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Film Production and Analysis

7 Stages of Film Production: Development/Pre-Production/Production/Principal Photography/Wrap/Post-Production/Distribution
wrap :finish shooting
kind of the film
original, adaptation, allegory, based on true story
bio-pic :biographical film, court-room film
tragedy and comedy, metaphor
revenge play, avenger: people who take revenge
credit :text appearing scene
kind of the character
protagonist: main character of a story
antagonist, fictional and real character
heroes and villains
archetypal(original) character
kind of acting
monologue and declamation
aesthetically: appreciation of art and beauty
depict: produce a picture of
dub :acting of putting a new soundtrack, overture:前奏
plot :story of the film, novel: secret plan to do something
review of the film
blockbuster: a book or movie that is very successful
epic : long poem, book, film;
adj. very impressive ;usually large scale costly film
spoil :damage, harm the character
Theatre Production Process
Melbourne Theatre Company's 3 stages: Planning/Development/Presentation
They say acting has the same 3 stages.
there is "bump in"in the presentation. it means  to prepare stage setting, clothing, souding, lighting and so on.
Theatre Production(Lion Heart Theatre)'s  8 stages
Find a Script
Figure Out (assigning title; rough budget; initial interpretation-artistic design)
Choreography : composition of steps and movement for dancing 振付
Rehearsals(read through/blocking, deciding the move of actors/rehearsals, dress rehearsals at last) 
block the scene: deside what is to be showing  
Publicity and Opening Night
Trailers with key words or analysis
The Wizard of OZ (1939)
Singin in the Rain (1952) 
The Towering Inferno (1974)
All the President's Men (1976) 大統領の陰謀
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) written and directed by Steven Spielberg 1946-,  aesthetically, extraterrestrial mothership, unidentified
flying object: UFO
Gandhi (1982) 
Field of Dreams (1989) 
Awakenings (1990)
Ghost (1990)
Sleepless In Seattle (1993)Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, a journalist in
Baltimore and an architect in Seattle, directed by Nora Ephron
The Firm (1993)
Forrest Gump (1994)
The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 
Contact (1997) Contact(1997) - Ellie's Journey to Vega atheist:エイシスト,
atheism, Eureka Moment : a moment of sudden inspiration
Deep Impact (1998) astronomer, astronaut(cosmonaut), martial law,
eschew : avoid, blissfully, bliss : perfect happiness,
apocalyptic-apocalypse : end of the world
archetypal-archetype : original model
You've Got Mail (1998) Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, an independent bookshop for kids and a chain of mega bookstores, directed by Nora Ephron(1941-2012), written by Nora and Delia Ephron, Nora diagnosed with AML(acute myeloid leukemia 急性骨髄性白血病) in 2006
The Siege (1998)
NOTTING HILL (1999) Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant
Final Destination (2000) disruptive premonition
Red Planet (2000) algae, pasture, cocoon, jettison, extravaganza, astounding
Billy Elliot (2000) directed by Stephen Daldry, deceptive simplicity, eschewed(avoided) clinches, scab :blackleg, coal miners strike in 1984, Billy(Jamie Bell) living in a coal miner town in Durham County, Northern England, with patriarch and widowed father Jackie Elliot(Gary Lewis), elder brother and grandma, Billy ditched Boxing Class and secretly attending ballet class by Mrs. Wilkinson (Dame Julie Walters) , she found out his passion and talent, and Billy experienced to stumble and to be hindered but  finally he passed audition for the Royal Ballet School
Billy Elliot :Breaking Free (2001)
A Beautiful Mind (2001) story of John Nash (Russel Crowe),  schizophrenia
The Bank (2001)
Two Weeks Notice (2002)
Good Bye Lenin! (2003)
Radio (2003) mentally-disabled, penchant:偏愛する, confide:打ち明ける, heart attack:心臓麻痺, heart failure
Der Untergang (2004)
Doctor House (Fox 2004~2012)  Doctor House
Million Dollar Baby (2004) 
In Her Shoes (2005) 
Proof (2005) Review by Roger Ebert based on play by David Auburn,  Robert(Anthony Hopkins) and Catherine (Gwyneth Palthrow) , disambiguation, intimacy, lucidity, scribbles :careless writing ;meaningless marks, smother :kill by keeping air from ; suffocate
The Island (2005) plot summary of The Islands wearing tracksuits
Just Like Heaven (2005)  恋人はゴースト Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo
Kinky Boots (2005) directed by Julian Jarrold based on true story, Northampton shoe factory, Charie Price(Joel Edgerton) and Lora(Chiwetel Ejiofor), heft, stiletto(high narrow heel) , supercilious: looking down on others, former fiancee Nicola is snotty and supercilious, one of about-to-be-laid-off employees, a young woman named Lauren persuade Charie to look out(carefully watch) for  interests of the company's loyal, hardworking employees and find a niche market, drag queen  Lora support them to success
The Pursuit of Happiness (2006) Chris Gardner (Will Smith)
Dreamgirls (2006) 
The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
Across the Universe (2007)
THE BUCKET LIST (2007) Carter(Freeman) and Edward (Nicholson), being diagnosed with terminal cancer, diagnose:診断結果告げる
Hairspray (2007) EK2023/09/24
Every Little Step (2008/2009)
Mao’s Last Dancer (2009) Mao's Last Dancer (2009) Li Cunxin (1961-)  arduous : difficult, banishiment:追放,  bewilder : puzzle, contempt : dislike, disregard,  dedication:献身、努力、diaparage:speak contemptuously, garner : collect, gruff : rough, pique(ピーク):hurt the pride of , trident : harsh, ; goo23/09/27
Avatar (2009)
District 9 (2009) 
The International (2009)
The Road (2009) 
Star Trek (2009)
Surrogates (2009) 
Taking of Pelham 123 (2009)
Monsters (2010)  Mexico's Infected Zone where the creatures reside
Salt (2010) trailer 2009/11; release in US 2010/07
Unknown (2010)Dr.Martin Harris (Liam Neelson) in Berlin
Battle:Los Angels (2011)
Contagion (2011) inspired by 2002-2004 SARS and 2009 flu pandemic, received renewed popularity in 2020 Covid -19 pandemic
Source Code (2011) Misson:8 minutes
Take Shelter (2011) Plot Ending Explained (This is Barry) be diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia,crack open, crypt : underground cell of a church, debris(ドウブリイ:残骸), intrigue : make interest or curious, pen : small enclosure, psychiatrist(サイカイアトリスト:精神科医), ;retract :withdraw, stumble :walk in, tad :a little, ;torrent :heavy downfall of rain, vomit :eject through mouth
42 (2012) written and directed by Brian Helgeland, Branch Rickey(Harrison Ford), Jackie Robinson(Chadwick Boseman) and Wendell Smith (Andre Holland), relent必死でなくなる, taunt声を出してからかう, authentic本物の
Cloud Atlas (2012) trailer 2 In Depth Film Analysis  six stories, three directors, known as the most expensive independent film, apex:頂点, apocalypic:終末についての, append:加える, atrocity:重大な犯罪, catalyst:触媒, causality:因果関係, culminate:極点に達する, entangle:巻き込まれる, ergo:従って, hypocritical:偽善的, insignia:紀章, martyr:殉教死, pertain:関係する, post-apocalptic:終末後の, predate, predator:捕食者, reincarnation:輪廻, revelation知らしめること stowaway:密航者
Gravity (2013) Review by Matt Zoler Seitz (Robert Ebert com)  dazzle :impress greatly, dizzy :mentally confused, flutter :nervous agitation ;move quickly, hiss :make a sound like a snake, majestic :stately ;greatness of rank or manner;maroon :abandon or isolate, psyche(サイキ):human mind or soul ;the mind or the deepest thoughts of a person ;shallow :not deep, spacefarer :astronauts and cosmonauts are sometimes known as spacefarers, sporadic :scattered, ;thruster :one that thrust(推進する) especially ;engine, tumble :fall awkwardly or violently
Jack the Giant Slayer (2013)
The Lunchbox (2013)
Olympus has fallen (2013) 
The Blacklist (2013~) crime thriller TV series aired on NBC since 2013 EK2024/01/14
The Terror Live (2013) South Korean action -thriller film, detonate :explode, erupt :eject ;burst, prank :mischievous trick
『弁護人(The Attorney)』(2013); South Korean courtroom drama film, brazen :shameless, confessions extracted using torture, detective, leniency, sedition(扇動)
Annie (2014)
Begin Again (2014) director John Carney later repeatedly criticized Keira Knightley's performance, his bad manner was so arrogant to be memorized in cinema history
Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
Interstellar (2014)
Lucy (2014) 
Princes of the Yen : Central Banks and the Transformation of the Economy (2014) Michael Oswald's film
PAN (2015) this film also known as received negative comments such as too much CGI, for an example
Selma (2015) a chronicle of Dr.Martin Luther King, Jrs' campaign to secure equal voting rights via an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, in 1965. Selma, extended trailer
The Intern (2015) written and directed by Nancy Meyers, Jules Ostin(Anne Hathaway) and Ben Whittaker (Robert De Niro), conceive:想像する, congeniality:同一の指向性, chauffer:運転手, convince :persuade, therapist
The Martian (2015)
Arrival (2016) Arrival Explained (This is Barry) ;Louise Banks (Amy Adams) decipher:解釈する, chopper :helicopter(coll.), impart :communicate;or give, impending:悪いことが起きる, offensive:攻撃的, perpendicular:調整された, physicist(フィズイシスト 物理学者)
Collateral Beauty (2016) Howard (Will Smith)  masquerade:仮装する, enigma:難問
Designated Survivor  ABC TV (2016~2018) Nf (2019) Designated Survivor in EK Kiefer Sutherland;
La La Land (2016) 
Miracles from Heaven (2016)
Miss Sloane (2016) directed by John Madden, Elizabeth Sloan, a cutthroat lobbyist
Passengers (2016) 
The Great Wall (2016) 
Ukraine on Fire (2016)
「君の名は。」(2016) Your Name (2017) 
『シン・ゴジラ』(2016) 'Shin Godzilla' (2016);
Why is Hillary Clinton So Controversial, NTW, Mar.23, 2016
Attraction (2017) extraterrestrial spaceship crash lands in the Chertanovo district of Moscow, Colone Vantin Lebedev and his daughter Yurina,
cordon off:非常線を張る、curfew:外出禁止、disguise:変装する、distract:興味が減る、 incognito:意図を隠す、interrogate:尋問する, intersteller:星の間の、provoke:怒りを煽る、rampage:乱暴する、retrieve:回復する
LIFE (2017) LIFE explained(This is Barry), extraterrestrial life, intercept:輸送の中断, devour, dormant:不化活性, vent, coolant:冷却材, decay, Sanada Hiroyuki
Marshall (2017)
Please Stand By (2017) Wendy(Dakota Fanning) Scottie(Toni Collette) Audrey(Alice Eve)  autistic:自閉症の;prodigy:有能な人, scour:磨く
THE GOOD DOCTOR (2017~) The Good Doctor  American medical drama based on the 2013 South Korean TV series, developed by David Shore who is  creator of the Fox medical drama House, stars Freddie Highmore as Shawn Murphy who is a young autistic surgeon with savant syndrome.EK2024/01/03
The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017) best moment
The Post (2017)
The Space between Us (2017) Trailer 2
Why Japan's Homeless are different from North America's Part 1, Aug.16, 2017
Attraction (2018) extraterrestrial spaceship, solar system, meteor shower
The Cloverfield Paradox (2018);クローバーフィールドパラドックスから考える新たな仮説 film-log 2018/10/14 クローバーフィールドに登場したナゾの怪獣についての考察 (怪獣島)2020/06/22
Extinction (2018) 
GREEN BOOK (2018) Green Book in Wiki Don W. Shirley 1927-2013 and Tony Lip 1930-2013
Hunter Killer (2018) directed by Donovan Marsh. The USS Tampa Bay submarine lost contact in the operation following a Russsian submarine. Pentagon sent the USS Arkansas led by Captain Joe Glass(Gary Oldman) and a SEALs team to investigate. They found a cout d'etate by the Russian defense minister and decided to rescue the Russian President to avoid a nuclear war. The story is very rough, so the some parts are unreasonable but it is interesting Russians are described basically rational people in this film.
Robin Hood (2018) American action-adventure film directed by Otto Bathurst, stars Taron Egerton as Robin Hood, Jamie Foxx as Little John, the film received terrible negative reviews.  It is interesting how this film became the biggest box office bomb of 2018
Shock and Awe (2018) Knight-Ridder, John Walcott, weapons of mass destruction, barrel :move or progress rapidly, blatant :obvious, cherry-picking 都合のよいところだけ取る, gullible :easily tricked, paint-by-number(s):lack of original thought or creativity, perpetrator(加害者)victim or aggrieved被害者
criminal 犯罪者、違反者offender
Spider-man : into the the spider-verse (2018)
The Guilty (2018) Danish thriller film
Ad Astra (2019) Review by Brian Tallerio (Roger Ebert com)  ad astra
(天空へ 星々へ) BPO :beat per minute心拍数, calibrate :make the scale or check the accuracy, devastate :destroy, imperfect :having faults or mistake, interstellar :between or among stars, masculine: relating to male,  nuance :subtle difference in color,  quest: long and difficult research, sumptuous :lavish and  magnificent, surge :sudden powerful increase
HOTEL MUMBAI (2019) True Story 2008 Mumbai attack at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in India
JUDY (2019)
RIDE LIKE A GIRL (2019) true story of Mitchelle Payne
The Best of Enemies (2019) in Durham over the issue of school integration
『天気の子』(2019) Weathering With You (2019)
Just Mercy (2019/2020)
Crash Landing on You (2019~2020) 愛の不時着
Attraction 2 (2020)
Épidémie (2020)- Canada TV series story of epidemic ostracized(除外された) and vulnerable, contagious disease, ruthless(情け容赦のない pitiless, merciless) adversary(enemy),  paranoia(mental illness, delusion of grandeur, persecution), credulity(安易に容易に信じること), greed(強欲)
I am Mother (2019) Nf 
WASP Network (2019/2020)
Into the Night (2020) Nf
The Banker (2020)
The Queen’s Gambit (2020) Nf The Queen's Gambit Beth Harmon, tranquillizer pills 
Vivarium (2020) Vivarium Explained(This is Barry) vivarium: an enclosure prepared for keeping animal alive for observation, ex. aquarium
blood parasite, parasitism, parasite(パラサイツ 寄生)
creepy :causing of feeling of fear or disgust, detest :dislike intensely, disgust :great loathing of distaste, horrendous :very unpleasant and shocking, insidious :subtle or unseen but dangerous, loathe :hate, mimic :imitate, proxy :authorized to act on behalf of someone, trap :device for catching animals
The Midnight Sky Nf Dec.2020 Good Morning, Midnight EK2023/10/01
The Secret: dare to dream (2020)
American Underdog (2021)
Everybody's talking about Jamie (2021) directed by Jonathan Butterell. Jamie (Max Hardwood) who is just sixteen year old in Sheffield has a secret dream of life on stage; as a drug queen. He is openly gay in school so frequently be ridiculed for that. But his single mother Margaret supported him with endless love. He also has his best friend Pretty Pasha who is harassed for being Muslim.
Diana: The Musical (2021) Nf directed by Christopher Ashley, book by Joe DiPietro, music and lyrics by David Bryan. Diana, Princess of Wales; born in 1961, married with Prince Charles in 1981, and they had two sons William and Harry. But Prince Charles continued affairs with Camila Parker Bowles, so Charles and Diana separated in 1992 and divorced in 1996. Diana died in Aug.31, 1997 by the car accident while the driver fleeing from the paparazzi in full speed.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha (2021)
Mr.Queen (2020-2021) 哲仁王后
Stowaway (2021)
The King's Affection (2021) 恋慕
A merry Cristmas wish (2022)  Jill Wagner and Cameron Mathison Catering Christmas (2022) Merritt Patterson and Daniel Lissing
Extraodinary Attorney Woo (2022)
Interceptor (2022) Nf
Marry Me (2022)
My Father's Violin (2022) Nf Babamin Kemani
The Adam Project (2022) Nf
Troll (2022) Nf
Godzilla minus one (2023)
Family Switch (2023) Nf
Heart of Stone (2023) Nf
King the Land (2023)
Leave the World behind (2023) Nf
The Night Agent (2023) Nf 
Captivating the King (2024)
Damsel (2024) Nf
Das Signal (2024) Nf
Fool me Once (2024) Nf
Testament: The Story of Moses (2024) Nf
3 Body Problem (2024) Nf
Avatar The Last Airbender (2024) Nf
Atlas (2024) Nf


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There’s that famous scene in the Marx brothers’ comedy classic Duck Soup where Harpo pretends to be a mirror image of Groucho by perfectly mimicking his movements. This trick features heavily in Last Night in Soho, as Wright flexes his considerable technical muscles by having Eloise and Sandie constantly switching between the foreground and a background mirror image. These subtle special effects are pulled off with amazing precision, and you really have to pay attention to who’s centre frame and how that plays into its complex, identity-toying storyline.

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The set-up is fun and compelling, the soundtrack is rammed with bangers by Cilla Black, Petula Clark and The Kinks, and McKenzie makes for a breezily empathetic lead. And yet there’s a point where the story jumps the shark, and suggestions of a deeper, more mature study into the workings of the mind, the architecture of dreams and even the dynamics of depression amount to little, as Wright and co-writer Krysty Wilson-Cairns lean far too heavily on the hoary whodunit?
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It was in October 2021, not long https://guardafilmanimestreaminginitaly.tumblr.com/ before It's the https://guardafilmcomedystreaminginitaly.tumblr.com/ Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown usually https://guardafilmhororstreaminginitaly.tumblr.com/ aired, that Apple TV+ obtained exclusive https://guardafilmadventurestreaming.tumblr.com/ rights to the Peanuts specials https://guardafilmcomedystreamingitaly.tumblr.com/ and thereafter they would only https://commedieitalianestream2021.tumblr.com/ be available on https://ver-eternals-online-espanol.tumblr.com/ that platform. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown would be available to Apple TV+ subscribers any time while it would be available free https://ver-pelicula-venom2-online-latin.tumblr.com/ to non-subscribers from October 30 to November 1 2020. The outrage on the part of fans of the Peanuts special was no small matter.
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The flashback segment has Michael Myers wearing a copy of the mask the killer wore in the original 1978 film. The mask bears an incredible resemblance to William Shatner’s Captain Kirk on Star Trek because that’s precisely the costume Carpenter used for the first appearance of The Shape. The Shape’s mask Ariaferma streaming ita, to the point where it became somewhat unique. However, the original movie’s mask still bears a remarkable resemblance to Captain Kirk, and it’s a nice touch that Halloween Kills respects the tradition and brings it back for the flashback section.
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Film Complet Gratis
顔文字の投稿 A college student or recent grad who wants a career in the great outdoors, you might want to point them in the direction of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore.

Thanks to a grant from the National Park Foundation, Sleeping Bear Dunes will be recruiting additional winter interns for the 2021/2022 season to assist with snowshoe field trips, weekend hikes, and virtual distance learning programs, park officials announced this week.

The internship starts the first week of January and spans about three months, according to a release. Work includes presenting virtual and in-person lessons and activities on topics such as ecology, the National Park Service mission, and local history. Interns may also help lead snowshoe hikes, and will create and post content on the park’s social media platforms.

The position is open to current college students and those who have graduated within the past two years. Internships in the National Park Service are designed to be stepping-stones to careers within the agency or a similar workforce, officials said.

More details on the internship program, and application information :

ostracized(除外された) and vulnerable, contagious disease, ruthless(情け容赦のない pitless,
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