Dreamers Fields -Eigo de blog!

I’m lerning English now!

Japanese wisteria blossoms

2014-05-04 22:04:45 | What is Today.

It is held Fujioka Fuji( wisteria blossoms) Festival at Fuji no Saku Oka in Fujioka city,Gunma.

There is some kinds of wisteria.

And under the wisteria trellis, it was the scent of the wisteria.

It was really good!

So, bees came there! 

It is held untill 11th, May.

Constitution Day

2014-05-03 20:10:50 | What is Today.

It is Constitution Day today.

These days, Japan's constitution is a matter of controversy whether it should be amended.

I think it should be amended.

It has been changed scince 1947.

Some articles are out of date.

However, the article 9 shouldn't be amended.

The article 9 is the nucleus of the peace constitution.

We need the 'no-war' constitution.

What do you think?


2014-04-07 23:09:05 | What is Today.

I watched NHK news show.

Then they told about KAMIKAZE mission.

Many young people died by KAMIKAZE mission.

Some countries think Japan is being right wing.

But, I want to tell you.

Japan NEVER break a war.

Japan NEVER enter a war.

No one is happy by war.

Sakura Festival

2014-04-05 23:53:06 | What is Today.

I went to the Cherry Blossoms Festival

at the Japan Self-Defence Forces Shinmachi Camp in Takasaki City.

It is few chance to be able to enter the site of the Japan Self-Defence Forces.

There was not only the Japan Self-Defence Forces branch stores,

but civic groups also set up a branch.

And we could see an inspection parade or a simurlation excercise or so on.

So, there was very beautiful cherry blossoms.

Many people came to there!

No Supporters, No Audience in the Stadium

2014-03-24 23:47:13 | sports

Yesterday, J1 league, the match,

Urawa vs Shimizu was no audience match.

That cause that a part of Urawa supporters put up a banner of like racial discrimination.

Then J-League gave heavy punishment to Urawa.

I think supporters' voice is very important in a game.

However, the day was no supporters.

We should not make that situation.

It is not only "racial discrimination", but it also is "Hooligan".

We don't go to a stadium for violence.

We go to there for enjoying football game, right?

We have to make an environment of enjoying footbal game.

Supporters have that function.


2014-03-21 17:08:24 | What is Today.

It was held a comedy show "Fujiokaminkan" at the Mikabo Mirai Kan in Fujioka city.

It was held by Ankanminkan.

Ankanminkan is a performing duo. They are living in gunma.

They hold solo chomedy show each 35 city, town and villege in Gunma.

Then this time was 6th time.

First, they performed a skit like an opening ceremony. :)

It was really funny!

Next they performed a team comic dialogue.

Its idea was Fujioka city.

It was REALLY FUNNY, too! :)

And they performed skits, team comic dialogues and solo skit.

An audience was laughing from beginning to end.

If you have an oppotunity, you will go Ankanminkan's comedy show!

Next their show is in Tatebayashi on April, 20th!

Past 3 Years.

2014-03-11 23:11:39 | What is Today.

We NEVER forget.

It hit the East Japan Great Earthquake 3 years ago.

The great earthquake and great tsunami hit wide area on the coast of the Pacific Ocean 

from Tohoku to Kanto region.

The great earthquake took lots of people's life.

A part of disaster area is restored.

However, many disaster area have not been restored yet.

Especially, City, Towns and Villeges Around the Fukushima first Nuclear Plant are.

We volunteers are needed.

Restorations and Revivals are continuing.

Advance one step at a time.

Advance together.

Advance to the future.

Fujioka minkan

2014-03-07 21:42:26 | What is Today.

What's "Fujioka minkan"?

It's the Ankanminkan's solo comedy show in Fujioka city, Gunma.


It's held at 2 P.M. on the March, 21.

Advance tickets selling : 1000 yen
Tickets sold on the Day : 1500 yen


If you buy the Advance tickets selling, please send an e-mail to ynn47_gunma@gmail.com and

write name and how many tickets you want.

Heavy Snow

2014-02-18 23:04:00 | What is Today.

1 week ago, it snowed heavily in Gunma.

It snowed 33cm in Maebashi.

But, last weekend, it snowed 72cm in Maebashi!

It was the deepest snow in 118 years.

It was crazy snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Traffic was snowbound in Kanto region.

And many communities are isolated in Gunma, Yamanashi, Saitama, Tokyo and Shizuoka now.

Self-Deffence Force of Japan remove snow and carry backup supplies.


2013-09-08 22:08:28 | sports

IOC decided to hold the Olympic Games in 2020 that was

Tokyo, Japan!


We can see the Olympic Games in Tokyo!

I wanna watch marathon and football!

Then, we have to improve many problem.

Reviving, decontamination of redioactive material etc...

But we can do that!

Because we are Japanese!