黒船亭 - Kurofune-tei 2009-01-16 | Food & Drinks-グルメ 黒船亭 スペシャルハヤシライス 一週間以上かけてつくったデミグラスソースと特選和牛。 贅沢な美味しさ! Kurofune-tei Special Hayashi Rice Using special wagyu (Japanese beef) with a demi glace sauce that was simmered for a week. Awesome! My Favorites-お気に入り
ウォーリー - WALL・E 2009-01-16 | ArtFilmMusic-芸術映画音楽 ウォーリー これはすごい! ディズニー社がピクサーのラセター氏へのプレゼントのために作らせた木の彫刻。 wooden wall-e: how many trees had to die? Wood + WALL-E = WOOD-E, Hiyo! WALL・E Now this is amazing! Disney commissioned this wooden sculpture as a gift for Pixar/Disney Chief Creative Officer John Lasseter. wooden wall-e: how many trees had to die? Wood + WALL-E = WOOD-E, Hiyo!
ウォーリー - WALL・E 2009-01-16 | ArtFilmMusic-芸術映画音楽 ウォーリー やっぱりレゴのバージョンもでるでしょう。 しかし上手く出来ていますね。 Lego-Built Wall-E: It Was Only a Matter of Time Looking Good: LEGO WALL-E Is Cute As Hell WALL・E You just knew they would come out with a Lego version. And a very well built version it is. Lego-Built Wall-E: It Was Only a Matter of Time Looking Good: LEGO WALL-E Is Cute As Hell