


2024-10-07 15:12:00 | 日記

Oct2024 YouTube




I'm a YouTuber who watches the Bank of Japan.I was pretty beaten up last week.With Ishiba becoming the new Prime Minister and the dollar rising in the US employment statistics,In addition, the worsening situation in the Middle East following Israel's attack on Lebanon led to higher oil prices, which in turn contributed to a stronger dollar.I wanna say , I can't predict so many things.As a result, I took a large loss.

I like to remember the words of Jim Rogers:what is happening now has happened before and will happen again.when something is presebted as novel or different,look to the past and you will always find a precedent there.

By the way, I think the ringgit is the strongest in Southeast Asia.Including Japanese yen.One of the economic indicators I often look at is debt to GDP.Japan's is 260%, while Malaysia's is 60%.Currently, 1 ringgit is about 35 yen.But I think it will be around 50 yen.