OWON XDS3102AV Review(Firmware Version
ElectronicsDIY5 web shop
I lost the review in English on this weblog,so I will re-write again.(I am sorry,but a little by littele,I retrieve)Thanks to Mr.Colin,sales manager of OWON always!!Now I have succesfully updated to the newest firmware(Version which has been included Japanese GUI!!
(So-called OWON 100MHz 1GS/s N-in-1 12-Bits Digital Oscilloscope/What is it?)
OWON releases the new model XDS series,and maybe many ppl are intersted in this model.I've got XDS3102AV with fulll options,including the touch panel LCD,WiFi,multi-meter,Battery and 25MHz Dual Channels Arbitrary/Function Generator from OWON CHINA directly as the sample.As you know,all measurement equipments' companies don't disclose the detailed info,not like HAM Radio equipments usually disclose the schematic etc.So some descriptions here includes my guess.Only I compared 3 equipments' RIGOL MSO/DS1000Z series,Siglent SDS1000X series,and this OWON XDS3000 series,there are diffrent features each other,how to do sampling to the memory,and how to do refresh the display's memory.I'd like to introduce the identified features,but I think,this XDS3102AV has VGA port,and if you desire,you can put the lithium battery into it,tell the truth it only osc w/battery model which has the some extent good refresh rate(max declared as 75000wfm/s) at this price range.(Now Micsig Tablet osc is exceptional like TO1104)Now I am satisfied with the performance,I can say,not bad at all.How to set up the PC-Based software,installing the USB driver,preparing for the wired LAN set-up,these are not like RIGOL's and Siglent's.Maybe you have to take a time to do those procedures.In my case,when I received it,I was struggling to set them up.You can measure the refersh rate,if you set up the rear panel's CH2 as the trigger out,even though you purchase 2CH 25MHz Arbitrary/Function Generator option.OWON declares that the maximum display refresh rate is 75000wfm/s.But the actual refresh rate unfortunately rather down for some reasons.This tendency is not only about OWON osc occasion,but other like RIGOL DS1000Z series and Siglent SDS1000X series are also same tendency.For instance,Signal Generator 100MHz sinewave,-10dBm(200mVp-p,50ohm load)at the short memory depth 1000points,the actaul refresh rate was 45000wfm/s by measuring the universal counter,but the result is best among others.
Very recently OWON explains how to install the USB driver of PC-Based software,bacause the USB driver doesn't spontaneously be installed.The way itself is not difficult,if you be accustomed to do it.Nevertheless,some people might have asked.
(the attached passive probes' compensation software)
OWON XDS3000 Series n-in-1 DSO
You can download the Quick Guide and User's Manual.
All oscilloscope has pros and cons,but XDS3102AV relatively good,at least not bad at all.I did make SDR Transceiver and ARM Based FM Tuner/MP3 Player etc,and no problem at all to measure RF signals,such as VFO and the local oscillators.I like also vacuum tube transcivers and I made the several accesorries like anti-drifting system of the analogue VFO,while checking the logic IC 4060 like that.If you are accustomed how to use the digital oscilloscope,you can do it effectively!!
I have XDS3102AV with full options as demo,so I'd like to explain the performance.
XDS3102AV is a multifunctional oscilloscope,100MHz 2CH model.I was using it confortably with full options(13200mA Battery/VGA/Touch Panel/WiFi/DMM(Digital Multi Meter)/2 Channels' 25MHz Arbitrart/Function Generator/Serial Decode I2C,SPI,RS232(UART)/Serial Decode CAN)
(Refresh Rate/declared as max 75000wfm/s)
Same as other digital oscilloscopes,like same range Siglent SDS1000X seriies and new XDS1202X-E,the display refresh rate is relatively fast.(The actual refresh rate of XDS3102AV at 50ns/div,draw type dots was around 45000wfm/s as I've confirmed.Even time base 2ns/div.maintains around 23000wfm/s.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZ-Au-OxgiQ show #4 -Refresh Rate
OWON XDS3102AV Sweep sine wave 0kHz-100MHz -14dBm(50ohm load)/ Persist OFF/Sweep time 30ms -10s
OWON XDS3102AV Sweep sine wave 0kHz-100MHz -14dBm(50ohm load)Persist 1second /sweep time 30ms -10s
(PC-Based software/Now the newest version is ver.1.2.0)you can connect to PC both LAN and USB.
(One of the example how to measure)
For instance,when you maintain the receiver and transceiver,you can use XDS3102AV effectively.
(1)CH1 for TP(Test Point) of the PCB/50ohm coaxial lead with 50ohm load
(2)CH2 for the ordinary measurement with 10:1 passive probe(you can modify the cable length of the earth line,if you desire)
(3)If you buy the option(DMM/Digital Multi-Meter),and prepare for the several terminals,you can measure with various way.
(XDS3102AV has the decode options (1)I2C/SPI/RS232 and (2)CAN)
I2C decoding
Address Trigger(address 7bits only/address hex 6E found/Read)set the address as decimal
SPI decoding
Settings>>>CH1 SCK/CH2 SDA/Data Bits 8bits/LSB First/ClockEdge fall/Data H
Altough it is 2CH model,but LSB First or MSB First both are available.
RS232 Decoding(RS232C/422/485)/UART Decoding this time
Condition START
Condition DATA (hex C2 found/should be set as decimal 194)
CAN decoding
(Pop-up key pad menu)
It is convenient to set the phase like below.and more..if you can set the frequency of Arbitrary/Function Generator(2CH 25MHz) as the option up to 1Hz!! It is innevitable function for especailly HAM Radio Operators and RF professionals to set the generator's frequency at just 10.000000MHz.(Some osc only can do set the frequency up to 10.0MHz only 3 digits,even SG of Keysight 1000X series)XDS3102AV's 2CH generators have relatively good off-sets value,if you set as 10MHz,the actual frequency is like 9.999998MHz.As you know,if you have experienced to make DDS signal generator with the internal clock,you have to calibrate the frequency by the software,and make the frequency output as precise as possible.Other osc's set up frequency is rather not precise,compared to XDS3102AV.So if you hope to set the frequency just at 10.000000MHz,what do you do? Yes,actually you can!! If you set the frequency at 10.000002MHz,you can set the frequency just at 10.000000MHz!! this kind of key pad is innevitable,if you handle SDR's center frequency,and you test something with the signal generator.Now Siglent also uses the same kind of the technique.Owon is the first company to exploit the virtual key pad,as long as I know.At least you have to buy the digital oscilloscopes,which has such a key pad.
set 10MHz/400mVp-p of CH1
measured above with 50ohm load(almost 200mVp-p)
Then measure the actual frequency by the frequency counter which is controlled by GPS receiver,and make a correct value,and make it output just 10.000000MHz!!
Even at the newest firmware,the actual frequency 9.999998MHz,still quite nice,so change the frequency set to 10.000002MHz
You can correct,and do set up just to 10.000000MHz!!
(Plz remember,the impedance of CH1 and CH2 outputs is 50ohm.just like the ordinary SSG.
(The alternate trigger mode)
XDS3102AV has the alternate trigger mode.Other oscilloscopes,the display refresh rate is more than 30000wfm/s,don't have the alternate trigger mode.I don't know the reason why,but Trigger as "ALT" is usually needed.
10.000000MHz sine wave/CH1 and CH2/400mVp-p open(200mVp-p with 50ohm load)
You can measure the frequency of both 1CH and 2CH at the same time.If you hope to compare the different digital oscilloscope's display refresh rate,it is so convenient.(If you measure the phase,should be back to normal trigger)
You can purchase VGA-HDMI converter
(Frequency counter sensitivity)around 4mVp-p nice
(Vertical sensitivity) up to 1mV/div
(25MHz Arbitray/Function Generator)you can purchase as the option,1CH or 2CH(I selected 2ch)
(Caution)50MHz Generator is no longer available,even you select XDS3102V,instead you select 1CH 25MHz SG option now
Now added to the function setting up the phase.(It is a bit tricky,you have to set phase several times,like pushing the ""lock phase buttun"",but it works.Plz be patient!!
(Intensity Grading)It is a kind of downsides,maybe 8 grading.you again see the youtube.sweep signals view!
(DMM)4000 counts digital multi-meter.if you hope to use the external current probe which I am selling,it is nice,the downsides are also up there,the function measuring the capacitors,the range of which is like 100pF to 10uF.you take care by the other LC meter.
we can change the unit from V to A,you can measure the current of SDR transceiver SDR-1000 with the current probe!!
(Vertical resolution so-called adjust fine is not implemented)
It means you can't change the resolutioon like 52mV/div.I don't use adjust fine even with the other oscilloscope,but you should know.
(Android application with WiFi option)
I am trying to say about WiFi option.Maybe someone might be interested in it,as I do.There are 2ways,LAN AP and LAN STA.About LAN STA,it uses your wireless router,and establish the connection to the oscilloscope.Encryption is okay with WPA.Another method is LAN AP,the osc itself can be WiFi access point.You are not necessarily setting up the encrypted AP,I think.With LAN AP,you can easily use the application software of the android tablet.The refresh rate of the application itself rather faster than PC software,though,the rate is not like osc,the actual rate is 10wfm/s.But it is almost same as USB-Based Oscilloscope PICO 3000series.Getting massive sampling,and avoiding aliasing at most case,and getting compromised refresh rate.In some case,you don't need Touch Panel Option,becasue you can control XDS by this android tablet's touch panel function,for instance can be enlarged the view of the waveform.(remote control is limited,but useful)
Also you can use Amazon Fire and Fire HD8!!
(FFT mode)you can use the persit!!
(You can record the waveforms to the external USB flash memory,and you can play it back !!)
(AM modulation)okay up to 50MHz