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2010-04-30 | IT




 アプリケーション開発企業Siriが米国時間4月28日、Appleに買収されたことを認めたと、Business Insiderのブログが報じている。買収に関する詳細は明らかにされていない。

 Siriの主要な製品は携帯機器向け「バーチャル秘書」アプリケーションで、「iPhone」や「iPod touch」のユーザーが声で質問し、商品、サービス、店舗などを探せるというものだ。同社はSRI Internationalの人工知能プロジェクトからスピンオフした企業で、DARPAから資金提供を受けてきた。

 同社のiPhone向けバーチャル秘書アプリケーションは無料で、ユーザーは音声もしくは文字で「ロマンチックに食事のできる場所は?」といった質問ができる。アプリケーションは、ユーザーの位置情報、時間、好み、その他の条件に合わせてリクエストを解釈するアルゴリズムを使って回答する。同アプリケーションは2009年7月の「D: All Things Digital」カンファレンスで初めて公開された。



Apple buys virtual assistant app maker Siri
by Erica Ogg

(Credit: Screenshot by Erica Ogg/CNET)

Another day, another Apple acquisition.

On Wednesday, an application developer called Siri confirmed to the Business Insider blog that it had been acquired by Apple. There were no details about the transaction available.

Siri's main product is a mobile virtual personal assistant that allows users of the iPhone or iPod Touch, to ask questions about finding consumer goods, services, or destinations. The company developed out of an artificial intelligence project at SRI International, and was financed by DARPA.

The free iPhone app lets users speak or type questions, such as "What's a romantic place for dinner?" The app uses an algorithm that interprets the request as it applies the person's location, time, preferences, and other context. It was first demonstrated for the public at last year's D: All Things Digital conference.

This is the second Apple acquisition this week. On Tuesday, the company confirmed it had acquired Texas-based chipmaker Intrinsity. The rumored price for that acquisition was $121 million.

This post was updated at 11:48 a.m. PDT to correct the name of the non-profit where Siri originated.
