

三原(みはら)「さつき祭り」 MIHARA City "Satsuki Festival"

2015年06月01日 | ふるさと四方山見聞記

ところで、今回は先の土日に行われた我が古里の初夏の祭りー「さつき祭り」-の模様をチョットだけご紹介しましょう。ただ、私は町内会の出店*のお手伝いをしなくてはならなかったのでほんの一部分のみですが、雰囲気はお分かりいただけると思います。    * 焼烏賊+焼とうもろこし+ソフトドリンク

Long time no see through FB, since March 2015. How have you been doing? I think that you are
hard to control your health condition due to recent unstable weather condition. Please take care
of your health control.
Anyway, at th is opportunity, I would like to  introduce highlights of an early-summer festi-val
ーso called "Satsuki-Matsuri"ーand which has been held on May-30 & 31 at my hometown. However, I had to support a food stand* of a block association of my residence areas. 
                * Grilled-squid+Grilled-corn+Soft-drink 

Therefore, I cannnot introduce the festival in detail, but it probably make you imagine atomos- phere of the festival. The first day was Saturday and it was a fine weather condition in the morning. But, there were many people even it was rain in the afternoon. So that, prepared foods
were sold out by 4pm. 
The next day, final day, more people than yesterday and the maximum ambient temperature reached 30℃. Prepared foods were also completely finished by 3:30pm, Wow ~~~\(^o^)/

 Food stand of my block association

      Many people along the food-stand-street

            Free marlket around the culture center ”Popolo"

Main stage of the festival

           Air dome of Mihara-Daruma

                      Miniature train to make kids excite

Guide dog campaign

          Please take care of Pets till the last

                      It's important National Defence but.......

                                              they are also Japanese citizens...


Then, see you in future !!!   Sampai berjumpa lagi !!!