","この宿泊地図情報案内、皆で行こう目的地"
"Ski Instructions Tour Enjoy Holiday","スキー教習旅行休日の楽しみ"
"You,That is Needless","あなた、それは必要ない"
"Which Who are You","どなたですか"
"Support Approach Me,Friend Depend on It Works","私に支援を近づけて、仕事を友達に頼る"
"This Home Leave is My Travel Trip Only Mine","この家庭を離れ、私の孤独な旅にでる"
"Promising You To I asked Only one Thing","約束をあなたから私に依頼する一つのみの事"
"Trace He Behind Root Ways","彼のいった道を追っている"
"You,That Structure Building Open The Doors in My Here Come on","あなた、建物の扉を開けてここへ来てくれ"
"Understand To You,That Thing on Talk is Listen to Me","あなたを理解する、その事を話して私が聞く"
"Now on The Fire Out This Place,We is Escape This Structure,Out in Building","ここは出火した、わたし達は、この建物を脱出して、施設を出た"
"Smart Phone Forget in Here,Standstill Me","携帯電話をここに忘れて、私に立ち往生した"
"If For You Instance To By Me is Did Not Will","もしあなたに例えば私がその様な事をしなかっただろう"
"All Right Okay","よし了解した"
"No Execute It,By Object is Be Enough","それを実行しない、対象物によって足りる"
"Happy Birth Day To You","あなたに誕生日おめでとう"
"This Present is For You","この贈り物はあなたの為に"
"Include Team in Me","集団に私を加えて"
"No Wake Shake in Building Destroyed,No Behinded Thing Promise Back Future","地震に入り、建物が壊れない、過去の事ではない過去を誓う"
"Your Kindness Me,Thank You","あなたの親切ありがとう"
"I am Teenager","私は10代である"
"They go to Those Sloop long long a way","彼らはそれらの坂を長い道のりを行きなさい"
"That Had Mine,You No Get That,Return Mine That Object","それは私が持っている、あなたそれを取らないでくれ、その対象物を私に返してくれ"
"I Have Taste Meal Eat Now","今私が食事を食べて満喫している"
"Kind You","あなたは親切な方だ"
"Same Dress style to Me,You Good Favorite Feeling","私と同じ格好だ、あなたは良い好みの感じ"
"Tell Me","私に告げる"
"Just Twelve Hour a Moment Wait You","12時丁度一時の期間あなたは待ってください"
"Justice And Freedom on Declaration","正義と自由宣言"
"Demand Definition Objection","要求定義異議"
"I Moving Location Equipment Mobile Phone on Now","私は位置を移動している携帯電話を今装備している"
"You,Eject SD Memory Card From My Computer,You Take Get That Give Me","あなた、SDカードを私のパソコンから取り出して、あなたが私に与えてください"
"Are You Investment My Capital on Trade to My","あなたは、私の証券に投資しましたか"
"Stock Index Investment Ex parent Take Paid on Market","証券市場指数を投資支払う"
"Good Bye,See You Again","さようなら,またもう一度会う日を"
"I'm Sorry","私は気の毒に思う"
"Excuse Me","私を許してください"
"Try Again","再挑戦してください"
"Take Order Check Receipt Account List","要する注文伝票受領会計覧"
"Remember to Me","私を忘れずに居る"
"Change Post on Staff","役を交代する職員"
"Now,Watch Time Is This","今何時ですか"
"Never Future So Thing Nothing","決して将来その様なこと無い"
"Dead and Alive","死と生"
"Fresh Food in Freeze Keep This","生鮮食品を凍結させ保存するこれ"
"Save Poor Restore Economy at People","貧困を救済する経済再編を民"
"Anyone,Each Al Ways Continue","だれか、それぞれ常に続く"
"Deep and Deep,Edge To End","端と端"
"I am Give Up With On This Works","わたしは、この作業を断念する"
"Do Not Worry","心配するな"
"He is Say Vacation Tomorrow","彼は、明日休暇を取る事を言う"
"Global Positioning System and Location System","世界的位置機構(衛生)と場所機構"
"Employ with wage to Me,How Job Staff Licence","私に雇用と賃金、どのような職と職員免許"
"Many Way Any Way","たくさんの道と、何かの道"
"Every Thing Such Thing","全てのこと何一つ無い"
"I am Hope in Now,Order First Account This Paying","私は、今注文の会計を先支払いを希望する"
"I Need You","私はあなたが必要だ"
"Why That Thing Know to You","何故その事をあなたに知っている"
"Are You Have Some Thing","あなたは、何かを持っていますか"
"Always Casual Thing Everyday","常に何気ない事いつもの日"
"They are Difficult Tell Thing is","彼らに告げること難しいであろう"
"Pay Charge Those Cash Card","それらの支払いカードに支払い充填する"
"Rental Charge After Day on Pay","借用料金の後日払い"
"You Hope Mean Sayed,I Do Not Mean,No I Have Response","君は言いたい意味を言ったが、私は理解できない、私は、返事を持っていけない"
"You Tell Me,I Understand You,I Have Your Means","あなたは私に告げた、あなたを私は理解する、私はあなたの意味を持つ"
"Are You Arrive Paying Post Office CaseBox and Shop Stock","あなたの郵便は着払いで、ダンボールの商店在庫ですか"
"Santa Mesa Day Soon by Approach Date,This is Hope Give Present to You","ミサの日にもう直ぐ、近づく日付、それを希望するあなたに贈呈を与える"
"You Send Mail From America,You is Other Country,I am Send Message to You","あなたにアメリカより手紙、あなたは外国、私は送る言葉をあなたに"
"My Greeting is Write Begin on How Do You,Hello They Are","私の挨拶は、書き始めに初めまして、やあ、彼らである"
"Very Good","大変良い"
"Earth Quake is Happen Thing,Destroy by Structure Shake It","偶然起こる地震のこと、建物が揺れに倒壊する"
"Why Such Thing For You","何故そんな事あなたの為に"
"When This Thing is For My Feel Imaging Still Now on Understand","その場合このことは私の感じる映像の為に今も尚理解する"
"Notice with Attention This Place is No Wrong Thing No Keeping","注目と注意は、この場所は悪事を保つ事を禁じる"
"I am a Student,This Laboratory Staff Members","私は一人の学生です この研究室の一員の職員です"
"This Casual Times Traffic Confusion Now in This Road Way","この気軽な時間の交通混雑している今にこの道路の道に入る"
"Chase You on Lag","最後の一人があなたを追う"
"Hello You,Good Morning","やああなた良い今朝を"
"This Subject is My Theory and Learning on Revolution Target is Begin Now","この課題は私の学説と、学問革命を目標は今から"
"What is This.That is Cafe Cup","これは何ですか。それはコーヒーカップです"
"You,Large Many Your School Student.Yes,Very Much","あなた、あなたの学校は広範囲に多い学生ですね。はい、非常にずっと多いです"
"You Know.Really?","あなたは知っています。本当に"
"Ocure Frequency Terrorism in Together","同時多発テロ"
"Activation System","活性化構造"
"I am a Determination Not Compromise No Change Thing","私は、一つの決意を譲る事を否定し変ること無い"
"From You Send My Message","あなたから私の言葉を送ってください"
"That Thing is I Conscious Nothing Yet","その事について私は未だ自覚が無い"
"Are You Singer Song Writer ?.Yes,I do","あなたは作詞家ですか。はいそうです"
"Can You Struct Drawing.No I do.My Reason is Do Not Have No Platforms","あなたは、建築図面を描けますか。書けません。理由は私はその開発環境を持っていない"
"My Expression Think by I Drawing","私の表現を思う私の描画によって"
"Are You Previous Meeting","あなたは以前に会ったことが有りますか"
"You,No Accept But That","君、それについて許さない"
"Through Me","私を通り越して"
"This is Desk","これは学習デスクです"
"Teacher and Student","先生と学生"
"Fresh Man with Professor in Campus","新入生と、教授が、大学にて"
"You,I Have Design Then Al way Contents Material Used","君、私は設計するとき何時も内容素材を使う"
"This Buyer's Item is Sold Out Yet","この買い手項目は既に売り切れている"
"I Be live is She Reverence and Private Life This Thing","私は彼女の宗教と私生活の事を信じている"
"He is Region Servant,He Employ is Fire Fighting Group","彼は地方公務員だ、彼を雇うは、消防団です"
"But About is Trough","それについては答えない"
"This CopyRight is All Right Reserved","此の著作権は全部の権利は控えめです"
"That's Great","それらは素晴らしい"
"Good Luck","幸運を祈る"
"Real Estate Investment Trust","不動産投資信託"
"Accounting Check it Me","会計を調べていただけませんか"
"Take Challenge Me","私の要する挑戦"
"I am Will Any Kind of Unlost by Terrorism","私の意志はいかなるテロリストによって負けない"
"All in one Package","全部揃っている包装です"
"That is Bribery it,I Can not No Receipt It","それは受託収賄です。私は受け取る事が出来ません。"
"I Will Remain Inheritance CopyRight Made Computer Making","私の意志は、残った継承の著作権は情報処理加工過程にて作られています"
"Let It Me.No I Do Not","私を通してください。それは出来ません"
"She is Just a Wait Bus Stop","彼女は、丁度バス停留を待っています"
"The End of Finale of This Novels","この物語の終焉"
"You,The Get Table on The Vase with Flowers","君、そこの卓上にある花瓶と花を取ってくれ"
"I am Then Time Wake Up Now Out of Bed Hurry up","私はそのとき、の今目覚めた、ベットから出て急いだ"
"That is This Shell Box in This Tool Box","それはこのシェル箱の中にこの道具箱です"
"This Tools on This Table Have Been Put Away","この道具のテーブルの上はしまった"
"He is Away Be Come","彼は遠方から来ている"
"You,This Place is Market Rules in Shelf Service Sold Shopping Register by Consumer","君、ここの市場の決まりは消費者自身による売る会計なんだ"
"Objective in Consumer Market","指向は、消費者市場だ"
"Commission Shelf Washer Box in Dress Post in The Coin on Pay","手動による洗濯依頼をその箱の物の中に衣類を入れ、貨幣を支払う"
"Turst Me","私の依頼"
"This Car Road Way is Confusion Traffic Now","この自動車道は混雑の往来を今している"
"Shut up Please,Be Quiet","黙ってください、静かに"
"Stand Up Please,Good Every Morning","立って下さい、何時もの良い朝でです"
"Sit Down","座ってください"
"This Thing is I Was Wish","この事は私が望んだ事だった"
"Those is Bad","それらは悪い"
"You,Do not Hate Me","あなた、私を嫌わないで下さい"
"Did You Experience This Course","あなたはこの学科に経験がありますか"
"This Shop is Closed on This Time","この店は、この時間に閉まった"
"You Open The Door","あなた扉を開けてください"
"My Heart Close to You","私は、あなたに心を閉ざしている"
"Soon Arrive Christmas","もうじきクリスマスがやってきます"
"This Present to You","これをあなたに贈ります"
"Gift Season","歳暮季節"
"Yes,I Did Not","はい、私は違いました"
"Rainy and Sunshine on Today","雨と晴れの現在の今日"
"First Dinner with You","最初の晩餐をあなたと一緒に"
"Slow Turtle Vie Early Rabbit Result Turtle Winner","遅い亀と競った早い兎の結果は亀が勝者になった"
"Bank Account Pay Cashing on Delivery Me,Please It","銀行通帳現金支払いを受け渡しを私に置いて下さい"
"May I Help You","私はあなたを手伝うかもしれない"
"Friend With Me and Snap Shot on Photo Graph by Camera","友達と私を一緒に記念撮影を置く写真をカメラによる"
"Delete Dust in Photo Graph That Object Visual Reduction","その対象の目に見える規模を下げる写真の中の塵の削除"
"No Far Going,You is Late Follow with Me","遠くに歩行しないで遅れてあなたは私と一緒に着いて来て"
"Hey You","オイ!"
"Keep Out","出てください"
"Moving People City with You","あなたで動く民の都市です"
"I Do Not Mind You","私はあなたを注意しない"
"Thanks Your Letter on Send Message It","有難うあなたの手紙の上の伝言のそれ"
"Do You Have Favorite","あなたはどの様な好みを持ちますか"
"My Friend with I was go Travel so in Class Mate Group","私の友達と一緒に私は旅行に行きましたまたそのクラスメイトの組織です"
"For You","あなたの為に"
"From You","あなたから"
"Follow Send Root Way in Map","地図の中の通路の転送してください"
"Escort Guard To You","あなたを見張って護衛します"
"End of File","ファイルの終わり"
"In That Case Every Body,Stand Up Please,Hello,Good Afternoon Every Body,Sit Down Please","それでは皆さん席をお立ちください。こんにちは、座ってください"
"The Bus is By Soon Arrival on Time","そのバスはもう直ぐ到着による時間になる"
"Good Timing","丁度よい時期に"
"Reign Government Resistance Reaction,And too You","貴方は統治の支配に抵抗した反応をした、それとまたあなたです"
"Work Job and Retire Employment,His Desk Chairman Now","彼の副会長の今は作業の勤め先に引退した雇用"
"Hey What Do You","オイ!あなたは何をしている"
"I mine Money","私の物の金"
"Money Business by My Management have me For Company","現金仕事を私の経営を以って会社の為に"
"From You Your Send Letter","あなたから宛てたあなたの手紙"
"This Travel Vacation is Richness","この旅行の休日は豊富だ"
"Just Me Friends","私にぴったりの友人"
"Dream Again","夢再び"
"Those Talk is Hot","その話題が熱い"
"This is Better","これが妥当です"
"May I Die Than Say","言うより死んだほうが良いですか"
"on This Time now","この時間の今"
"Draw is Me Future","描くは私の未来"
"Mine License is Food Responsibility MemberShip Reached","私のもの免許は食費責任者会員に就く"
"He is Reached Forward Chief Executive Office Responsibility on Post","彼は地位にこれから就く最高経営責任者"
"Can You My Emotion in Feel Thing To You","あなたは私の感情をあなたに感じる事ができますか"
"I am Busy,In Business For Best","私は忙しいです。仕事を最善の為に入ります"
"My Holiday","私の休暇"
"That is Good","それが良い"
"If You is Absence","もしあなたが居なかったら"
"He religion is Christian.","彼の宗教はキリスト教だ"
"I Was Enlighten My Architecture curriculum","私は建築課程教科を教えている"
"What is Address? . My Address (Make Sure-Confirm)? . No , Your Stay Address . My Send Address Page (Show Book)","アドレスは何ですか。自分の住所ですか(確認)。違います泊まる住所です。見せて此れが宿泊先の住所です。"
"This Finding Place,Ask Road Guidance. I See,Your Show Map. This Location is Any Where This Place.Gold Flower St.Right Side Face with Cross Road.Thank You See You.","この場所を探しています。道案内を尋ねます。私が見ますあなたの地図を見せてください。この位置は何処のこの場所ですか。金華通り交差点に右側に面した側です。有難うあなたと会った。"
"What Your Stay Formalities Be Over Confirm? No I Can Not.Find Now.Ask-Request.No Find.This Page Need-Necessity Please Write Your Information.","あなたの宿泊手続きは確認済みましたか?いいえ私は出来ません。今探します。頼みます。この項に必要なあなたの情報を書いて下さい。"
"I will Die Behind Say","私は言いたいことの後に死ぬだろう"
"I do not Say","その事は私は言わない"
"farms loves you more than farms loves you or less than farms loves you","あなたを愛していてあるいは農場よりも小さくあなたを愛している以上に,農場はあなたを愛しています"
"Every Discloser is Going Concern","全ての暴露する者は懸念になります"
"snow grows Island to night plane to me see","雪は,私への飛行機が見る島今夜を育てます(映画)"
"I'm kingdom insulation and strike crime","私は,王国絶縁,およびストライキ犯罪です(映画)"
"Do not end Heart in night this wall Storm side","夜このかべ嵐側でハートを終えません(映画)"
"Kind keep Heaven know of the to night","種類は,天国を今夜を知っていさせます(映画)"
"don't and mean see don't secret she , Be good is have to be , Don't and feat,Don't and Know, When and know.","しないでそして意味します秘密がしないかを見ます彼女,よいですそうですそうである必要があります,しますそして,技,しないでそして知っていて下さい,ときにそして,知っていて下さい(映画)"
"She to Don't fear,hiding have now, We'll I am in know","彼女への恐れないで下さい,隠れることは今持っています,我々がします私がそこにあります知っていて下さい(映画)"
"Cain holding now , Try is going done,I Do not Cain and Going to Say.","カインが今保持すると,試みは礼儀にかなっているようになります,私がします言う(べき)カイン,および歩行ではないです.(映画)"
"love storm enjoy,con never by any way","愛嵐は,楽しんで,決していくらかの(どんな)道ではありませんを騙します(映画)"
"To night door's is gone","もう扉は行きました(映画)"
"my lone caine,going to side","私の側に行く孤独な嫉妬(映画)"
"Love storm night Enjoyed","夜楽しまれた愛嵐(映画)"
"Con by me any way","私によってどのような道を騙してください(映画)"
"It is High Sand Distance make Saving in see small more","それは,高い砂距離が,もっと節約することを小さくするということです(映画)"
"Be's one trouble me got's me allow","そうです1(人)が,私を苦しめるということです得ます私です考慮に入れて下さい"
"Than to she why and can too take the true","よりもへの彼女なぜか(理由),および出来るは,また真実であること(人)を連れていきます(映画)"
"Law of no rule Be I am Free","いかなるルールの法律が私が自由だということではありません(映画)"
"I want with me love Storm","私は,私と愛嵐が欲しいです(映画)"
"You Ready she in Crime","あなたが犯罪を用意します(映画)"
"In life State and In Life State","生活で州生活で州(映画)"
"Love Storm Great","荒れることがうまく大好きであって下さい(映画)"
"I'll Tower Power live storm and to smell a round","タワーは,ライブ嵐,および円の匂いをかぐことを強化します(映画)"
"So draw and I sky like closing factor so round","そのように作りますそして,とても丸い終わりの要因のような私は空(映画)"
"and one crystal and rising in night see like","そして,1つの水晶,および上昇は,夜で好きなのを見ます(映画)"
"I am gone Back Passing to the Tight","私は,きついこと(人)にとって過ぎ去っている後ろの通行です(映画)"
"Any Way rising Break and Done","いくらかの(どんな)道上昇中断そして,礼儀にかなっています(映画)"
"Like per me girl is gone In like is Day and lie and Day","私当りの,少女がぴったりはまられるように日および嘘,および日がそうかが好きであって下さい(映画)"
"Love Storm Enjoy","嵐が楽しむ愛(映画)"
"Gone by me any way","私によって過ぎ去っているのでいくらかの(どんな)道(映画)"
"Smile to White Twinkle White","白きらめき白への微笑み(エーデルワイス)"
"You want time to be free","あなたは時間に自由であってほしいです(エーデルワイス)"
"Find to star world be coude","世界に星印をつけることが雲であることを見つけて下さい(エーデルワイス)"
"Place my for ever","私を永遠におきます(エーデルワイス)"
"Every for plead me","全てを私に弁護してください(エーデルワイス)"
"Smile in Why,plead my find","何故かの微笑み、私を発見する弁護(エーデルワイス)"
"You want find be plead","あなたが発見がそうであることが欲しいですが弁論して下さい(エーデルワイス)"
"Find the stars you be cloud","雲であるたに星にあなたを見つけて下さい(エーデルワイス)"
"Thank you cloud for ever","有難うは永遠に曇ります(エーデルワイス)"
"Place for my hold for ever","永遠に私の手がかりのために置いて下さい(エーデルワイス)"
"I am here saying nothing","私はここに何も言いません(音楽)"
"Feeling you more close in my dream","私の夢であなたをより近いと感じること(音楽)"
"Can you hear my love is calling","私が愛を呼んでいる事を聞いてくれませんか(音楽)"
"I just wanna call you","私は丁度貴方に電話したいです(音楽)"
"I just call you","私は丁度あなたに電話します(音楽)"
"Be can't","そうですする事が出来ません(音楽)"
"I am here sayiing nothing","ここに私は何も言いません(音楽)"
"to great story side all specter","すばらしいストーリーに,すべての幽霊が,味方します(JustTheSame)"
"my kill are so to ground","地上に降りるために,私の殺しはそうです(JustTheSame)"
"wish wind green tight an put tech to all are","すべてへのケチな記入技術がそうである望み風緑(JustTheSame)"
"can and tight","できますそして,きついです(JustTheSame)"
"when the and so cab to greeting","ときにそのおよびしたがって,挨拶へのタクシー(JustTheSame)"
"to everything and so to say","すべてへのそして,いわば(JustTheSame)"
"and so lie lone ground through face with legend","およびしたがって,伝説をもつ顔を通して孤独であって粉末になっている嘘(JustTheSame)"
"alone see shine and feel great","単独で輝きを見て,すばらしい感じがして下さい(JustTheSame)"
"he want gone and day waking fool tie and can stay of my chance will finding will fiiding Just Same","彼が,ただ同じ発見した物がするかとわかって私のチャンスの滞在がする過ぎ去っているそして日目をさますことばか者結び,および缶が欲しいです(JustTheSame)"
"and through true danger night able night from answer in my country","そして,私の国で答えから夜できる真実の夜の危険を通して(JustTheSame)"
"trouble and refine false remember answer to go my heart","偽って心配して洗練されます私のハートになるために答えを思い出して下さい(JustTheSame)"
"along see shine tie fee rain along he my fine and night my name waking fool tie can stay of night chance are will finding finding Just Same","ずっと輝き結び料金がずっと雨が降るのを見ます彼私の有名な目をさましているばか者が発見がただ同じだったことがわかってチャンスがそうである夜の滞在がする缶を結ぶ私の罰金,および夜(JustTheSame)"
"under night you will feel and we star so tight in bright an feel and dad lone","夜の下に,あなたは感じるでしょう,そして,我々は,明るく孤独な感触,およびお父さんでとてもかたく主演します(JustTheSame)"
"will be find same and some and an want see shine and feel rain and feel your find and your night","発見同様およびいくらか(の人)になるでしょうおよびa欲しいです輝き,および感触が,あなたの発見およびあなたの夜を雨が降って感じるのを見て下さい(JustTheSame)"
"waking fool to night cast in my chance and your finding are your finding Just Same and your finding are your finding Just Same","私のチャンスおよびあなたの発見で投げたのはあなたがただの同様,およびあなたの発見があなたの発見だとわかることである夜のただの同様への目が覚めているばか者(JustTheSame)"
"what wrong is thing be","間違ってことがそうだということであるもの"
"but should be scold while should be praise need thing","しかし口やかましい人であるべきです間に称賛必要ことであるべきです"
"you praise she that point","あなたが誉め称えます彼女そのポイント"
"your love thing understanded","あなたの愛ことは理解されました"
"that is where I live","それは私が生きている場所です"
"what is this buy your take hand choice it,Both that,That is where account your counter","この買い物は何ですかあなた手選択にとってそれを要して下さい,共に,それ,それはどこでか(場所)だは,あなたのカウンターを思います"
"He is By Contract Expenses Receipt on Yesterday From You","彼は貴方から昨日に契約費用に依ってを受け取る"
"I'll Leave my Daughter's education to you when I die.","私が死んだら娘の教育を頼む"
"I hope you do not mind if I take back what i said.","私が前言撤回しても気に触らなければよいのですが"
"All the students majoring in politics must hand turn their essays on separation of church and stete.","政治学先行全学生は政教分離日に関する報告書を提出しなければ成らない"
"No sensidble man would say things like that in public.","良識の在る人なら人前でそんなこと言わないであろう"
"We danced to the Music.","私達は音楽に合わせて踊った後"
"I'd like you to pay the money in advance.","代金は前払いでお願いする"
"Business is going from bad to worse.","仕事の景気がますます悪い方向に向かう"
"I know him by Name.","付き合いは無いが彼の名前は知っている"
"You should not look down on people only because they are poor.","貧しいからと言って人を見下してはいけない"
"The neighbores always get on my nerves with thew noise they make.","隣の人が煩く騒ぐ音で私は何時もイライラする"
"They Caalled eacg others name.","彼等は互いに罵倒(ばとう)しあった"
"I got a call out of the blue yesterday from my father.","昨日突然父から電話があった"
"He went off the deep end and struck his mother down.","彼は怒り母親を殴り倒した"
"The long and short of it is that the plan was a failure.","要するには計画は失敗した"
"He told a joke to break the ice.","彼は冗談を言って場を和ませた後"
"Generally children move around as brisk as a bee.","一般に,こどもは,蜜蜂ほど活発に動き回ります."
"So valuable were the paintings that they were handled with kid gloves.","したがって,貴重なのは彼(それ)らがそうであるところでは,キッドの手袋..で取り扱えた絵画でした"
"It is difficult to separate the sheep from the goats by appearance.","外見によってよしあしを見分けることは,難しいです."
"Do you play any sports to become full of beans? jogging every day.","あなたは,元気いっぱいになるために,いくらかの(どんな)スポーツをしますか?すべての日を軽く動かすこと."
"Do not be fooled by all his complimentary remarks;they were all said with tongue in cheek.","すべての彼の敬意をこめている批評によって馬鹿にされないで下さい;彼(それ)らは,皮肉たっぷりにすべて言われました."
"Did you hear the news that our star player ,Randy,won the single title?Yes,I think it is a real feather in his cap.","あなたはニュースを聞きましたかその我々のスター・プレーヤー,ランディ,は,一つのタイトルを勝ち取りました?イエス,私は,それが現実の名誉だと思います."
"Congratulations,Susan! Your husband,Ted just published his new novel,Thank you,I hope it'll go like hot cakes.","おめでとう,スーザン!あなたの夫,テッドは,ちょうど彼の新しい小説を出版しました,サンキュー,私は,それが飛ぶように売れるだろうことを望みます."
"It has been a long time since Mike and I met each ,he always knows exactly what I am thinking!Really!He reads you like a book.","マイク以来長期になる,そして,私はそれぞれに会いました,彼は,いつも,何を(に)私が思っているかを正確に知っています!本当に!彼は,あなたの気持ちが手にとるようにわかります."
"I am going to take and interview test for another company tomorrow,The last time I was interviewed,I was very nervous and failed to answer their questions in the way they expected","私は,この前インタビューされたとき明日もう一つのカンパニーのためのテストを取ってインタビューする予定です,私は,彼(それ)らの邪魔な質問に答えるのがとても神経質な,および失敗されたと,彼(それ)らは予想しました."
"Do not strike a wrong note this time.","今回間違っているノートを打たないで下さい."
"Could you help me solve this question?Okay,You can count on me.","私がこの質問を解くのを手伝ってくださいませんか?承認,あなたは私に期待することができます."
"Why must id do such a job?No choice,Your boss instructs you to do it.","なぜイドがこのようなジョブをするマストか?選択でなく,あなたのボスは,あなたにそれをするように指示します."
"You'd better consult your father about such a matter,None of your business.","あなたは,このような事柄,どのあなたのビジネスについてあなたの父に相談しないほうがよいです."
"Tom always refutes what we say,He's wet blanket.","トムは,いつも我々が言うものの間違いを証明します,彼はぬれ毛布です."
"Tere is Are Hole","穴が有る"
"What(How) High Price","何と高いなのだろう"
"How Kind She is Beautiful","彼女は何と美しいのだろう"
"He Gave the Book to Me / He Gave Me The Book","彼は,本を私に与えました"
"Will You Tea","お茶しませんか"
"Open The Door","扉を開けなさい"
"Please Open The Door","扉を開けてくれませんか"
"Want He to Me","彼に私をして貰いたい"
"Tell He to Slence","彼に静かにして貰うよう言う"
"He Told Me to SIng A Song / He Said to Me Sing A Song","彼は私に歌を歌ってもらうよう言った"
"It is He for Play to Everything on He own Way","彼が遊ぶのは勝手だ"
"too Poor to Money","余りに貧しいので現金できない"
"Happy New Year Congratulations","新年おめでとうございます"
"Graduation Enogh to have Scholastic abililty","卒業するのに十分に学力が有る"
"Weare rich Enogh to Buy There Cars","私達は車を売るだけの金が有る"
"So Low Price that Stop Sell","あまりに安いので売るのを止める"
"So Poor that Poor Sell Home Can not","余りに貧乏なので家を売れない"
"I know the boy Plaing Cards / I know The Boy Whois Plaing Cards","彼はカードゲームをしている彼も知っている"
"Would Like to Have that","それを持ちたいと思う"
"It is Center Test Since Passing Success Licence","センター試験してから免許合格できる"
"You Say Though","あなたが言うけども"
"Not Only He Also She","彼だけでなく彼女も"
"Think That Promise","約束だと思う"
"It is Geting Colder and Colder","ますます寒くなっている"
"After A While","しばらくして"
"At Fist Stand by","まず最初に準備"
"A Last End","遂にとうとう終り"
"At One Hurry you","直ぐに急げ"
"For long time Sleeping","長い間寝ている"
"For the first time Playing tennis","初めてテニスをしている"
"Long A go Return Thing","直ぐに以前に戻ると考える"
"One Time Arriveal","時間どうり到着"
"Right Now Get For","今すぐにあなたに取ってください"
"These Day Thing","このごろ思う"
"Arround The World Life","世界中の生活"
"Between Father and Mother Child Birth","父と母の間に子供の誕生"
"Far A Way Life","遠く離れた生活"
"From Japan to England","日本からイギリスへ"
"In Front of My Car at Suprised","私の車の前に驚く"
"Over There Night","夜の向こうに"
"Either You or Me Escape Now","あなたか私のどちらかが今抜けてください"
"Not Tiger But Cat","虎ではなく猫"
"Be Cause of Lady Can not","女性なので出来ません"
"Each Other Male and Female","男女互いに"
"For Exsample Died Lost Family","たとえば死ねば家族を失う"
"For One Self Studing","自力で自分の為に学習する"
"Not Compleate at all","全然完成していない"
"Me of Couse You Like","わたしはもちろんあなたが好き"
"He is Good at Speak English","彼がよいですで英語を話して下さい"
"He Must Take Care of his Sister","彼は,彼のシスターの世話をしなくてはいけません"
"He Stopped is Front of my house","彼は,私のフロントは家かを止めました"
"I am come form Europe","わたしはヨーロッパ(欧州)出身である"
"Arrive At My Country","自分の国に着く"
"Get off Nagoya Station","名古屋駅を降りる"
"Get on Train","列車に乗る"
"Go to Home","家に着く"
"Get Up,Now Time AM9:00 You Will Attend School","起きなさい,あなたが出席するだろうAM9:00が教える今時"
"You Child laugh at You","あなたあなたのこども笑い"
"Listen to Music","音楽を聴く"
"Look at you","きみを見る"
"Look for Book","本を探す"
"Look Like Ground Parent","祖父母に似る"
"Pick Up List book","名簿から拾い上げる"
"Put on Pants","ズボンを着る"
"Speak to you","あなたと話す"
"Stand Up Please","立って下さい"
"Take off Shirt","シャツを脱ぐ"
"Turn on sound","音楽をつける"
"Turn off sound","音楽を消す"
"Wait for 30minuts","30分待つ"
"Take Come off you","あなたを世話する"
"Look Forward to Return Father","父親が変えることを待ち望む"
"Make Friend With You","あなたと友達になる"
"Ask Me for You","わたしをあたたに頼む"
"Help Staff with Member","スタッフのメンバーを手伝う"
"Thank You For Me","あなたを私に感謝する"
"Be Interested in","興味があります"
"Be Surprised At","驚く"
"Be Covered with Snow","雪で覆われている"
"A Cup of Cafe","一杯のコーヒー"
"A Few Dog","少数の犬"
"A Kind of Orange","一種の蜜柑"
"A Little Poison","少量の毒"
"A Lot of Teacher","多くの教師"
"A Pair of Sword","一対一の剣"
"A Piece of Diamond","ダイアモンド石の一片一切れ"
"My Religion is Romman Catholic","私の宗教のカトリック"
"I had Religion is Christian","私の宗教は嘗てキリスト教徒でした"
"My Lerning French Language in Course","私の学習のフランス語言語が科目に入る"
"She Cried cause is You Thing","彼女が泣いた理由はあなたの事"
"He soldier is RearWard 1st Year Thing","彼が軍人になったのは前の一年前の事"
"You Send Message is Graduation in High School is congratulations","あなたに送る言葉は卒業内高校はおめでとう"
"I Was Japan Dead on Land","私は日本で土地の上死んでいました"
"He is Representative Lady Leader","彼は女性の代表だ"
"Standard Infomation Engineering Licence Course Leave The Science Club","基本情報技術免許科目部活退部する"
"My Oldest First Live Promoter Crusader","私の最も古く生きてきた創業者の十字軍"
"Saint Raphael is Great(Splendid) Theraphim Angel","聖ラファエルは素晴らしい熾天使"
"The Ancient My Ancestor Meliodus is Honer Knight and Oldest Ancestor","その古代のわたくしの先祖のメリオダスは名誉の騎士と最も古い先祖"
"Saint Michele is By Lucifer (Dark Therapim) Succeed of Heaven Squadron","聖ミカエルはルシファー影の熾天使に依って継承した天軍"
"Saint Michele Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphae Parent Lucifer2nd with Elizabeth 3rd This By Parent Gived Supreme Angel Position","聖天使の三人は、親のルシファー二世と一緒にエリザベス3世此の親が最高天使を与えた。"
"3Master's of Warlock is Law Magician and Necromancer is Chaos Magician and Summoner is UnMoral Magician is Got A Title Master's Position","3マスターのウオーロックは善の魔法使い、ネクロマンサーは混沌の魔法使い、サモナーは反道徳の魔法使いはマスターの称号と地位を取った"
"BC1-AD2 Year's is History","紀元前1年から西暦2年は歴史"
"NANANA2nd is Parent Old NANANA'S Successioned","ナナナ二世は、親古いナナナを襲名した"
"He is Principle War(Battle) Abandoment Method","彼は戦争放棄秩序主義"
"Evil Lord and Goodness Lord or Dark Public Lord","悪の国王と善の国王か闇の公王"
"WarLock is White Magician and Sorcerer is Using sorcery and Wizard is Supreme Magician","ウオーロックは白魔術師、ソーサーラーは幻術使い、ウイザードは最高魔法使い"
"Number 18 Brunch God is Promoter Oganeson and Maked GOLD Core Star with Easy'z is Just Setting Up BigVan Core Logic on AU & AG & HG & PT & PD & C & H2O & FE","第18支神はオガネソンの創業者で金の芯の星を作ったのとビックバンを行った核理論は金、銀、水銀、プラチナ、パラジュウム、ダイア、水、鉄"
"Easy'z is Ancient God BC3216 Year Promote","イージスは古代神紀元前3216年発起"
"Remove of Exsist Interference for Relation,You","貴方、存在干渉を関係の為に除去してください"
"Lucifer2nd is France Queen Elizabeth2nd Transfer Accession Monarch From France on Lucifer 31 Age Old,Trough Give Monarch is by Elizabeth","ルシファー2世はフランス紀元前の土地の時代エリザベス3世に依って女王エリザベス3世から31歳期国王の即位が送られ与えられています。"