Dreamers Fields -Eigo de blog!

I’m lerning English now!

Comedy Show in Maebashi!

2013-09-07 00:14:12 | What is Today.

Comedy duo Ankanminkan, living in Gunma, had their own the first comedy show in An-naka city last month.

I saw that. That was really funny show!

And they announced who will have their comedy show at 35 cities, towns and villages in Gunma.

Then, they have the scond comedy show in Maebashi on 16th, September!

The place is the Maebashi national exchange hall (Maebashi kokusai kouryu hiroba hall).

Admission fee is 1000 yen (advance ticket).

If you want to watch and laugh, please send an e-mail to Ankanminkan.

Please send name and the number of ticket.

E-mail Address is ynn47.gunma@gmail.com !

The tittle is " Maebashiminkan "

16th, September

Open : 3:30 PM

Start : 4 PM


2013-07-04 22:46:43 | What is Today.

An election of the menber of the House of Councillors was announced today.

And the election campaign has started.

A voting day is on the July, 21st.

Let's go to vote!

One canidate made a speech in front of Takasaki Station.

I was taking STEP Pre1 lesson then.

Candidates have a right to electioneer.

However, we have a right to take a lesson quietly.

We have a right to live quietly.

We have a right to work quietly.


We don't want to hear only candate name.

I think that is crazy campaign.

Please think "reasonable campaign".

Comedy Live in Annaka

2013-06-22 22:50:29 | What is Today.

Ankanminkan, a comedy team linving in Gunma, have a comedy show by themselves first time.

The title is "Annakaminkan".

They have it at the Annaka Culture Centre Hall.

It's started at 4 P.M. on August, 10.

The charge is 1000 yen advance selling, 1500 yen a ticket on the day.

detail :  http://anmin.laff.jp/blog/2013/05/post-e533.html

Rainy season.

2013-05-29 22:55:16 | What is Today.

The rainy season has begun in Kanto region.

It is keeping great humidity days for a month.

I can't run rainy day.

I think it's a good rest day.

However, I'll feel bad condition when it is for several days.


2013-05-25 09:03:03 | What is Today.

I watched a comedy show in Maebashi yesterday.

That was "Gun-gun Live".

Four comedians appeared on the stage.

They were Onecussion, Seki Asshi, Sakura Waniko and Ankanminkan.

They were active in Gunma.

They played thier stand-up comedies or comic dialogues or comic short plays.

They were really funny!

I wanna go next time!

My thought

2013-05-21 21:10:27 | What is Today.

I don't make an effort.

I think that "making an effort" is to reach own real limit

and going to exceed that.

Then I don't make an effort.

I'm walking to my goal step by step.

I'm learning anything day by day.

You say it is an effort.

Suit yourself.

I don't think it is an effort.

That's all.

Comedy Live Show in Maebashi

2013-03-01 23:19:17 | What is Today.

I watched a comedy live show "Gun Gun Live" today.

It was held by comedians living in Gunma at the Kousai Koryu Hiroba,

the National Exchanging Hall, in Maebashi.

Onecushin, Sakura Waniko and Ankanminkan were apearance on the stage.

They are living in Gunma.

Ankanminkan played a comic dialogue and a skit.

Sakura Waniko played a stand up comedy.

Onecushon played two skits.

At last, they played a skit together.

Their stage was really funny!

An audience laughed loudly!

They hold next live on May 10th in May.

I recomend you!

Too Bad!

2013-01-11 21:43:10 | What is Today.

I caught the flu on Monday.

I didn't vaccinate against influenza.

Then I have got better.

So, the flu is going around in Japan.

The Infectious Disease Surveillance Center said a flu epidemic in Gunma was alart level.


2013-01-01 00:28:23 | What is Today.

Welcome 2013!


A lot of things happened for me last year.

Specially, I retired voluntarily by one of structural reform.

Then, I entered other company in December.

I hope to have good year.

I ask for your continued acquaintance.

J2 vs Fagiano Okayama

2012-10-22 09:27:09 | sports

Thespa Kusatsu matched with Fagiano Okayama on October 21st.

It was a night game. So, it was a little bit cold.

But, the game was very hot!

Matsushita and Kumabayashi, key players of Thespa, accumulated 4 yeallow cards and couldn't apear this match.

And Nakamura, also key player, got a red card at last game and couldn't apear this match.

However, Yamamoto and Inui served a fiction, nevertheless They had small chance to participate.

Yamamoto was a attaking cardinal point with Sakurada.

Inui was a deffeding cardinal point with Mikuriya.

And Thespa's players shot at the goal gracelessly.

Then Alex Rafael, Thespa Kusatsu FW, scored!

Finally, Thespa Kusatu beat Fagiano Okayama with a score of 1 to 0.


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ShMhc3PIiEU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>