- 1.今年の夏に0.25ポイント上げたため11月の雇用統計も悪
そうなので円高に触れる場面はあったとしても結局利上げはしない とおもいます。 - 2. また、
トランプの1月の就任に向けて米株市場の高まりと共に債権金利が 上がるため結局円安になりドルも強くなるだろうと思います。
In conclusion, I expect the rate to rise to 155 yen ahead of the Bank of Japan meeting on December 20, 2024.
- [ ] 1. Since the rate was raised by 0.25 points this summer, the employment statistics for November look bad, so even if there are times when the yen may appreciate, I don't think there will be an interest rate hike after all.
- [ ] 2. Also, with the US stock market rising ahead of Trump's inauguration in January, bond interest rates will rise, so I think the yen will weaken and the dollar will strengthen.
Background: Pink Mosque