English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.


2024-05-25 21:43:45 | Reading - politics
Wow. Another high-profile Tory MP!

Michael Gove to stand down at general election in blow to Rishi Sunak amid record Tory MP exodus

toll - Is this meaning? [Collins]A toll is a total number of deaths, accidents, or disasters that occur in a particular period of time.
public office - it needs to be elected [Collins]Some one who is in public office is in a job that they have been elected to do by the public.
faltering < falter
levelling up - I cannot find the definition in Collins. Collins is conservative. Cambridge has more new words. "level up" sounds a Japanese-English word, but it looks computer games made the word more common.
[Cambridge](POLITICS UK)to increase pay, living standards, the number of jobs, etc. in areas of the country where they are lower than in others, so that all areas are more equal
[quote]set out the levelling up vision which is so important for our country[unquote]
[quote]enabling me to deepen and intensify the levelling up programme[unquote]
surpassing (accent) - sur-pA-ssing
whistlestop/ whistle-stop [Collins]If someone, especially a politician, goes on a whistle-stop tour, they visit a lot of different places in a short time.
deluge (pronunciation)
up for

The reason of his stepping down is this:
[quote]A constituency-level poll by YouGov last month projected Mr Gove was on track to keep his Surrey Heath seat by a margin of just one per cent, with the Conservatives on 33 per cent and the Liberal Democrats 32 per cent.[unquote]

Tory Boy looks like Gove, but rather Mogg
Tory Boy at breakfast
Tory Boy at Party Conference
Tory boy at the job centre

But the towards the end of the article, it says about Rishi, not Gove.

Rishi Sunak scores own goal with football gaffe on campaign trail in Wales
The self-described “massive football fan”...Titanic Quarter...
He's broke... just repeating "our plan is working"...Poor Rishi...

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