The education ministry says,
Children at elementary and junior high schools in Japan have been missing more and more of their lessons.
Nearly a quarter of a million were absent for long periods in the past one year.
That's 25 percent more than in the year before, and it's an increase for the ninth year in a row.
Ministry officials analyze,
More than 590,000 children were infected, then that leaded to many class and school closures.
Restrictions at schools may have influenced children's lives and relationships with their friends.
And this could have sapped their willingness to attend classes.
An education specialist says,
This situation may become a gateway to various difficulties such as hikikomori, loneliness and isolation.
I remember the early days of corona,
It’s said the risk of dying among the elderly people was a serious problem.
But corona infection has been going on for such a long time,
these long-absent children are a more important problem.
I wonder what kind of adults they will grow up to be,