


2024-12-11 11:47:00 | 日記
177 ナオミは自分の完璧なスタイルを見せびらかしたがる。私も彼女みたいにやせていればなあ。彼女が羨ましいわ。ダイエットすれば。
Naomi likes to show off her perfect figure. I wish I were thin like her. I envy her."You could go on a diet."

178 ナオミに一目惚れした。3ヶ月後彼女に思い切ってプロポーズしたが振られてしまった。
I fell in love with Naomi at first sight. Three month later, I took a chance and proposed to her, but she turned me down.

179 偶然その人に出会ったの。優しくて頭もいいの。おまけに独身!
I met the man by chance.He's gentle and smart. What's more, he's single.

180 彼の甥は謙虚で思いやりのある人になるように育てられた。
His nephew was brought up to be modest and considerate.

181 私の両親にボブを紹介したら二人ともすぐに彼のことが好きになった。
I introduced BOB to my folks, and they took to him at once.

182 人は外見ではなくむしろ中身で判断されるべきだ。
People should be judged not so much by how they look as by who they are.

