朝日記230921 旅の音楽絵画集11編と今日の絵と今日の絵
その2 旅のこと
朝日記 これからポーランドの旅(3) 音楽絵画No.462「ポーランドスケッチの旅」 公開
Asanikki210130 Chopin's Waltz , and Hello Dear Dad
その1 旅のこと
(from朝日記 161125 旅の音楽絵画5編と 今日の絵 )
朝日記 161125 旅の音楽絵画5編と 今日の絵
旅の音楽絵画のコレクションです。 ヴァリエーション版とオリジナル版で別の音楽です。
各5編を用意しました。 ご覧ください。絵はhomage of Beckmannからふたつです。
旅のスケッチです。 ご覧ください。
徒然語こと 1 旅の音楽絵画 オリジナル版
その1 北海道道南・道央の旅 のコピー
variation with Babble Bath musi,北海道道南・道央の旅 のコピー
2016/07/21 に公開
説明This is No.218 of Ongaku Kiaga, where drawing sketchies at south and cetral Hokkaido are placed. Lavenders are fully bloomed and aquangres are vividly seen. Sapporo, Otaru, Asahikawa(Biei, Aoi-Ike, Oonuma), Noboribetsu-Lake Tohya-ko,
Showa Shinzan(New Volcano ), Yunokawa, Hakodate.
We used, for back way,Hokkaido Shinkansen, which has inaugurationed run service on the this March. While a lady got
down on the ground and be away from the flock, every things has run splendidly, including weather and food and drink. It wa a very nice journey.
Miusic covering is 'Bubble Bath', presented by YouTube.
その 2 飛騨高山冬の旅
No 278variation‐2016飛騨高山冬の旅
2016/01/14 に公開
This is No.278 of Ongaku Kaiga where a winter bus journey over Hida and Kiso route. Snow view is less, there was warmer and gentle atmosphere. Have a look at this stream here.
Claude Debussy's Salut Pringtemps!(We sing to Spring).
その 3 仙台 七夕
№ 263variation先仙台七夕 のコピー
2015/08/12 に公開
説明 This is shot from my summer trip of Tanabata fest of Sendai.
I thanks for YouTube who provides music covering of Bike Rides,The Green Orby.
Have a fun.
その4 函館 早春
No 248variation-Hakodate early spring-whispering hope
2015/04/03 に公開
We, 8 of us, had a happy family trip over Hakodate, Hokkaido in the end of March.
Thanks God, the weather is very nice. There is the Spring coming.
Food is excellent. I had then 30 of quick drawings, and so, this time No,248 Ongaku Kaiga are presented here. Music covering is Whispering hope by Leon Van Dyke.
その5 初島
No 213(Variation Allesandro Scarlatti Toccata in C major)Hatsu shima2014 3
2014/03/06 に公開
This is No.213 Musico Art Collage, where Hatsu-shima of Atami is in drawings stream.
Have an enjoy of them.
Music are Toccata in C major [ Alessandro Scarlatti Opera per Tastier] by Alexander Weimann.
(from Beckmann autography)
徒然語こと 2 旅の音楽絵画 ヴァリエーション版
その 1 北海道道南・道央の旅
No 318北海道道南・道央の旅
2016/07/21 に公開
説明This is No.218 of Ongaku Kiaga, where drawing sketchies at south and cetral Hokkaido are placed. Lavenders are fully bloomed and aquangres are vividly seen. Sapporo, Otaru, Asahikawa(Biei, Aoi-Ike, Oonuma), Noboribetsu-Lake Tohya-ko,
Showa Shinzan(New Volcano ), Yunokawa, Hakodate.
We used, for back way,Hokkaido Shinkansen, which has inaugurationed run service on the this March. While a lady got
down on the ground and be away from the flock, every things has run splendidly, including weather and food and drink. It wa a very nice journey.
Miusic covering is 'Amber Sea', by Jaap Rimlocks.
その 2 飛騨高山冬の旅
No 278original‐2016飛騨高山冬の旅
2016/01/14 に公開
This is No.278 of Ongaku Kaiga where a winter bus journey over Hida and Kiso route. Snow view is less, there was warmer and gentle atmosphere. Have a look at this stream here.
その 3 仙台 七夕
№ 263 仙台七夕
2015/08/11 に公開
説明 This is shot from my summer trip of Tanabata fest of Sendai.
I thanks for my brother sumio arai who provides music covering.
Have a fun.
その 4 函館 早春
No 248Hakodate early springマイ ムービー
2015/04/03 に公開
We, 8 of us, had a happy family trip over Hakodate, Hokkaido in the end of March.
Thanks God, the weather is very nice. There is the Spring coming.
Food is excellent. I had then 30 of quick drawings, and so, this time No,248 Ongaku Kaiga are presented here.
その 5 初島 早春
No 213Hatsu shima2014 3
2014/03/05 に公開
This is No.213 Musico Art Collage, where Hatsu-shima of Atami is in drawings stream.
Have an enjoy of them.
Music are Yassie's performance to the following two; Non t'amo piu by Tosti and Du bist die Ruh by Schubert.
(from Max Beckman Quappi in gray)