長崎にお住まいの、大牟田教会の伊藤牧師夫人のお姉さんは、余命2ヶ月という眼のガンでした。しかし、(救われて)いやしを祈り、手術もされ3年になります。このガンは手術をしても一年以上生きた例が世界に無く、3年も生きているので、アメリカの学会で発表されることになったそうです。主のいやしを感謝します。 写真はペテロ伊藤牧師ご夫妻
The sister of the wife of Pastor Ito of Ohmuta Church suffered from cancer in the eye and the doctor told her that she could live for two months. But we prayed for her and she went operation an three years have passed. No body with this type of cancer has lived more than one year. Since she lived for three years, the doctor decided toreport this case in an academic conference in US. We thank for God’s healing.