キム・チャンワンに恋してる I'm in love with Kim Chang-Wan 김창완님에게 사랑에빠졌다

Introduces how great Kim Chang-Wan is.

感想, 감상, Impression: 僕の心に絨毯を敷いて 내 마음에 주단을 깔고 Spread silks and satin in my heart

2018-09-30 20:05:40 | CD, LP, Songs









"내 마음에 주단을 깔고" 나의 감상:
이 노래는 전주이 약 4분 있어요. 전주(인트로)만 1곡 분(^^;)...
근데 기타와 드럼 소리가 멋있어요~

"내 마음에 주단을 깔고"는 무슨 뜻인가요?
저는 "내 마음에 융단을 깔고 사랑하는 사람을 맞는다"라고 해석했어요.
이"융단"은 "레드 카펫" 같은 것이라고 생각했어요.

아카데미나 칸 영화제 등으로 보고 그 레드 카펫!
그것을 자신의 마음 속에 깔고 사랑하는 사람을 맞이하고 싶다
그런 의미라고 생각했어요.
그런데 사랑하는 사람은 짝사랑이에요. 슬퍼...ㅠㅠ.

이 노래는 창완님(산울림)을 대표하는 히트곡이에요.
후렴은 창완님의 톤(고음)도 매력이에요.
그나저나 창완님은 정말 시인지요~~!!

 One of Kim Chang-Wan’s well-known song is "Spread silks and satin in my heart".

I love this English title. It's very beautiful, romantic, and even gorgeous. It is written in Kim Chang-Wan Band's CD "Forgiveness", so it's probably the official title.

However, "Spread silks and satin in my heart" is slightly different from the original Korean title. The Korean title is "Spread "주단" in my heart". "주단" literally means a carpet.

Compare "Spread silks and satin in my heart" and "Spread a carpet in my heart". In my opinion, "Spread silks and satin in my heart" looks/sounds more beautiful and poetic. I found it a brilliant translation.

Now, my understanding of the song is "Spread a red carpet in my heat". I think "주단" in Korean language in this song refers to a red carpet, which is like the one used at the Cannes Film Festival or Academy Awards. It’s prepared and used for welcoming stars.

In this song, a man is in love with a beautiful woman (for him, she is a star), and he is ready for welcoming her by spreading a red carpet in his heart. However, sadly, this is a one-sided love. She does not seem to notice how much he loves her. Very sad....

Kim Chang-Wan's lyrics are very beautiful and there is no doubt that he is a great poet.