○ 音源には伴奏をつけ、必ず楽譜を付け、コードやテンポを入れて下さい。
○ 楽譜とは別に歌詞を書いたものをいれて下さ
○ 応募された時点で曲の著作権は荒地に川ミュージックに移行したします。
○ 応募メディアはお返しいたしません。
○ できるだけ良い録音状態でご応募下さい。音源をCDとしてそのまま使用することもあります。
○ 締め切りは8月7日です。
○ 歌詞のみの応募も受け付けています。
If you apply only the lyrics for Yasuragi Song Book Vol. 13, the deadline will be Aug. 7th. If you apply both the lyrics and music, the deadline will be Aug 7th, but it might be extended. Please apply a lot of songs. How to Apply for Yasuragi Song Book Vol. 13 *If it is possible, please send the music file by CD, or MP3 data by mail or Email. We accept a tape and MD too. Please put two or more music into one media. (If possible, please give us data by MP3 or WAVE) *Be careful not to break copyright, such as referring to other music, enough in lyrics composition. *The song file you submit must be at most three months old. If you resubmit the same song as before, then you have to change melody, lyrics, or singer. *Please be sure to attach the accompaniment sheet music with tempo and chord to the sound source *Please separate the lyrics sheet from the music accompaniment sheet. *When you submit, the copyright of music shifts to Rivers in the desert music . *Application media will not be returned. *Please send the best quality sound recording for submission. A sound source may be used as it is for CD. * A deadline is on August 7th. * We accept only lyrics too. *Please write the song is new or resubmission when you submit. The address for submissions in mailing: Tokyo Antioch Church Office Music Submission Departmen Kanada building 405 2-15-1, Koenji-kita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo Email address: rid.kouhou@gmail.com