Asanikki 220301 Index for Yasumasa Arais Asanikki pages
荒井康全 朝日記記事への案内インデックス です。
This is written
as manuscript for Arai work page at homepage of
The Society of Integrated Knowledge, Japan.
Personal matter: 氏名 生年月日 経歴 |
簡単な経歴(英文) (Personal Careers Briefing ,written on 2017/5/10) 荒井康全 上席化学工学技士 東京都町田市南つくし野
Yasumasa Arai Senior Professional Chemical Engineer 4-11-22 Minami-Tsukishino, Tokyo, Japan January 5,1938, born in Kawasaki, Kanagawa,Japan Male, Japanese Married (Professional degrees) 1960 Bachelor of Marine Engineering, Tokyo University of Merchantile Marine. 1964 Master of Engineering(Mechanical Engineering) , The University of Tokyo, 1969-1971 Master of Science(Chemical Engineerin), University of Wisconsin 1979- member of Chemical Engineering Scociety of Japan. 1979- member of Japan Society of Chemistry 1960- member of Japan Mechanical Engineering Society 2010- Senior Professional Registered Chemical Engineer 2012- member of Society of Multi-disciplinary Knowledge. (Professinal careers) 1964-1998 Researcher and Director, Computational Science and Engineering Laboratory , Showa Denko K.K. 1993-1998 Chair of investigation project team to Computor Chemistry National Project ( Ministry of Economic, Technology and Industry) , joined with 60 companies, which had successfully reached to realization as Doi’s ” Octa Project of polymer designs plathome” ,started on 1998). 1998-2002 Director of Liaison Office to International and Domestic Community, Musashi Institute of Technology 1989-1998 Chair of National Project Preparation for Computer Chemistry Investigation, at extent office of the Government 2002-2005 Professor, Knowledge System Engineering, Resource Chemical Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology. (Writings, which is sum up ) Papers 18, lecture and presentation 17, Seminar and symposium director 10, journal articles 12, Publishing and Public report(in cluding as coauthor) 7, textbook 1 |
Interesting field 興味分野 |
(Interesting Fields) Natural /Social phenomana, process and quality modelings. Philosophy of Science and Technology Drawing and Painting Art (Social Connections(member)) 1960s- Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Japan Society of Chemical Engineers Japan Society of Chemist 1995- NPO HEART (Human Environment Activity Research Team)(人間環境活性化研究会) (2004-2009 Director) 2012- The Society of Multi-Disciplinary Knowledge(総合知学会) ~~~~ See Arais art world and essays as follows: by the following SNS Keywords: Yassie arai, Asa-nikki, (as morning diary) Yassie arai, Ongaku kiga (as musico-art streaming) Yasumasa Arai, Facebook (as facebook) Yasumasa, YouTube (as musico-art treaming)
What "Integrated Knowledge" is; 総合知とは:
*Concept, need, potential contribution ability; 捉え方、必要性、貢献分野など |
小松昭英氏の「総合知、それは「複数の作業仮説が並存する知識体系」」に共鳴するものがあります。 基本的にはM.Weberの価値自由value freeつまり、研究者の動機はそのひとの興味という意味で価値が原動力であるが、対象を設定したら科学的に思考をすすめることの原則がまずは必要とおもう。 たとえば売春婦、戦争など、その社会が忌避しているから考えないということはその社会を情動だけの世界へと貶めるからです。 総合知は対象の単純な集合体ではない。必ず論理構造をもつ。基底のものの考えかた(哲学)が問われます。つまり知の構造と動的挙動(力学)の視点が問われます。 小生の観点は、以上の二点にあり、当学会の存在意味をここに求め、また参加したい。
His principal activity; 主要な 活動内容: *His principal writings; 主要論文、 著書、講演実績と要旨 *Matter on Nature, Social, Human arts proviews and Advocates for Social phenomena and philosophy and Literatures should-read and persons of profound recommmendings: 自然、社会、 人文科学の進展 および 官産学民の社会現象で特に主張、提言したい事項
*推薦図書や識者紹介 |
2014- Private Work project in terms of “System Thinking, Teleological Structure and Social Morality” (List and accesses to them; ) Philosophical critics written by myself: 朝日記190108 (酒神礼9) 話題 「哲学ごと いくつかの論文のリストと経歴」 朝日記230910 寄りそう倫理や社会道徳観などと今日の絵Amazon Book Reviews written by myself ; 朝日記180708 あらいやすまさ氏のAmazonブックレビューをご覧くださいと今日の絵 |
Links to; リンク |
Asanikki is collection of essays and artwork exhibitions both of Yasumasa Arai and his artist brother Sumika Tachibana. The following is presented as its introductory background of them (in English); 朝日記210611 Asanikki essays,Yasumasa Arai and Sumika Tachibana, Reader"s Index to. The following is narratives on Yasumasa Arai, myself;
(YASUMASA ARAI PAGES) 荒井康全のページ Asaniki 210611 Asanikki index (1 )朝日記インデックス 「酒神礼賛シリーズ」Autographic siries; Bucchus and Summer days, His brief bakground, and Amazon book review writings 「随想」Essays 20s essays to miscelaneous concerns 「旅のこと」Travelings Chopin, Hokkaido Asaniki 210611 Asanikki index (2 )朝日記インデックス the folloging items; 親しい友人との交信 Essays to Friends Kazuyoshi Takahashi, Keiya Fukuda, Sato Eiko, etc. 芸術活動 Art Essays 16 essays on Art views 音楽紙芝居・音楽絵画 Selection of Ongaku-Kamishibai and Ongaku-Kaiga 13 on movie pieces and talks
Asanikki 210611 Asaniki index(3) 朝日記インデックス the folloging items; Letters to the Prime Minister首相官邸への手紙 Political critics and Views政治評論 15 of notes as Topical, Donald Trump, Yuriko Koike, etc.
Asanikki210611 Asanikki index(4) 朝日記インデックス the folloging items; Critics of Philosophy 哲学評論 17s 0f notes as Gouinlock, Toqueville, ImmanuelKant, Heiddegar, Ruth Benedict, Hanna Arendt,etc.
Views from Philosophy of Science 科学哲学関係 7s of note on view, On papers 総合知学会投稿論文とアクセス Lists of Philosophy Writings Translation of several items 論文和訳 mainly from Stanford Encycopedia of Philosophyanna Michell Foucault(ミッシェル・フ―コ-), Alexius Meinong(A.マイノング), John Stuart Mill(J.S.ミル), Collective Responsibility(集合体責任), Scientic Objectivity(科学的目的性(価値)) , And Techonocene(技術代), Further Addition of Articles below: Asaniki 210611 増補版 酒神礼賛(Autographic)シリーズ 2021-08-13 ~~~ You can also enjoy composite of Arais art world and essays also in follows: search either by use of the followin Keywords: Yassie arai, Asa-nikki (as morning diary) Yassie arai, ongaku kaiga (as musico-art streaming) Yasumasa Arai, Facebook (as facebook) Yassie arai, YouTube (as musico-art treaming)
(Social Connections(member)) 1960s- Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Japan Society of Chemical Engineers Japan Society of Chemist 1995- NPO HEART (Human Environment Activity Research Team)(人間環境活性化研究会) (2004-2009 Director) 2012- The Society of Multi-Disciplinary Knowledge(総合知学会)