Undergraduate Level ↑ 学びたい科目名で検索してください。
The Open University ← 学びたい科目名で検索してください。
creating an ethical organisation
equity finance ⇒ private equity, venture, cross listing, delisting, public equity
1.1 equity instrument ⇒capital asset pricing model(CAPM), dividend valuation models,ordinary shares, preference shares, share warrants
1.2 staying private ⇒ private equity, venture capital
1.3 going public ⇒ IPO, underwriting, lead bank, road show, book building
1.4 seasoned equity seasoned or secondary equity offering(SEO), right issue
1.5 cross-listing
1.6 equity-buybacks, delisting and reversion to a private company
1.7 monitoring equity performance
financial markets context ⇒ perfect market, efficient market, efficient market hypothesis(EFH)
2.1 market context
2.2 perfect and efficient market ⇒ random walk theory
2.3 efficient market hypothesis(EMS) ⇒ denial of technical analysis symmetrical judgement;herd;churn/under or over react/ small firm effect(small cap effect) January effect, mean reversion
on corporate governance governance failures; shareholder activism; rating agencies
introducing corporate finance external stakeholders, governance, gearing
introduction to the context of accounting
investment risk risk aversion, discounted cash flow, net present value
project management: the start the project
strategic view of performance