


2025-01-06 10:16:00 | 日記
186 いったいなぜみんながそれほどまでにボブを軽蔑するのか僕にはわからない。
I can't figure out why on earth everybody feels so much comtempt for Bob.

187 彼のことを笑わずにはいられない。ばかな間違いを繰り返すからね。きっと彼は懲りないんだろうな。
I can't help laughing at him because he keeps on making stupid mistakes. He'd be the last person to learn his lesson.

188 さらに厄介なことに、彼は私たちに迷惑をかけていることさえ分かっていない。
To make matters worse, he isn't even conscious of annoying us.

189 慌てていたから手袋を間違えて裏返しにはめてしまった。
Since I was in a hurry, I put my gloves on inside out by my mistake.

190 デイブはデブでドジ、浅い小川を飛び越えた時につまづいて足首を捻挫したんだ。
Dave is fat and clumsy, when he leaped over the shallow stream, he stumbled and twisted his ankle.

191 僕は高所恐怖症なんだ。弱虫!
I'm scared of heights. You're a coward.

192 消極的なその男性が人前で自己表現をすることはまずない。
The passive man seldom, if ever, expresses himself in public.

193 ニックは私を納得させた。全ての迷信は根拠のないものだと。
Nick convinced me that all superstitions are irrational.

2024-12-22 11:42:00 | 日記

日銀会合、 FOMCを終えて


After the Bank of Japan meeting and the FOMC meeting

I was completely off the radar. I never thought it would go up to 158 yen. My prediction was wrong, I didn't think the Fed would lower the interest rate by 0.25. In the press conference immediately after, Powell suggested that the number of interest rate cuts next year would be reduced from the previous forecast of four to two. This is the reason why the dollar rose despite the interest rate cut. It seems that there will be a battle between caution against foreign exchange intervention and a strong dollar toward the end of the year. The range is from 153 yen to 159 yen.


2024-12-16 12:41:00 | 日記



This week, the Bank of Japan meeting and the FOMC will finally take place. I expect the rate to be 155 yen per dollar. Last December, Ueda's challenging remarks caused the yen to appreciate before the Bank of Japan meeting, but in the end there was no interest rate hike.

I don't think there will be any changes to the FOMC. Although the employment statistics were somewhat poor, the CPI is showing signs of increasing, so I think Powell will hold off on cutting interest rates this year.


2024-12-11 11:47:00 | 日記
177 ナオミは自分の完璧なスタイルを見せびらかしたがる。私も彼女みたいにやせていればなあ。彼女が羨ましいわ。ダイエットすれば。
Naomi likes to show off her perfect figure. I wish I were thin like her. I envy her."You could go on a diet."

178 ナオミに一目惚れした。3ヶ月後彼女に思い切ってプロポーズしたが振られてしまった。
I fell in love with Naomi at first sight. Three month later, I took a chance and proposed to her, but she turned me down.

179 偶然その人に出会ったの。優しくて頭もいいの。おまけに独身!
I met the man by chance.He's gentle and smart. What's more, he's single.

180 彼の甥は謙虚で思いやりのある人になるように育てられた。
His nephew was brought up to be modest and considerate.

181 私の両親にボブを紹介したら二人ともすぐに彼のことが好きになった。
I introduced BOB to my folks, and they took to him at once.

182 人は外見ではなくむしろ中身で判断されるべきだ。
People should be judged not so much by how they look as by who they are.

183 大切なのは肩書きなんかじゃない。絶対そうだ。とボブは語気を強めていった。
"It's not your title that counts. That's for sure. " exclaimed Bob.

184 自分の力で成功を掴んだ人が言ったように、「先見の明のある人は最後には成功する。」
As a self-made man put it."A man of vision will make good in the end"

185 若さが永遠のものではないことを忘れてはいけない。
Keep in mind that youth is not eternal.


2024-12-06 12:38:00 | 日記


  • 1.今年の夏に0.25ポイント上げたため11月の雇用統計も悪そうなので円高に触れる場面はあったとしても結局利上げはしないとおもいます。
  • 2. また、トランプの1月の就任に向けて米株市場の高まりと共に債権金利が上がるため結局円安になりドルも強くなるだろうと思います。


In conclusion, I expect the rate to rise to 155 yen ahead of the Bank of Japan meeting on December 20, 2024.

- [ ] 1. Since the rate was raised by 0.25 points this summer, the employment statistics for November look bad, so even if there are times when the yen may appreciate, I don't think there will be an interest rate hike after all.

- [ ] 2. Also, with the US stock market rising ahead of Trump's inauguration in January, bond interest rates will rise, so I think the yen will weaken and the dollar will strengthen.

Background: Pink Mosque